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Guest tpww7

One and Only NWA:TNA Week 43 Thread

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Guest RedJed
Can anyone answer this for me:


It's been 42 weeks, why bring Steiner (Wearing a WCW Shirt) back now ?

I'm sure its a one shot deal, just meant for a "surprise."

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Killings is in now.


I only wish TNA would've made this 20-Man or so. There's so many guys on the roster who should make this thing.

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Guest RedJed

Steiner is lookin totally blown up and he's hardly done shit in the first place

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

<~~~~~ Anticipating Eirk Watts.


Tracy is in next.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Lollipop attacks her.


I love how they're doing this shit to keep the audience from getting bored by the generic in-ring action.


Kid Kash is out. Throws Lollipop to the floor, and tosses Tracy into the ring.


Slam that shit down Steiner!

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

<----- Wishes Masato would be a surprise entrant.


The table is in perfect position.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Holy fuck! Money Maker to Tracy!


Saturn, with another rip-off, comes in.


The Luchadore runs in and eliminates Kash. Was Kash ever an actual participant?

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Guest RedJed

Damn, Kash just planted the chick with his finisher HARD. Nice crotch shot shot there too, maybe she's worth something after all ;)


They need to stop with the luchadore bit, its so obvious who it is.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Glen Gilberti is out, with The Harris Brothers following behind him.


Bring on Masato!

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

There is your winner, Disco!


Yes, I still call him that.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Double big boot to Rick Steiner, and the fuckers too lazy to throw himself over the top so The Harris' have to do it for him.


And they dump Truth????


Lawler's left. BEATDOWN TIME!

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Guest RedJed

This is totally stupid how guys not even in the match are eliminating everyone. I'm SO sick of the Harris Boy booking love.........they get to eliminate Truth for no good reason.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Konnan is out, and it's time to play "How many minutes before he's blown up?"

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

I bet Rick improvised this shit, because I doubt he's supposed to stick around like he is now.


Two H-Bombs to take out that fat POS.



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Ok, so Chris Harris, David Young, Lollipop, and the Harris Boys arent even in the match yet they all interfere......this match is a total clusterfuck

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Guest RedJed

Fucking Harris Boys with the weakest doublechokeslam ever......


OMG they DID bring in Bagwell..........this is awful!

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



Which of you called it ?

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

The Harris Boys just threw The Truth out of the arena.


Maybe they'll do the racial shit with these two.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Lawler's gone, Chartbuster to Buff, and Buff's out!

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Buff is so hard up for money that he's willing to do this shit.


AJ Styles is in, and there's only one more left.


: : crosses fingers for Masato. : :


Fuck. Awesome just got superkicked off the apron and through the table. No Masato :(


And the announcers just said Sabu's the last one.

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Guest RedJed


Which of you called it ?

Unfortunately I did, and I was actually totally joking when I said it, never thought it would happen.


This match is horrible

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