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Guest Trivia247

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Guest Vyce

While I'm not exactly jumping for joy that Batista may have to retire, I'm not in the least bit troubled by it. It's a good thing, if anything.


Sorry if that means he loses his dream, his wife has cancer, blah blah blah, etc.


I want him gone because he is the embodiment, a physical manifestation if you will, of all the things I believe are fundamentally WRONG with the WWE today. As such, if he really is forced to retire and I am never "graced" with seeing his mug on TV ever again, I shall not shed a single tear for him.


And because someone else brought up Nash - I would laugh if he got seriously injured again. I laughed hard the last time, because if anyone on this board has a long enough memory, in that very RAW thread way back when, at the beginning of that awful nWo match, I posted to the board, "Wouldn't it be funny if he were to injure himself?" And lo and behold he did.


That one brought a smile to my face. It's not often when I get to prophesize these sort of things.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Well let's just say that as long as they kept Batista wrestling, I probably would never watch again.

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Guest Trivia247

Batistia getting fired for being Shit is one thing...I wouldn't complain about it..


But when people start getting all sadistically happy for something getting injured...shitty or not that is simply wrong....


don't suppose you see the distiction.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I never said I was happy that he got injured and might be forced to retire because of said injury. I just don't really care enough about him to feel happy or sad.

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Guest Retro Rob
# Batista's triceps injury is one that will likely plague him throughout his wrestling career, which leads some to believe that he may be forced to retire from the business.


You're an ass.


The guy was still relatively green and was no worse than Brock Lesnar used to be.

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Guest Adrian 3:16

I'd just like to de-lurk for a moment to point out this thread is a perfect example of why I've barely posted in the last year.


Sakura, I don't know what your deal is but you've got some issues honey, ones I don't think have anything to do with Batista or even wrestling in general.


As for the rest of you actively cheering on his injury and forced retirement, please consider that:


1. This isn't a guy who did anything wrong, he never buried anybody like his storyline buddy HHH, he was just a damn rookie who's career was cut short very prematurely, and since his wife apparently has cancer he already has enough on his plate to worry about.


2. He was hardly pushed down our throats, he had one match on PPV and played a sidekick his whole WWE career, whether it was to HHH, Flair or D-Von Dudley of all people. I can think of a certain other tattooed roid monkey who debuted in 2002 who was pushed to the top a lot harder before he got anywhere near interesting...


But since Batista is a "hoss", merely appearing on screen at all is apparently considered pushed down your throat. Go figure.

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Guest Redhawk

Would you rather watch Batista for 5 minutes every now and then or the Road Warriors? Even if Batista was being "pushed down our throats" -- which he wasn't, by the way -- it's better that WWE was trying to get a young guy over than pushing some 50-year-old with a bad hip, bad knees, and orange skin. No one on this board was receptive to Brock Lesnar's initial push, but now everyone seems to like him. Who said the same thing couldn't happen with Batista in time?

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Batista is in his early 30's. Though "young" in everyday life, not exactly "young" by wrestling standards. It's not like he's a 25 year old.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

1)Lesnar was actually impressive doing his powermoves, Batista wasn't.


2)"He could be worse" isn't an effective argument.


3)"He's a rookie" isn't either. This is the WWE - the big leagues - everyone should perform to standard.


4)My distaste for batista comes from the fact that, as Vyce pointed out, he represents everything that is wrong with the WWE. It's not personal, like I said before I don't really care either way about his injury, it's just him being gone isn't a bad thing for wrestling.

Edited by RavishingRickRudo

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Guest Sakura
Sakura, I don't know what your deal is but you've got some issues honey, ones I don't think have anything to do with Batista or even wrestling in general.

Could you be a little more dramatic maybe?

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Lesnar > Batista.


Seriously, what an insult to Brock to compare him to Batista. At least Brock was showing some sort of promise at this time last year, and didn't have a string of DUDs attached to his name. 1/2*s, yes.


Commence the "potential" arguments, notwithstanding the fact that anyone and everyone has 'potential' if you look hard enough.

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Guest Retro Rob
Lesnar > Batista.


Seriously, what an insult to Brock to compare him to Batista. At least Brock was showing some sort of promise at this time last year, and didn't have a string of DUDs attached to his name. 1/2*s, yes.

Oh please. Brock sucked a big one when he first came up to WWE TV as well.

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Guest Trivia247
Lesnar > Batista.


Seriously, what an insult to Brock to compare him to Batista. At least Brock was showing some sort of promise at this time last year, and didn't have a string of DUDs attached to his name. 1/2*s, yes.

Oh please. Brock sucked a big one when he first came up to WWE TV as well.

and I believe majority of us were negative on Brock's Goldberg est push when he first arrived we saw him as a basic wrestler as much as Batistia still is, whom was just all intensity and a look


(A look of a 5 year old on Roids and growth hormones)


And even though they hired Brock basically because of his SSP


the one time he does it he screws it up, so he better redeam himself with a successful SSP in some match.


but Batistia when he came in looked better in Hoss appearance than Brock did.

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Guest EternallyLazy

Comparing Brock to Batista is an insult and ridiculous. Brock wasn't f'ing AWESOME when he debuted... but he was decent and his skills have improved greatly. His matches with Bubba during their mini feud were pretty good and better then they had any right to be, and he had a shockingly good match with Randy Orton last year that exceeded all expectations, mainly because they stiffed the fuck out of each other several times.


All he needs is a long run with Angle or Benoit, and I think we'll be seeing great things from the guy.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Brock actually impressed me, Batista didn't. Batista was given squash matches like Brock, he didn't show nearly the same amount of freaky power and strength that Brock showed.

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Guest Coffey

I don't know, I couldn't get behind Batista either. Maybe if he had stayed as Leviathan. I mean, physique wise he had a look, but attire wise he was boring & stale. He should've wore pants sort of like Steiner wears now. Also, his finish was bad and all of his spots were highly used by everyone else. He just didn't do anything to make him stand out. Even his entrance was bland. He kind of walks like a girl actually.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

See, there were only two things I liked about Batista - his entrance and the way he bounced up after his spinebuster.


His entrance was cool because he just looked REALLY bored - he just didn't give a damn. Goin to work, that's all it is.

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Guest Coffey

I liked his music. I just thought that it needed something in the beginning so that you know it was him as soon as it hit. Kindof like Austin's glass shattering. Now I'm not saying that every single superstar should have a WWE sound byte at the beginning of their intro, but Batista needed something. As for his entrance in general, I thought it was bad. Other than his music, he didn't bring anything to the table. Brock has the happy dance and the jump up onto the apron. Angle has the two fingers pointing up after the head shakes. Batista...well...he got in the ring. He did a little jig on the ramp, but nothing memorable.


I don't think that he should've had Flair as a manager either. I think he would've been better off on his own. I don't know, hindsight is 20/20. He didn't really do anything before or after Flair jumped on ship, so it's tough to say. At least for me it is.


His spinebuster get up was alright. I actually made a comment about it aloud to a friend once. "He's not the Rock, but that wasn't bad."


He really needed an innovative finisher. Think Wrath in WCW when he first started using the Meltdown. That move was extremely over there for awhile. Hell, the WWE ever started having people try and rip it off. Bradshaw was the first to rip it off...then Billy Gunn. Finally Test ripped it, and kept it. :( Just like the Vertebreaker helped get Shane Helms over in WCW.


Big men using powerbombs is so cliche.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Yeah, the sit-out powerbomb - while being a good move and all - isn't really one that makes you stand up and take notice.


I liked his music too, and I don't really think Flair was that bad of a choice as a manager, but yeah, they could have done better. The sinister minister would have been perfect.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
And even though they hired Brock basically because of his SSP

Ah, yes, all those collegiate matches where he busted out the SSP. No wonder he was an NCAA champ.

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