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Guest Cerebus

The WCW Russo Era Drinking Game!

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Guest Cerebus

Drinking Game!


I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume after you read this you'll wantmake a list for our very own "WWE Era Drinking Game" so I'll start it out.


*Drink every time Booker T loses a match. Chug if he doesn't lose to HHH, Nash, or HBK.

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Guest Lightning Flik

*Drink anytime someone goes over Jericho. Chug if he's the one going over.

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Guest Eagan469

*down entire drink whenever you think HHH is going to job the title and doesn't*

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Guest Human Fly

Take 3 sips when announcers start talking about another angle or match totally unrelated to the match in the ring.

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Guest AndrewTS

2 drinks everytime JR sucks up to a Clique member.


1 drink for a JR double standard (i.e. face run ins are fine but heel run ins aren't, like Lita run ins or HBK costing Jericho the Rumble match.)

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Guest AM The Kid

3 sips for a 20 minute interview, chug if it includes triple h.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Every time JR uses the terms hoss, sloberknocker, whipped like a goverment mule or any other southern slang, take a drink.

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Guest AM The Kid

Drink anytime someone is shown backstage walking. 3 sips if JR makes a big deal out of it.


Drink for every production error.


Drink anytime JR has a bias towards Canadians.

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Guest AndrewTS

3 drinks anytime a contrived "magic contract" style eeking out is used in an angle.

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Guest Lightning Flik

*Take a swig when Flair does the verbal blowjob to Triple H.

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Guest RepoMan

Drink everytime someone shows up late, faking out the Coach or Lillian into beliveing it's a yet to arrive main-eventer. Chug if it's Fink that steps out of the car.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Drink everytime a cruiserweight fights a Hoss.

Chug if he actually wins.

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Guest CanadianChick

Take a drink every time JR calls RVD "unorthodox".

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Guest Lightning Flik

*Drink anytime a cruiserweight singles match goes over seven minutes. Chug if after that seven minutes it does not end with a miscellenous run in. (feud related run ins are sorta ok)


*Chug a case of beer should a cruiserweight feud last longer than a month.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Drink everytime a wrestler jobs in his hometown (or nation for non-Americans).

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Guest CanadianChick

Drink when King says "puppies"

Chug if he goes one show without saying "puppies"

Edited by CanadianChick

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Guest Mole

cerebus be careful, some tools might think your bragging ::coughbobbarroncough::

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Drink everytime a McMahon appears on camera


Multiple drinks if multiple McMahon's are on camera at the same time (i.e. 2 drinks if 2 McMahon's, 3 for 3 McMahon's, etc.)


Chug for the duration of the time when Linda is on camera (i.e. start chugging & don't stop until she's done, no matter how many drinks you go through)

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Guest bob_barron

Shut the fuck up mole. What cerberus is doing is a joke and until he starts inane threads comparing Hitler to Vince McMahon- I'll give him the benefit out of the doubt.


Poor mole- This fella just doesn't get how much of a dumb useless fuck he is.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
Take a drink every time JR calls RVD "unorthodox".



Drink every time JR reads off someone's height and weight, or body part size (thighs, neck, etc.)


Chug if he mentions what position the played or school they played for in football.



Bob, is there anyone on this board whose ass you don't kiss? Nobody belives this sugary let's be friends crap anymore.

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Guest CanadianChick

Oh! I got one. Drink every time Cole says a leg scissors when it is actually a hurricanrana.

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Guest bob_barron

Drink everytime Cole tries to put Big Show over by saying how big and large he is

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Guest CanadianChick

I'll do you one better Barron:

Take a drink everytime Tazz or Cole says "TV doesn't justify how big the Big Show is. You have to see him live."

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

drink when they talk about stuff that happened in another promotion but refuse to say it's name.


chug if that promotion is WWF.

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Guest bob_barron

Drink anytime one of the commentators rips on the product. (ie Tazz)


Drink anytime Torrie beats Dawn Marie. (You'll be dead for sure)

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Guest CanadianChick

Drink a 24 pack if Torrie actually loses cleanly!


Never mind, it won't happen.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Drink when JR says "puppies"

Chug if he goes one show without saying "puppies"

Don't you mean King? I honestly don't think JR says it all that often enough to warrant drinks.


*Take a drink every time Cole or Tazz refer to Brock as the baddest person in the world.


*Take a drink every time Cena cuts a rap. Chug the whole bottle down when he speaks normally.


*Take a drink every time Albert gets a "shave your back" chant during a match. Chug a couple of bottles down should a chant not start up.


*Take a drink every time Cole or Tazz or any person from the WWE say that Mysterio has a big heart. Take a six pack and chugulate them down one by one if that phrase is never related to Mysterio at all during one TV show.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
Drink anytime Torrie beats Dawn Marie. (You'll be dead for sure)

oh jesus. drink every time you see a beer can.


oh wait i got one.


drink every time Noble isn't on Smackdown.


chug if Nidia was on Smackdown.

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