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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

Shows on MTV

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

I've seen a lot of MTV haters here, and although I would love for them to play more music in general, I love some of the shows they have!


The Osbournes are such a great source of amusement for me. My mom would kick my ass if I acted and talked the way Jack and Kelly do, but can you imagine how cool it would be to have Sharon and Ozzy as your parents? They crack me up!


Punk'd, I love that show. It is sooo funny! I would be so pissed if some of that stuff happened to me!


And, sigh, I am a reality tv whore. I love Road Rules and Real World stuff.


What about you? What shows are you into?

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Guest Choken One

Punk'd is all the is even worth anyone's time on that station...

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Guest starvenger

It actually saddens me that MuchMusic has dumbed down its content to deal with the new MTV generation. But hey, at least they play videos.


The only thing I actually watched on MTV was Tough Enough 3 and (occasionally) Heat. If it were to disappear tomorrow I wouldn't shed a tear. But then, I'm 29 and thus out of MTV's target audience, so they're probably not shedding a tear because I'm not watching them, either.

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Guest DawnBTVS

I watch Controlfreak on MTV 2 sometimes...and Punk'd on MTV but that's about it

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Guest Mole

I watch most of the shows on there, just because they don't make you think at all. I need sometime where I can just sit back, relax, and watch these people with their dumb way of acting and living.

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Guest Eagan469

Punk'd is all I watch now, though I really liked Battle Of The Sexes.

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Guest MaxPower27

It's sad that they've had some great animated shows on there, but they get taken off the air, while Road Rules and crap like that are played 24 hours a day.


I've watched Punk'd, and was underwhelmed. It's OK, but not something I'd watch regularly.


I miss Daria.

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

I miss Daria as well. And unfortunately, I don't have MTV2 or MuchMusic.

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Guest MaxPower27
I miss Daria.

You can catch Daria on Cartoon Network I believe

I have it on Noggin at 10PM everynight, but still, I'd kill to see a Daria marathon one weekend on MTV. I would forgive them for TRL if they'd do that one weekend of Daria.

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Guest fazzle
I miss Daria.

Well, there's always the severely watered down almost humorless version they play on Noggin!








Edit: ....Crap, part deux. My reply was way late.

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Guest godthedog

the programming on mtv is pretty underrated, i think. they've done loads of really good stuff (beavis & butthead, tom green, 120 minutes...), and started the whole reality tv phenomenon. their track record is pretty damn good for a cable network, and they've probably overall done the most worthwhile original programming of any basic cable network. (by "most worthwhile," i mean "the most shows that happen to be worthwhile," not necessarily "best.")

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Guest El Satanico

The only current one I can stand is Punk'd.


Every now and then a good new show comes on, but the rest are crap. Most of the good shows aren't avertised properly and die a quick death.



Fuck The Osbournes

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Guest converge241

im enthralled in fraternity life but thats about it


most of the true life specials are worthwhile

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

LOL, I think I am so enthralled because I haven't had cable tv for about 6 months and have just been able to watch MTV the last month or so!

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Guest MaxPower27

Now that Tough Enough and Heat are gone, I just skip by the channel. They were the only reason that I watched it anymore.

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I miss Daria.

You can catch Daria on Cartoon Network I believe

Daria is not on CN but on the pre-teen channel "Noggin" where it has been editted and censored so badly by the nimrods in charge of Noggin that you'd think it was Sailor Moon.....

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im enthralled in fraternity life but thats about it

I perfer reading the TVw/oP recaps of Fraternity Life than actually watching the show, do to the recapper pointing out with a sledgehammer the gay subtext of what goes on between the Brothers and the Pledges, the recapper's hillariously nasty "What items are they going to sodomize the pledges with tonight?" speculation he indulges in whenever they turn the cameras off whenever the hazing gets started, and their take on the one pledge's relationship with his anti-frat, manipulative, and somewhat psychotic girlfriend....

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Guest Eagan469

I've been thinking, do they still show 3 South? I watched that all last year and totally forgot about it...

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Guest razazteca

MTV does have some good shows but showing marathons of the shows in 6 episode blocks gets annoying as hell.

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Some of The "Sex In The 90's" Series was good for a laugh. Who could ever forget The Imfamous "Dogg Brothers"? LOL!! :lol:

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

Sex2K is somewhat amusing. However, they need to not show the re-runs of the same one every night!

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Guest stardust

I very rarely get to watch MTV, but here lately, I've been lucky enough to catch Punk'd just about every time.


And I also really enjoyed Taildaters for some reason (and I can't stand those reality dating shows, honestly, but that show just cracked me up).

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Guest Bannable Offense
I miss Daria.

You can catch Daria on Cartoon Network I believe

Daria is not on CN but on the pre-teen channel "Noggin" where it has been editted and censored so badly by the nimrods in charge of Noggin that you'd think it was Sailor Moon.....

Funny thing about Sailor Moon is that even that got censored once it came stateside. Sexual orientation, demonic imagery, blood and violence and alot of other things got edited to fit domestic standards. Not that I know a whole bunch about the show... *shifts eyes*


*uncomfortable silence*


Anyway, I've barely touched MTV since the era of Beavis & BUTT-Head. Some of the documentaries are fairly entertaining, but other than that, my TV is tuned into other channels.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

With Heat now on TNN and Tough Enough all but cancelled, and the animated series of the past a memory, I have little reason to watch MTV.


About the only thing I watch on there now is Punk'd and the occasional Jackass re-run. But even then it's only because I happen to stumble on them.

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