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Guest alkeiper

WWE Live from Wilkes-Barre

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Guest alkeiper

I just got back from the WWE show at the First Union Arena in Wilkes-Barre. All things considered, it wasn't a bad show. Consider this more of a commentary than a recap. Also, none of this "Fink did this, Fink pimped that" crap. No one gives a damn.


Hurricane & Maven d. Morley & Storm


The Hurricane got as loud an ovation as anyone else the whole night. Decent match.


Christopher Nowinski d. Tommy Dreamer


About what you would expect from a raw match. I'm not even going to bother. We've all seen this match, or at least one like it, a million times. Are any of you going to miss out if I don't describe the match? Didn't think so.


Jazz d. Trish Stratus & Victoria


Usual antics from Teddy Long. Pretty good match. Nothing to complain about in any case.


Kane d. Christian


Christian is rapidly developing into a great wrestler. Kane is....stagnant. Match was....decent, again. Running theme tonight.


Dudley Boyz d. Rico & 3MW (Table Match)


Those on the board expressing worry over injuries needen't worry. This wasn't really a table match. It was "put ONE guy through a table to win." Not only that, but THEY WRESTLED A REGULAR MATCH. Seriously, tags and everything. We didn't even SEE a table before the finish. It was probably the best match of the night, wrestling wise, but it was barely a table match. Dudleys posed with a few kids afterwards, gave them a piece of the table, and them smashed it over the kid's head and 3D'd him. Well, not really, but it was nice imagining it.


La Resistance d. Test & Scott Steiner


Same match, same finish, you've seen on every Test/Steiner tag matchup.


Booker T d. Rodney Mack


No one really backed the Mack. Teddy Long issued a white boy challenge and seemed shocked when Booker T came out. Note to Teddy Long....Yes, the program is $5, and contains nothing but the current issue of WWE Magazine with a match-list printed on white paper, but it can be a tremendous scouting tool.


Triple H d. Kevin Nash


How bad was it?


DUD, but not negative stars. Still, it sucked, and Kevin Nash lied on the mat most of the mat. Triple H removed the turnbuckle pad, while Nash was on the mat. Note to Trips....removing the pad is a desperation move, not one that you do when you have the match well in hand. Triple H later rammed Nash's head into the turnbuckle, and got the pin. Clean. Way to build up your challengers guys. Even Booker T got better treatment. Kevin Nash powerbombed Triple H afterwards to get his heat back. Or maybe they dry-humped in the middle of the ring. All I know is that I beat the crowd out of the parking lot.


This is where the biggest pops/heat would go if it weren't really really stupid.


Arena was about half full, which translates to somewhere around 3000-6000 people. Yeah, its a broad range, but I'm not good at estimating crowds. Was it worth the money? Yeah, I enjoyed myself. Props to Rico for working his tail off, and Hurricane was fun to watch.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Triple H later rammed Nash's head into the turnbuckle, and got the pin. Clean. Way to build up your challengers guys. Even Booker T got better treatment.

Wait, you're complaining that Nash might get buried?



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Guest JHawk

Isn't using an exposed turnbuckle illegal?


So how is that a clean win? Did HHH actually pick Nash's lazy ass up for a Pedigree?

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Guest CanadianChick

Hey, where's Rob and Jericho? Man, I'd be pissed if I went to that house show...

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Guest alkeiper
Wait, you're complaining that Nash might get buried?




Yeah, Nash sucks. But if you're going to have him main-event a PPV, you should as least present him as a threat to the champion.


So how is that a clean win? Did HHH actually pick Nash's lazy ass up for a Pedigree?


Clean as in little shenanigans. And no Pedigree. They did the set-up/backdrop spot though.

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Guest alkeiper
Hey, where's Rob and Jericho? Man, I'd be pissed if I went to that house show...


Neither were advertised, so I knew in advance they wouldn't appear.

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Guest AndrewTS



BTW, our very own ChrisMWaters is back online and he'll be at the live Raw in Philly.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff


BTW, our very own ChrisMWaters is back online and he'll be at the live Raw in Philly.

Better him than me :lol:

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Guest Scalded Dog

So will I bitch. I'm startin a Christian and Y2J chant. Kliq wont even know whats up.

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BTW, our very own ChrisMWaters is back online and he'll be at the live Raw in Philly.

Better him than me :lol:

Thanks a lot.


Personally...I'm going to do what I did when I was in online exile...revert my mind to 1994 wrestling fan mentality.


It makes things more enjoyable for me.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Where ya from Kiper? Pittston Area graduate here, haven't lived at home since I left for college, but we might be practically neighbors...

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Guest alkeiper


Nope. I had a WWE Magazine, which kept me entertained for all of 26 seconds.


Did they have those stupid surveys?


No surveys are far as I saw.


Where ya from Kiper? Pittston Area graduate here, haven't lived at home since I left for college, but we might be practically neighbors...


Pocono Mountains. About 30 miles SE of Wilkes-Barre.

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