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Guest goodhelmet

What match are you waiting to see?

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Guest goodhelmet

What match that hasn't happened yet in the WWF are you really hoping can occur? Don't insert a dead guy or someone not signed but keep it amongst wrestlers signed with the WWF.


Personally, I'm waiting for an Austin-Flair match. I also thinkFlair-Angle could easily reach ****. What do you guys think?

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Guest Downhome
What match that hasn't happened yet in the WWF are you really hoping can occur? Don't insert a dead guy or someone not signed but keep it amongst wrestlers signed with the WWF.


Personally, I'm waiting for an Austin-Flair match. I also thinkFlair-Angle could easily reach ****. What do you guys think?

Well, you just took one of the main matches that I'm looking forward to. I'm also awaiting Ric Flair Vs. Chris Jericho, Flair Vs. Chris Benoit, Benoit Vs. William Regal, and many, many, more, lol.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

damn, you both took all my matches! lol


I'd love to see Flair/Jericho and Flair/Angle, they could be fantastic matches.


On Benoit's return, I'd like to see him feud with RVD.

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Guest Downhome

I want to see, hell, we all NEED to see...


Rob Van Dam Vs. A.J. Styles


...A.J. may not be signed yet, but I REALLY think he will be picked up soon. This is what I want to see, and I dream of the day that it comes to be. Can you imagine a 30 minute match between these two in a high stakes match over the IC title? :0

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

RVD vs. HHH.


Just to see how HHH will react to all the RVD chants.

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Guest Some Guy

RVD vs. Benoit

Storm vs. Benoit

Austin vs. Storm in a competitive match

Angle vs. Flair

Jericho vs. Flair

Austin vs. Flair

Rock vs. Flair

Beniot vs. Flair (Jesus Flair would be 75 before he could get around to doing all theses :) )

Benoit vs. Booker (you said that hasn't happened in WWF)

RVD vs the ME guys in PPV matches


BPS you know how HHH would react, SQUASH, BURY, and possibly get him fired and if he's still over rinse and repeat.

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Guest Downhome
RVD vs. HHH.


Just to see how HHH will react to all the RVD chants.

Once again, your dislike of HHH inspires me, lol. Let me ask you two questions...


1) What did you think when HHH pinned Mick Foley in the HITC match to end his career?


2) What did you think when HHH stoped the Steph/Test wedding?


...I'm just currious, lol.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

#1...seeing as how Foley was retiring I had a great deal of respect for him that he would put someone over on his way out.


At this time I was a HHH fan.  He was good.  He was over.  And he was a good champion.


#2...at the time...I though the storyline was super gay.  and thought that the HHH involvement was pretty funny.  Had I known all that would come from it...I would have hated it...as I do now.

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Guest goodhelmet

Yeah, there is a huge difference in HHH pinning Foley and HHH pinning RVD. HHH pinning Foley helped elevate Trips in a time when the WWF had the Rock and little else.


In this current WWF environment, Trips beating RVD would do nothing but help stroke HHH's ego and devalue a star of the future.

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Guest Tony149

I want to see Flair vs. Austin, Angle, Benoit, Jericho & even HHH. If the WWF doesn't screw up the draft...I see most of those names going with Flair.

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Guest goodhelmet

Tony, that is a best case scenario if all of those names went with the RAW crew. If it were to occur we might get multiple *** matches every week on RAW without any problem.

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Guest Some Guy

I'm not getting my hopes up for *** matches every week, but with the cruisers and teh other mid carders supossedly getting pushed there is always a chance.


I'd like to see Perfect vs. Raven in the battle of over sellers.

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Guest goodhelmet

OK, revoke my smakrks membership Right Now!

I have Flair wrestling some greats but didn't even consider Benoit!!!!! on a sidenote, has Flair ever wrestled Benoit 1-on-1?


"I'm not getting my hopes up for *** matches every week, but with the cruisers and teh other mid carders supossedly getting pushed there is always a chance."


If you look at the talent Tony149 had going to RAW then it would be very feasible to have many *** matches on every week. with the additions of the cruisers that could be easily accomplished. Leave the Big Shows, Hogans, Nash's, Kanes, Takers on Smackdown and let the real wrestlers wrestle dammit!!!!

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Guest Some Guy

I don't see Vince giving that many great workers to Flair.  I think his ego will get in the way of good business and he'll stack his show more than Flair's, rather than equalizing them or giving Flair a slightly better roster.

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Guest Tomato Can

Well this hasn't exactly "not happened" but I really wanna see Jericho-Benoit with the heel/face roles reversed from their awesome 2000 feud.

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Guest goodhelmet

I think if Vince takes HHH, the NWO, and the ROck, in his mind he will have the stacked roster but us smarks know otherwise hehehehe

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Guest Tony149

I think Flair wrestled Benoit once on Thunder.


The way I picked Flairs roster was simple. If Raw does become more wrestling based like the rumors suggest, then I put the guys who are good wrestlers with him. I wouldn't put every good wrestler there, but those guys I listed would really shine in Flairs fed. Guys like Taker, Big Show need the Sports Entertainment to protect them from looking bad in the ring.

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Guest sayeitan

RVD/Guerrero would be amazing...

Benoit/Regal wasn't too much to be excited about on Nitro. Benoit/Rhyno, Benoit/Snow, Benoit/Kane in the tradition of Kane/Angle matches, Benoit/UT in a main event match, just to see what Chris could pull out of him (the crossface versus the dragon sleeper! smell the buyrate...), Benoit/Austin as a PPV main, Benoit/RVD, Benoit/Tajiri, Benoit/Booker and Benoit/DDP in an attempt to help both of those guys, Benoit/Hogan, and finally, Benoit/Benoit when Ted Dibiase shows up with a look-alike. If this is not possible, then Benoit/Chester McCheesyton. Flair/Angle would be a guaranteed classic.


Has there ever been a Benoit/Malenko/Jericho triple threat?

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Guest Cataclysm911

There are several matches that I would enjoy watching, especially if they were given main event time to work:


Val Venis Vs. Chris Benoit

Val Venis Vs. Lance Storm

Val Venis Vs. Kanyon

Chris Benoit Vs. Chris Jericho

Chris Benoit Vs. Edge

Chris Benoit Vs. Lance Storm

Chris Jericho Vs. Edge

Chris Jericho Vs. Lance Storm

Kurt Angle Vs. Chris Jericho

Kurt Angle Vs. Chris Benoit

Kurt Angle Vs. Kanyon

Kurt Angle Vs. Val Venis

Kurt Angle Vs. Lance Storm

Kanyon Vs. Chris Benoit

Kanyon Vs. Chris Jericho

Kanyon Vs. Edge


Actually, any combination of Val Venis, Kanyon, Benoit, Storm, Angle, & Jericho would make me happy. Especially, if it were a main event match, or a ladder match.

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Guest Brian

I'm still waiting to see the full Benoit/Eddie match that was cut really short on RAW.

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Guest alfdogg



Flair/Austin (the match that Hogan screwed us all out of)

Flair/Kane (just to see if anybody besides Angle can carry his ass)





Jericho/Kidman (they did fight on Nitro once, but you said never happened in the WWF)

Hell, RVD/Shane O-Mac sounds good to me


I'll add RVD/Rey Jr. even though Rey's not signed

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Guest KOR420


RVD/HHH - just to see HHH get pissed at a bigger pop then him

Lesnar/someone - just to see more nifty moves from lesnar

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Lesnar/HOGAN, to see the orange goblin repeatedly powerbombed.

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Guest KOR420
Lesnar/HOGAN, to see the orange goblin repeatedly powerbombed.


Then Hogan could retire,and Lesnar could be billed as the "The man who Really killed Hulkamania!"

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