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Guest tank_abbott

My View on things

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Guest Coffey
I'm just saying that a lot of the people on these forums DON'T think for themselves.


How would you know that? I'm not trying to rip on you, as I feel that your opinion is yours and you have a right to it, but saying that no one thinks for themselves because they agree with a majority is a pretty dumb thing to say, no offense.

I based it from what I've seen recently. Note: HAVE SEEN. Not have read. Not heard someone say. A lot of people just jump together and try to fucking ghetto beat one or two dudes. It's like no one is EVER allowed to have a difference of opinion around here. Somone says something that the majority don't agree with. Instead of the majority making arguements and points to say why the disagree, one dude says some shit, then a lot of people quote him and throw in one liners that really don't add anything to the topic at hand. Eventually, the guy whom was just trying to say something new, gives up trying to reply to 800 people at once calling him an ignorant mark settling for less. Thus, the topic falls off the page until someone else gives it a try.


For the most part, it's not because the majority is always right. It's because the minority starts agreeing with the majority so that they won't get ran the fuck off.

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Guest Coffey
When fights are predetermined I feel that it's unrealistic for the "underdog" to win.


You might want to explain your "opinion" a little more rather than just saying that it's your opinion. How can you find something "unrealistic" when it happens in REAL LIFE??

Why? You never back up your shit? Being struck by lightning more than once seems pretty unrealistic. Has it happened to some cats in real life?



You bet your ass. Man, you really got me yet again I guess. <-- Sarcasm

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Just to throw my two cents in, although the WWF in 2000 was far from the perfect wrestling promotion, the overall product was extremely entertaining. It had young wrestlers in the prime of their careers with fresh and entertaining characters main-eventing (HHH, Rock, Angle, Benoit, Jericho). Most of the feuds where well thought out with good payoffs (HHH/Cactus Jack, Rock/HHH, Rock/Benoit, HHH/Jericho). Sure you still had The Undertaker and Kane doing their bullshit along with Mae Young and so on but as others have said in this thread I don't mind watching a little bit of shit if the overall product is entertaining.


Compare that to today’s product where you have people in main events who are well past their prime, stale and just plain unentertaining and are their purely due to politics (Kevin Nash, HHH, HBK, Hulk Hogan, Taker). Feuds are predictable and never have a good payoff (wrestler X becomes number 1 contender, beats HHH in a tag match before being pedigreed and sent back to the mid card). There are the occasional glimmers of hope (Rey, Matt Hardy, Jericho, Booker,RVD) but they are just used as fodder for the "main event" guys despite what the fans want. They are booking to entertain themselves rather than their fans, which is never a good sign.


On the whole Benoit jobbing issue I have no problem with Benoit jobbing, as long as it means something. Last month he jobbed to John Cena, which is cool as he was fighting for the title at the PPV. But where is Cena now? Feuding with Spanky in midcard hell. The same thing will happen to Big Show next month (not that that’s a bad thing). So what is the point of jobbing him? If he is still over after doing these jobs then why doesn't the WWE push him? Same goes for Jericho on Raw, every month he has to put over the monthly pedigree victim, why not give him a push? Because it is more important to the WWE to keep Vince's future son in law happy than it is to keep you the paying customer happy, and that is what sucks. The WWE has the best roster they have ever had, but they choose not to do anything with it.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Why would I be joking? I've never heard of any of the guys that you named before. It's not like they show up randomly on my local news. So how do I know that you didn't just make all that shit up? Besides, it didn't really add anything. There are exceptions to every single rule of all time. What goes up must come down. Well what if the object going up goes into outspace? Guess it's not coming back down is it? Damn, guess that makes the whole goddamn hypothesis wrong.


Well, for one thing, Andre wasn't undefeated. That's just common knowledge. I figured you were joking when you threw that in cause, well, it's like saying Taker and Kane are brothers... Do you also think that they had 93 000 fans at the Silverdome??


There must be A LOT of exceptions to the rule then, because I just named two when there are way more examples than that in the UFC and PRIDE alone. Fedor is the current PRIDE champ, Nog was the former. Bob Sapp is the biggest thing in Japan, a former WCW power planter, and NFL player. Sammy is just really tall. Why would I make these people up? Do you ever go to the observer website? (well, if you think Andre is undefeated, then probably not). Paul Varlens vs. Marco Ruas, UFC 7 (or was it 8?) Varlens was HUGE, Ruas kept kicking at Paul's legs until Paul fell over and the match was done. There are plenty of big guys who lose because they either don't have the talent or don't have the conditioning.


Maybe Brock is just having good days? Maybe, since Benoit has been around A LOT longer than Brock he is easier to scout? Oh no, that would probably go against your 'suspension of belief.' Don't wanna do that now do we.


There are ways for them to have Benoit be a believable contender to Brock - it was more believable 6 months ago - there needs to be damage control... lots of damage control. They can't just pop Benoit into a feud w/ Brock (which they will). Cena has been around less than Brock, why didn't Benoit scout him? Why didn't Benoits experience matter there? Brock is bigger than Benoit, that means Benoit would have to try to wear Brock down - but he couldn't wear down Big Show enough and Big Show is bigger and has worse conditioning. Benoit could out wrestle Brock, but Benoit couldn't out wrestle Angle and Angle couldn't out wrestle Brock.


So, if Benoit loses he's fucked. If Benoit wins he's fucked? Sounds pretty fickle to me.


Jericho won the undisputed title - you think that helped him any? I'd say if Benoit lost, and they had him train specifically to beat Brock for a rematch it would be more helpful than if Benoit initially won. There must be a reason why Benoit is a contender and a reason why Benoit won. If he just won, the fans wouldn't believe it because why didn't Cena, or Angle, or Big Show win?


It sounds to me like you just want to fucking bitch for the sake of fucking bitching.


My 'bitching' is completely valid. If I were saying "Benoit should beat everyone in the promotion and then retire with the belt and since he isn't the WWE sucks and I hate them for it" then THAT'S bitching for the sake of it.


They might as well fire fucking Benoit. I mean, it's SO obvious that his career is over.


I never said that. I just said that it wouldn't make sense to give him a title shot, let alone a title win. Benoit's career right now is in limbo - they don't know what to do with him other than have him die to make other guys look good


I mean, he lose THREE COMPLETE PREDETERMINED MATCHES! Fuck, what was he thinking getting into the professional wrestling career. I mean, I'm sure that he thought to himself "What if I get booked to lose!"


You don't know what suspension of disbelief is, do you? If I were watching say, Saving Private Ryan, and in the middle of the final battle all of a sudden Tom Hanks' character were to fly and shoot laser beams from his eyes - would you still be captivated in that final battle? Or would you sit back and say "ok, that's not right" and then no longer be emotionally involved in the scene? Maybe you're the wrong person to ask... In your world Andre the Giant is undefeated.


Yeah, it means I wasn't looking for you to answer that particular question. Guess that went over your head. Who uses them? Well apparently I do.


1)Irony is lost on you.

2)What you asked wasn't a rhetorical question and especially wasn't one given the context of the discussion.


Actually, I was talking about the roster part. I'd like to see you fill 6 hours of wrestling time a week. Yeah, then do it for a month. Then do it for a PPV. Now do it for years without ever sucking.


I kinda pride myself on having near-unlimited creativity, so I'd think that's possible... For a year or two..maybe 3... But the issue is not with me personally and alone, it's if I had the WWE's money and power at my disposal and how I wouldn't use it to give the fans second rate wrestlers and wrestling.


Eventually you're going to run outta ideas. That appears to be what the WWE is going through right now...which is why they are recycling things that have worked in the past. If nothing else it should give them time to think of new things, no?


No. They've been running around with their heads cut off for nearly 3 years. How fucking long does it have to take? Why does this rebuilding process never build anything?


However, you have to USE to big names. You can't just throw Hogan on a card anywhere and make the main event whatever you want it to be.


Uh huh. Why would I? Oh, you think I'm the kind of smark who only likes those lil guys and hates those big guys and doesn't understand the importance of draws... or something. Ok, let's take whatever pre-conceived notion you have about me and let's throw it out the window, ok? You are misinformed.


It has to be what the fans want too. That involves building guys up. Yeah, you can argue that the WWE never does that, however Brock & Angle came outta nowhere


The WWE wanted to make both Brock and Kurt stars. I wouldn't say they came out of nowhere. Hogan belongs on house shows and big PPV's somewhere in the mid-card.


Which is why you shouldn't try to argue shows with people when you haven't seen the shit they are talking about.


Well as long as I don't talk about the production values (which I don't have issue with anyways) I don't see why I can't. And if I am off on an issue, feel free to come in and tell me how I am wrong and show me how you are right.


I enjoy analysing wrestling with other people who analyse it. If you didn't watch the show, what are you analysing?


Pushes, Wins and Losses, Character handling, whatever you analyse, only I don't have to have the displeasure of watching.


The text you read? Damn, hope they don't forget any commas! Your example was AWFUL as well. If you know the score of a hockey game, you can't analyse shit. You can tell me who won, but can you tell me who scored on who and when? You really hammered that point in there champ!


I can easily look that up too. I can look at wins/losses, player %'s, seasons rankings, etc. I can't, however, say how a specific performer handles specific under-pressure - but with the WWE I already know that, I know how good Benoit is and how bad Big Show is.



You don't LOOK at shit. You've admitted that you don't watch anymore. You look at some text maybe. You look at a computer screen. Where are you wrong? Shit, where are you right? All you ever say are things that everyone else had said before you. It's not like you ever bring anything to the table.


Again, case-by-case basis. You're making unfounded generalizations. Where am I right? In this thread (1)Andre wasn't undefeated (2)Small men have beaten much bigger men "in reality". Didn't you also say this...


I seriously have no idea what to say. I'm sorry for ever knocking anyone who ever knocked the WWE. Including Ravashing Rick Rudo.


My God, was I ever wrong.


OMG~! There I go using "facts" and stuff. Shame on me.


By the time you say some negative shit, everyone else has already heard it from the LAW and read it from Scott Keith.


I find that the LAW is not negative enough - after all, their major sponsor is Viewers Choice PPV - and VC's biggest (at least, I think it is) 'draw' is the WWE. So the LAW tends to be more 'glass half full' towards the WWE. Keith, doesn't say most of the stuff that I say anyways. There is the common HHHate and Hoss bashing, but not with the same flavour. I tend not to post unless I find something is not being said or needs to be said... or if I want to do a really corny joke and make ppl giggle.


It's easy to build up material when everyone is trying to achieve the same goal as everyone else.


... Or when the WWE keeps fucking up like it's going out of style.


It's not so easy when you're on the other side of the spectrum.


Why would anyone want to be on the other side of the spectrum when that side of the spectrum (a)Doesn't do anything to help and (b)Doesn't care about your support?


I guess that's where the "two brains are better than one" phrase came from, no? Oh wait, we determined earlier that all cliches are obsolete because you provided two or three scenario's of a big man losing.


Okey dokie, you've lost your mind. I would have thought that the underdog role would be a cliche - not the "goliath beats david" one...


It's more like you're reading a biased version of it. God forbid you watch and form your own opinions based on that.


I've watched, I've formed. Nothing has changed. And it's not a biased version, it's just not a "it could be worse" edition.


Instead, you read about it, from a negative perspective, then proceed to remain negative.


Why *exactly* should I be positive?


You're so cool by boycotting the WWE.

God forbid you stick with them through the thich & the thin. "I have, I got tired of waiting" blah blah blah. Save that shit for someone who gives a fuck.


I did stick with them through thick and thin - it was the mid 90's. And guess what? They didn't care. They just forgot about it and acted like it never happened and didn't do ANYTHING to reward those fans who stayed. Why should I do it again? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

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Guest Coffey

You're fucking full of it dude. You seriously think that you're the goddamn high fucking horse. You're so full of yourself that you can't see how big of a fucking idiot you look like.


First & foremost, I have zero knowledge of pride. No, I don't read the Observer website. Why should I? I can form my own opinions. As for pride, I don't like that type of shit. It's just not my particular cup of tea. I can't explain why I don't like pride but I do like pro wrestling. I just can't. That's just the way it is. Accept it.


Yes, I seriously did think that Andre was undefeated. So sorry if you read different. The posters on these forums (including myself) haven't been smarks forever.


Blah blah blah, more pride shit...don't care.


Maybe Cena beat Benoit because Benoit under estimated him? Could that be a possibility? Could you 'suspend belief" to buy that?


Yes, I do think that it helped Jericho. What killed Jericho was his feud with HHH. Him winning the title isn't what killed him. Maybe Benoit could just turn heel to beat Brock? He could become more intense, possibly even getting a manager that makes him focus solely on the title?


Your bitching is never valid. Ever. No one wants to read it. There I go again with those generalizations. Once again, exceptions to every rule. I know I don't want to sift through you shit in every post you reply too.


More Benoit talk...don't care.


Irony is lost on me! On me! Pot. Kettle. Black.


You know what dude, I know you was just trying to make a point, but I have actually watched a movie where out of left field they cut to a cult music video and this Tina Turner lookin bitch shot green lazers out of her eyes. LOL! It was called Hack-O-Lantern. Anyway, once again your point is just trying to act like you're smarter than me. "You don't understand what *insert subject here* is do you?" Why do you keep falling back on this? That was another rhetorical question, don't answer that. I know why.


No one has unlimited creativity. You're just hung up on yourself.


Well, during that "running around for 3 years with their heads cut off" we've had some good matches and Angle & Brock pretty much got established. I'm sorry that every single fucking segment doesn't entertain your negative ass.


Why would anyone want to be on the other side of the spectrum when that side of the spectrum (a)Doesn't do anything to help and (b)Doesn't care about your support?


*slaps head*


Why *exactly* should I be positive?


So that the other people on the forums here don't feel like they are working to read through some of the posts. I wish this board had an ignore list actually. I should ask Dames about that. I think that would solve the problem right there. I know that other boards have that hack installed.


How exactly do you want the WWE to "reward" it's fans? You want to get a check in the mail? You want them to acknowledge older shit on the air and talk about "Some of you may remember this?" What would that accomplish? All it would do is go over the new fans heads.


*Lex Lugar's 911 call on Confidential is cracking me up*


So basically, all we've covered from these back and forth arguements is that I think you're an idiot and you think that I'm an idiot. At least we're seeing a little bit eye to eye. Everything I saw you retaliate by saying I don't know what I'm talking about. Everything you say, I retaliate with you're not saying anything new. You're just a piece of repeatin' shit. I stick by that STILL up to this point.


So sue me.

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Guest Anglesault
I'm sorry that every single fucking segment doesn't entertain your negative ass.

Why. Why, with the talent that they have, can't they put on a show where everything is good?


You want them to acknowledge older shit on the air and talk about "Some of you may remember this?" What would that accomplish? All it would do is go over the new fans heads.


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Guest RavishingRickRudo

First & foremost, I have zero knowledge of pride. No, I don't read the Observer website. Why should I? I can form my own opinions.


The observer isn't really an opinion site (they do feature columns from time to time) it's a news site. They feature news from both Pro Wrestling and MMA.


As for pride, I don't like that type of shit. It's just not my particular cup of tea. I can't explain why I don't like pride but I do like pro wrestling. I just can't. That's just the way it is. Except it.


Have you watched Pride? You don't even know who Sapp or Nog or Fedor is so I can't imagine that you have.


Yes, I seriously did think that Andre was undefeated. So sorry if you read different. The posters on these forums (including myself) haven't been smarks forever.


So that doesn't mean you have to accept what Vince McMahon tells you as truth... Vince makes up history, he's notorious for it. Accept it.


Blah blah blah, more pride shit...don't care.


You should care because it is a valid point. But of course, it's a legitimate point that completely proves your uneducated point wrong, so of course you don't care... such is ignorance.


Maybe Cena beat Benoit because Benoit under estimated him? Could that be a possibility? Could you 'suspend belief" the buy that?


But they never played that up. That was never an issue. Benoit just lost.


Yes, I do think that it helped Jericho. What killed Jericho was his feud with HHH. Him winning the title isn't what killed him.


The fans didn't buy his reign not only because he was Stephs Lotion boy, but because he won it questionably... Think about that... the Undisputed Champion won it in a questionable fashion... How does that validate him?


Maybe Benoit could just turn heel to beat Brock? He could become more intense, possibly even getting a manager that makes him focus solely on the title?


A heel turn would kill Benoit.


Your bitching is never valid. Ever. No one wants to read it. There I go again with those generalizations. Once again, exceptions to every rule. I know I don't want to sift through you shit in every post you reply too.


*unfounded* generalizations, might I add.


You know what dude, I know you was just trying to make a point, but I have actually watched a movie where out of left field they cut to a cult music video and this Tina Turner lookin bitch shot green lazers out of her eyes. LOL! It was called Hack-O-Lantern. Anyway, once again your point is just trying to act like you're smarter than me. "You don't understand what *insert subject here* is do you?" Why do you keep falling back on this? That was another rhetorical question, don't answer that. I know why.


Well it's actually because you *don't* get it, or at least, you don't make it seem like you get it. Either way, if you're watching a movie called "Hack-o-Lantern" and something stupid happens, it should be expected.


No one has unlimited creativity. You're just hung up on yourself.


Probably. I mean, everyone has limits - which is why I said near-unlimited - but for something like storyline writing in the WWE - it would do. Hung up on myself? I dunno, It's just whenever there was storywriting in english class I tended to at least triple the regularly accepted amount (say they wanted 2000 words, I gave them 6000). I tend to excell in that sort of thing. Not really tooting my own horn or anything, you asked me and I gave you an answer.


Well, during that "running around for 3 years with their heads cut off" we've had some good matches and Angle & Brock pretty much got established. I'm sorry that every single fucking segment doesn't entertain your negative ass.


Matches don't have anything to do with creative and Angle isn't fully established (still a goofy heel) and they are confused as how to use Brock right now. I don't ask for every segment to entertain me, the only storyline I can think of that was well written in the past few years was Brock vs. Rock - and that didn't even last long.


*slaps head*


You should. Defending the WWE is rather silly because they don't care about your support nor do they help your cause by screwing up everytime a negative person like me says they will screw up.


So that the other people on the forums here don't feel like they are working to read through some of the posts.


So you want me to lie and say that the WWE is doing everything right and that Vince McMahon is not insane?


I wish this board had an ignore list actually. I should ask Dames about that. I think that would solve the problem right there. I know that other boards have that hack installed.


Ah, more ignorance. Sounds right coming from you. Now all the apologists can go about talking about how happy they are being marks and how the wwe is getting better.


How exactly do you want the WWE to "reward" it's fans? You want to get a check in the mail? You want them to acknowledge older shit on the air and talk about "Some of you may remember this?" What would that accomplish? All it would do is go over the new fans heads.


Remember History. In the Attitude Era, everything before Survivor Series 1997 was forgotten about... Completely. The only time I ever heard mention of 'Hulk Hogan' - a man who was on top of the World Wrestling Federation for nearly a decade - was either in ridicule or... well... in ridicule. Bret

Hart - a hero to millions in the early to mid 90's - was all but forgotten as well - unless they were in Montreal, of course. Macho Man, Million Dollar Man, Jake the Snake Roberts, Ric Flair - you name it - they were all forgotten and never mentioned. And even if anything pre-SS97 was mentioned - it was always in Mcmahonian terms. What does THIS say to those long-time fans? It says 'We don't care enough about you - we are going to either forget about what you watched, or lie about it - you have no worth to us. The only thing we care about is the NEW fans. Stay or Go Away - we don't care. If you don't like it don't watch it - this ain't your Granddaddies

wrestling anymore.". And what does it say to the new fan? "Nothing happened before SS97" - so that when the WWF 'falls' that fan gets worried and stops watching because he/she does not know that the WWF can still be good (Hart/Michaels) in a 'down' period. That fan doesn't know that if he/she stays with the WWF, it will benefit their best interests.


Remembering History not only allows for the old fans to be appreciated and to appreciate what happened but for new fans to know there was life before Austin and there will be life beyond him. A simple "this reminds me of the Bret Hart/Davy Boy Smith Summerslam match" or a "He reminds me of a young Jake Roberts" (and keep it within the WWF context JR - your 'history

lessons' are just cliches now). Air some classic matches too -as mentioned above. The fans' bond with the product is important in every sport or show. By remembering their history, the WWF can retie some old bonds and form some new ones. By bringing back 'tradition', even in small doses, the WWF can bring a sense of importance and pride to storylines and matches. By saying 'Thank you for watching our show, you long-time and short-time viewer' the WWF can make their fans feel appreciated, they can make them feel special, they can make them feel that watching the WWF for however long they have been doing has paid off, and will in the future. By doing this the WWF won't be history anytime soon.



So basically, all we've covered from these back and forth arguements is that I think you're an idiot and you think that I'm an idiot. At least we're seeing a little bit eye to eye. Everything I saw you retaliate by saying I don't know what I'm talking about. Everything you say, I retaliate with you're not saying anything new. You're just a piece of repeatin' shit. I stick by that STILL up to this point.


Where are you getting this all from? Seriously, did you just wake up the other day and say "gee, I'm going to act stupid on the smartmarks board from now on?" Are you reading my posts? I mean, I don't mind discussing in-length, but I'd like to know if what I'm saying is being read and responded to..


And didn't you say "I got all night to break down your shit too." ?


So sue me.


You shouldn't be sued, you should just get the stupid beaten out of you. Not by me, I might catch it, but by someone - Andre the Giant, he was undefeated, you know?

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

I don't know. I'm kinda tired of sticking through it all. You're right in that a lot of the complaints you'll read on this board are repetitive and silly and rely on crutch trends for most of their "content," but there's a lot flat-out justified despair for the product, too.


Not everything is wrong, but there are some general problems with the fed's current philosophies. It simply seems like there's not much planning ahead, and not much effort to really do anything substantial with the talent they've got. With the exception of a few top guys on the raw side, the bookers seem to be reluctant to really get behind a wrestler and stay behind him for any length of time. It creates a weird sort of flawed internal logic that serves to make nobody but the current champs look very good. The people in charge seem to be desperate to spike ratings, and aren't really willing to suss things out.


I get frustrated watching WWE, because I see some good TV matches, but I see a lot of crap, and I see a roster that deserves better treatment. There are bright spots, but a swell of mediocrity seems to be in full swing. Hell, I wouldn't miss a Smackdown from September to December because of the great tag division storyline going on, but even that show hasn't found another consistent means of striking gold since then.


I'll keep tuning in now and then because I'm a fan, but it's going to take some impressive stuff to hook me again. I know what I want, and even what I'd accept, and right now the product just isn't making it.

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Guest Coffey
You shouldn't be sued, you should just get the stupid beaten out of you. Not by me, I might catch it, but by someone

...You don't wanna go there.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I think I want to go there. Really, come fight me over the internet. Do it. I'll be waiting with baited breath.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Here's a trend I noticed on the board, after the Katie Vick incident (and maybe a lil bit before it) but this board was pretty apathetic to stuff. I mean, you didn't get the same amount of love or hate towards things that should have gotten it - maybe I am wrong in this assessment, but that's how it felt to me - I remember commenting to Curry about it, maybe he remembers, maybe he doesn't. In any case, the tone has become very negative now - which I don't mind because I'm part of it and feel justified in my negativity, but it's not just me doing it and it's not just this board either - and I think that's kinda funny. The outrage is coming months AFTER all these things happened.


Dave Meltzer has said that now *more than ever* he getting emails and comments from fans saying how they're fed up with the product and not watching any more or will stop watching. I'm telling you, by fall there will be a significant drop off in viewers if the WWE does not change ASAP. I just can't explain why it's happening enmass and now.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

NO! CURRY! You might catch it! You've escaped SARS but this is much different! NOOOOO!

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Guest Lord of The Curry

NO RUDO~! I've gotta do this......not just for me.......but for you.........and Sakura....and.....well, we're the only three that really seem to hate the WWE but DAMN IT I'm gonna do it!~ Tell my wife I love her.......


*walks off into the sunset*

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

NO man, don't throw your life away; You're only one day away from retirement!

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Guest Lord of The Curry

DAMMIT RUDO~! This isn't just about some stupid gold watch or pension plan. This is so much bigger. It's about one man. One man with a plan. Tell my mistress I love her.......


*jogs off into the sunset*

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Guest Anglesault
NO RUDO~! I've gotta do this......not just for me.......but for you.........and Sakura....and.....well, we're the only three that really seem to hate the WWE


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Guest Tony149

After getting a complaint about this thread, some of you need to take a time out or something, especially RRR & Jago (I believe). You need to watch the way you post, like saying "you should get the stupid beaten out of you," etc. Saying stuff like that over wrestling is dumb. If that type of talk continues, the thread will either be closed or moved to NHB.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Jesus fuckin christ, he bad mouths me the entire thread and you pick the ONE thing that I've said that could be considered 'flaming' or whatever... Downhome complained, didn't he?

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Guest Austin3164life

*comes back in after a hell of a night out, rather buzzed*


Wuzzz been happenin' guys?

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Here's a trend I noticed on the board, after the Katie Vick incident (and maybe a lil bit before it) but this board was pretty apathetic to stuff. I mean, you didn't get the same amount of love or hate towards things that should have gotten it - maybe I am wrong in this assessment

No, you are right. I remember when the RAW thread would always hit 30, 40 pages every week. Now it barely gets to the 20s. People have stopped caring, bit by bit, every week. The SD thread is lucky to hit 5 pages every week. The SD spoiler thread often sees more action, and I blame the unfulfilling SDs as of late to the disinterest by the time Thursday comes along.


Now, I said this before but it rings true - you may get annoyed at the repetitive jokes and the cheap shots interpreted as 'nitpicking', but it's still a step or two above total indifference - a point where many of us have arrived at.

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Guest Anglesault
Here's a trend I noticed on the board, after the Katie Vick incident (and maybe a lil bit before it) but this board was pretty apathetic to stuff.  I mean, you didn't get the same amount of love or hate towards things that should have gotten it - maybe I am wrong in this assessment

No, you are right. I remember when the RAW thread would always hit 30, 40 pages every week. Now it barely gets to the 20s. People have stopped caring, bit by bit, every week. The SD thread is lucky to hit 5 pages every week. The SD spoiler thread often sees more action, and I blame the unfulfilling SDs as of late to the disinterest by the time Thursday comes along.


Now, I said this before but it rings true - you may get annoyed at the repetitive jokes and the cheap shots interpreted as 'nitpicking', but it's still a step or two above total indifference - a point where many of us have arrived at.

Even worse that indifference, just accepting something and forcing yourself to think it's good. Too many of us have hit that point.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Yep, it's when fans don't care when the company is fucked. Apathy is death.


Of course, I'm long past simple anger-caring and into the bitter-not-watching stage... By Fall I probably won't be posting here... You may all rejoice... but you WILL miss my hilarious storylines involving Funaki; the scientist from a post-apocalyptic future looking to make a change in history for the greater good... you will.

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Guest Austin3164life

Other than the barely existent flaming going on, this has been a pretty good thread. It's a serious issue that's hit TSM, whether we like it or not. I personally think the WWE isn't going to get better for another 7-9 months (around the WM XX time). One thing a lot of guys fail to notice is that the WWE needs to build new stars not directly push them. Cena is a good example of a good wrestler who deserves a long build-up, not a thrust into the ME. Now I feel bad because he's going to be stuck in mid-card purgatory with Spanky.

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Guest Tony149
Jesus fuckin christ, he bad mouths me the entire thread and you pick the ONE thing that I've said that could be considered 'flaming' or whatever... Downhome complained, didn't he?

Actually, that went to both of you, but your comment was easier to remember.


And as Downhome knows, I'm not a name-dropper.


We normally don't take much action in the WWE folder since it's kind of a lost cause (no matter what you do, people still won't listen), but everybody should try not to get worked up. If you must, take it to NHB.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The WWE still has their celebrity phase - that will maybe start at Survivor Series or Wrestlemania and last until Summerslam 04. By then they will be so fucked. Actual change may occur as early as Survivor Series 04, or as late as WM 21. Either way, that's too much shit to walk through for me and what will be the pay off? If Vince ever gets popular again he's going to forget this all happened - and worse, he's going to change history around to fit his own twisted view.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Mid-card purgatory is where Cena belongs. The fans have realized by now that the guy is nothing special in the ring, which is why he's feuding with Spanky. Angle, Jericho and Benoit aren't gonna be around to carry his ass forever. He'll need to develop some skillz on his own.

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