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Guest Ravenbomb

worst movie genre?

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Guest Ravenbomb

IYO, what's the worst genre of movie? I'd have to say either western or romantic comedy. I HATE westerns except Wild Bunch, Tombstone and Magnificent Seven (Unforgiven and the Young Guns I haven't seen yet), and I HATE RC's except Chasing Amy, so I'ma have to go with Romantic Comedies as worst genre.


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Guest MaxPower27

Kung-Fu movies.


It's like a porno, only the fighting is substituted for the sex. Bad acting, bad plots, bad everything.

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Guest Choken One

Horror Movies. They serve ZILCH purposes...


I never seen Kung Fu for more then 5 minutes...

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Guest Walter Sobzak

I'm kind of bored by westerns also, but for the most part, I hate horror movies and the people who like them. By that I mean, shitty, low-budge horror, and by the people who like them, generally the same people who like death metal.

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Guest Choken One

I love death metal and DISPISE Horror...


Don't associate us...

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Guest Walter Sobzak

Just seemed like a group of people I know all seem to be into both. Go figure.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

There are a lot of people who don't like Westerns, but you really can't call it a worthless genre. The characters, storytelling and themes are a classic part of American cinema and a lot of other genres (particulary American Sci-fi from Star Wars to Bladerunner) owe a huge debt to Westerns and films would not be the same without them.


I don't know if there is a worthless genre, but there are ones that produces a good many sub par films, such as horror and romantic comedy that most people have mentioned already.

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Guest razazteca

Alot of hate for Kung Fu? What is wrong with you people, have seen one bad Jackie Chan comedy and presume that all are that bad? It is not the worst genre out there, Yuen Woo Ping has influenced the Hollywood Action movie, not necessary for the better. Some of the Chinese Opera movies are worth looking into especially the ones basis on legends or novels/books


I really do not care for the grotesque horror movie which is all blood and guts. Those 70s movies about cannibal peoples are just sick. And WTF is the deal with horror movies with animals killing people for no real reason?


I would say B movies is the worst but that is too general.


Clint Eastwood is god, that is all I have to say about Westerns.

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Guest El Satanico
Horror Movies. They serve ZILCH purposes...

Wait a minute...


Since when have movies made solely for entertainment EVER served an actual purpose?


Citiizn Kane served no purpose...Godfather served no purpose.


What's your point?




By the way we hate you as well Walter

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Guest El Satanico

No genre is bad in of itself.


All genres are capable of producing a movie that's at least entertaining.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Whoever insults B-Movies or films that go direct-to-video will be shot.


Personally, I dislike the genre of films that try to be a blend between horror and thriller, and fail miserably; a la Darkness Falls and They.

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Guest Vitamin X

I also love death metal and hate horror movies, so count me in that group. For some reason, I've also tended not to like action movies as much anymore, since there's always such a basic format about it, and no real doubt as to what the ending is going to be.


By the way, for a drama/thriller that has in my opinion the biggest SWERVE~! ending of all time, check out Abandon. The ending swerved me so bad I even somehow pronounced a tildebang.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

Whoever says they hate horror movies are just some scared little bitches.


I wasn't serious.


Personally, I don't like post 80s teen movies, and that includes the spoofs of such movies.

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I can't really say which genre is the worst, but I can say that the ABSOLUTE WORST MOVIES EVER are either horror or meaningless sc-fi films.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"Horror Movies. They serve ZILCH purposes..."


This makes my head hurt.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Romantic Comedies. 99% of them aren't funny, and if you want romance you should watch true love stories like Gone with the Wind.

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Guest godthedog

porn has been responsible for more god awful crap than any other genre, by far. i don't even mean movies with a "lack of artistic value," i mean pure crap that can't even have any entertainment value. and a horrible porno is about as bad as a movie can get. the only exception to this is 'manos: the hands of fate'.

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Guest razazteca

Stay away from Ron Jermany videos, forget porn with plots go straight gonzo.


The worst by far has to be the TV Movie of the Week by the networks about current issues like the damn Amy Fisher Story.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Women bonding movies like the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, Fried Green Potatoes, and many others which I can't remember right now.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Worst genre? Horror.


(and Bruce Campbell movies, though that dosen't really count. There goes my internet movie smark card.)

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Guest Grand Slam

The worst movies I have ever seen belong squarely in the Sci-fi / fantasy catagory. Is it the worst genre? Heck no. Does it have the potential to spit out some steaming piles of crap? Moreso than most, I think.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

**rips up the card of El Psycho Diablo**


Campbell owns your ass...


Why no horror love? Horror movies are the downright MOST entertaining movies in history, as far as I see it. When successful, they scar you. Just ask the thousands of people who are afraid of clowns due to IT, or the people that hates dolls due to Child's Play. Even when they fail, they're entertaining dreck. So many 80's cheap horror flicks are favorites among many BECAUSE they're awful.


As for the worst genre...either slashers (NOT horror movies, you fuckwits, as a slasher is your basic rip-off of Psycho) or movies "based on a true story" where more than half of the facts are changed.

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