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Raw 5-12-03

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Guest Downhome
I think they should have Silver King come in to feud with Hurricane. Have the Spanish announce team tremble in fear and go to Hurricane for help.



La Parka is a character that would write itself into the Hurricane storyline, heh.

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Guest razazteca

I like Black Tiger 3 better than Silver King just because he has a mask + think of the merchandise.

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Guest razazteca
I would like to see Nova come in as either a tag partner for Hurricane or as his arch enemy and maybe use the Venom costume.  Or he could be like Guy Gardner Green Latern or Power Ranger :lol:


Nova invented the comic book gimmick :)

Do you know what Nova even looks like right now in OVW?

A Backseat or Hardy Boy? And he did get a hair cut right :huh:

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Yeah but I think the stockiness of Silver King along with his surprising agility and his overall 'look' lends itself better. Make him into a spaghetti western type evil villain who scratches his goatee, laughs at the pain of others, and carries around a cigar and bottle of tequilla and captures a blonde haired damsel (Stacy!) and ties her to the railroad tracks... It would be a neat introductory foil for the hurricane. They could shoot all of their scenes in a spaghetti western style too.

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Guest razazteca

No no more Ms Handcock for Senor Fablouso. Besides Black Tiger works well as the Luchadore from Japan gimmick. Maybe Ultimo Dragon can work some politics and get him signed.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Everybody, go to the main page of wwe.com and take a look at the bottom right-hand corner of the pic w/ Nash and HBK.

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Guest Memphis





And THAT, kids, is how we be sarcastic.


Thanks Mr.Rudo, you were great.







Antonio Inoki says 'RAW both sucked and blowed'


Good one, Mr. Inoki.

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Guest tank_abbott
I don't see how losing to an old man in his underwear and then getting beaten up after the match makes you "look good", maybe you can explain it further. [/b] 


...being "buried" does not happen after loosing a single match, to whom many will say is the greatest human being to ever step foot into a ring.


... Who lost to Rico...


And then having HHH come down and pedigree him.

OMG Flair jobbed to a lesser talent last year!!


By that logic...Beniot has lost to Scorpio in the past so he should never be pushed past the JTTS level Scorpio was at... Ditto Eddy/Rey and everyone else in the WWF minus, everyone loses to lesser talents in "upsets" or even while being depushed. Its all meaning less!!! OMG!




Let's argue for the sake of fighting. Woo HOO!

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
Then we get LOD who put on a pretty good match.  I can't say I agree with the usage, but at least they looked better then everyone said they would look in the ring.

You're kidding right? LOD were damn slow and I don't mean Big Show slow, I mean decrepid old man slow. It was sad to see how they let themselves go. Their moves were pretty weak looking too.

They weren't that slow. They were faster then Big Show on his best day. They are not as shitty in the ring as you guys said. Ya'll are just totally against older wrestlers, so when an older guy or guys come back you all say they suck and are slow. But in this case they were slower then they used to be, but nowhere near as slow as some of the guys on here made them out.


Dudley's/LOD feud would rule ass!


Oh, and that woman's match was horrible.

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Guest bob_barron
They weren't that slow.


Were you watching the match on FF?


They were faster then Big Show on his best day.


Big Show is 7' something and weighs 500lbs. He has somewhat of an excuse to not be fast. Those guys are not. What it does matter that they were faster then Big Show? What's your point? I hate Big Show as well so someone coming and being just a little bit faster then him is not something that will make me want to watch.


They are not as shitty in the ring as you guys said.


Hawk blew up about ten seconds in, they both moved like molasses and the missed Doomsday spot was horrrific.


Ya'll are just totally against older wrestlers, so when an older guy or guys come back you all say they suck and are slow.


You mean like Ric Flair?


But in this case they were slower then they used to be, but nowhere near as slow as some of the guys on here made them out.


When a three minute match seems like an eternity- you know you were too slow.


Dudley's/LOD feud would rule ass!


It'd be ass all right.


Oh, and that woman's match was horrible.


You mean the womens match that got the dead crowd back into it, had some cool hardcore spots, gave the finish the fans wanted and had Trish finally beat Victoria to give the fans what they wanted to see. It also had Trish duck a lid shot in spectacular fashion and had both women doing stuff that most fans never dreamed of seeing occur in the womens division

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Guest Coffey

Uhh...weren't they supposed to miss the Doomsday Device? I thought RVD was supposed to duck...

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
Were you watching the match on FF?


Why must you be stupid?


Big Show is 7' something and weighs 500lbs. He has somewhat of an excuse to not be fast. Those guys are not. What it does matter that they were faster then Big Show? What's your point? I hate Big Show as well so someone coming and being just a little bit faster then him is not something that will make me want to watch.


My point is, if you paid attention is that LOD wasn't as slow as Big Show like La Parka said.


Hawk blew up about ten seconds in, they both moved like molasses and the missed Doomsday spot was horrrific.


I didn't see anybody blow anything except RVD totally making it obvious as hell he was going to duck the Doomsday Devise. Hawk did a great job on it but it was really RVD that fucked up the spot.


You mean like Ric Flair?


...and every other wrester you guys bitch about coming back.


When a three minute match seems like an eternity- you know you were too slow.


Actually the match was closer to 5 minutes and it didn't seem long to me, but to each his own. IMO, it was a great debut for the LOD and I hope to see them alot more in the future.


You mean the womens match that got the dead crowd back into it, had some cool hardcore spots, gave the finish the fans wanted and had Trish finally beat Victoria to give the fans what they wanted to see. It also had Trish duck a lid shot in spectacular fashion and had both women doing stuff that most fans never dreamed of seeing occur in the womens division


No I mean the women's match that had blown spots and only got pops because there was a kendo stick envolved.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
Uhh...weren't they supposed to miss the Doomsday Device? I thought RVD was supposed to duck...

That's exactly what was supposed to happen. RVD ducked before Hawk ever left the top rope, which totally blew the move. That was RVD's fault for not timing the move correctly.

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Guest bob_barron
Uhh...weren't they supposed to miss the Doomsday Device? I thought RVD was supposed to duck...

He was. But Road Warrior Hawk would've missed anyway had RVD not ducked. He was flying the wrong way so when RVD ducked when he didn't have to- everyone came out looking stupid

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Guest bravesfan

Hawk didn't have the legs to "reach" RVD from where he was standing, so instead, he jumped to the left of Rob, totally blowing the illusion of the move.


The purpose of the Doomsday Device is for Hawk to jump over Animal's shoulders while clotheslining the guy. THERE'S NO WAY he would be able to do that, in his condition.

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Guest bob_barron
My point is, if you paid attention is that LOD wasn't as slow as Big Show like La Parka said.


Were they even moving as slow as Big Show??? At least Big Show doesn't blow up three minutes in in a tag match. They looked absolutely pathetic out there. Time has not been kind to the OLD.


I didn't see anybody blow anything except RVD totally making it obvious as hell he was going to duck the Doomsday Devise. Hawk did a great job on it but it was really RVD that fucked up the spot.


Of course they didn't blow anything- it's very hard to blow a punch and a knee. They didn't do any actual moves in the match. Hawk flew in the wrong direction and confused everyone. They were horrible.


...and every other wrester you guys bitch about coming back.


WCW brought back a lot of old wrestlers. Where are they now?


Actually the match was closer to 5 minutes and it didn't seem long to me, but to each his own. IMO, it was a great debut for the LOD and I hope to see them alot more in the future.


The match lasted 3:10. That's not 5 minutes. They have no point being in WWE. They're not over, move like shit, have no conditioning, no moveset, no actual wrestling skills and no rub to give since no one has cared about them in 11 years. Remember the last time WWF tried to push them? It didn't work then- why do you think it will work 5 years later?


No I mean the women's match that had blown spots and only got pops because there was a kendo stick envolved.


You mean there was no pop when Trish did her Matrix style duck? Or that cool counter involving the handstand rana? Or Trish finally beating Victoria? The women's match had one or two blown spots but it didnt take away from the overall match. Both girls went out and killed each other and having Tommy out there was a nice touch for the loyal Philly fans

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Granted the Trish Matrix thing did garner some pop, but it paled in comparision to when Dreamer started walking down the aisle. I was SOOOO hoping that they where going to make it into a Hardcore Mixed Tag match and let Dreamer just clock people with the Cane all day.




LOD wasn't bad, but the botched Doomsday Device looked like garbage. Even had RVD not ducked early, Hawk was flying off to the side, and Animal should have gotten closer to the corner. It's 2003 not 1985 anymore. :angry:

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Guest Olympic Slam

Regardless of whether Hawk was supposed to miss the Doomsday Device, the entire match made wrestling look REALLY fake.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

OMG Flair jobbed to a lesser talent last year!!


Not only a lesser talent, but *Rico*. On the WWE ladder Rico is just above Rodney Mack... No wait, he's just BELOW Rodney Mack.


By that logic...Beniot has lost to Scorpio in the past so he should never be pushed past the JTTS level Scorpio was at... Ditto Eddy/Rey and everyone else in the WWF minus, everyone loses to lesser talents in "upsets" or even while being depushed. Its all meaning less!!! OMG!


Who is Ric Flair today? He's HHH's lap dog. He's an old man. He's crap. Everyone and their mother has beaten him in the WWE... except for Hurricane.


Let's argue for the sake of fighting. Woo HOO!


Completely valid point, Downhome doesn't think this will hurt the Hurricane because the match was 'good' and Ric Flair is a 'legend'. I say that Ric Flairs value as a wrestler is gone and used Rico as an example of how low that value has gotten.

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Guest bob_barron
OMG Flair jobbed to a lesser talent last year!!


Not only a lesser talent, but *Rico*. On the WWE ladder Rico is just above Rodney Mack... No wait, he's just BELOW Rodney Mack.


By that logic...Beniot has lost to Scorpio in the past so he should never be pushed past the JTTS level Scorpio was at... Ditto Eddy/Rey and everyone else in the WWF minus, everyone loses to lesser talents in "upsets" or even while being depushed. Its all meaning less!!! OMG!


Who is Ric Flair today? He's HHH's lap dog. He's an old man. He's crap. Everyone and their mother has beaten him in the WWE... except for Hurricane.


Let's argue for the sake of fighting. Woo HOO!


Completely valid point, Downhome doesn't think this will hurt the Hurricane because the match was 'good' and Ric Flair is a 'legend'. I say that Ric Flairs value as a wrestler is gone and used Rico as an example of how low that value has gotten.

Rico is just below Rodney Mack? What are you smoking Rudo? Rico is at the bottom bottom rung of the ladder. Right next to Steven Richards and Spike Dudley.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I... I.... I don't know what I was thinking.... I'm... Sorry. I completely forgot about Spike and Stevie Richards... which is exactly why Rico belongs with them on the bottom bottom rung of the ladder.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

To me it look like since RVD ducked too early he caused Animal to move to the left, becasue of his weight shift, which made Hawk look as though he was way off target. When actually if RVD has waited a few seconds to duck Hawk wouldn't have been so far off target.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

Well that may be true, but I forgot that I have TIVO now and I recored RAW last night. And after further reveiw, RVD cause Animal to move over before Hawk got there making it look as though Hawk missed the spot.


End of story. But Hawk is old and fat, but the blown spot wasn't his fault.

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Guest EternallyLazy

Judging by WWE's actions as of late, I completely understand why some feel that this may be Hurricane "getting buried" but I think we should at least wait until the ppv Sunday and the following RAW to see if that was the case. If Hurricane follows up and gets the upper hand in revenge (very doubtful...) then we can conclude that it's probably not burial



EDIT: Didn't realize that I contradicted myself until I reread several minutes later

Edited by EternallyLazy

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Why should we wait? Whatever indication has the WWE given you that they will do the right thing? We all know it's going to happen, so let's bitch about it now. So many times is it said "wait until it happens before you complain" and then it *does* happen. Pretty good track record we got goin, I see no reason why we should wait.

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Rico has NEVER been given any room to shine. He's been given a couple of matches with good time that he did good in and he was thrown into that last minute match with Goldust when Booker T wasn't able to make the show that one time and the match ended up sucking. Ever since then people give Rico crap....for what? Standing at ringside with a team no one cares about? It's not his fault.

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