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Guest NoSelfWorth

Freedom of Speech absent last night for Raw

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Guest NoSelfWorth

-Several readers who attended last night's Raw have reported that WWE confiscated a group of signs from fans that spelled out "Big Lazy" during Kevin Nash's match against Chris Jericho last night.


Credit - PWTorch.com


Now how will they excuse this ? It's obvious that the fans don't accept Nash in the main event.

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-Several readers who attended last night's Raw have reported that WWE confiscated a group of signs from fans that spelled out "Big Lazy" during Kevin Nash's match against Chris Jericho last night.


Credit - PWTorch.com


Now how will they excuse this ? It's obvious that the fans don't accept Nash in the main event.

Easy they'll say Philly fans always boo the faces. At any rate this practice is nothing new to confiscate signs that are anit-face or pro-heel so its nothing to get too worked up about.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I don't understand the taking away of signs at all.


People pay to sit there and voice their opinion on what they're watching.


It's the WWE's job to please the fans...not shove shit down their throats and then take away their voice as they protest it.

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Guest Youth N Asia
It's the WWE's job to please the fans...not shove shit down their throats and then take away their voice as they protest it.

You know that, I know that, most people know that...but for some reason Vince and Steph can't grasp the fact that the shit they're putting together isn't over.

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Guest netslob

exactly, my friend...if i pay 40 or 50 bucks to go to a show, i'll bring whatever goddamn sign i want. i pay their fuckin' salaries, it's MY money, who the fuck do they think they are? that's one of the main reasons i refuse to go to a WWE show...i know me, and if those Sign Gestapo bastards confiscated my sign, i'd flip out and make a scene. i just can't stand that kind of shit.

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Guest Youth N Asia

And what's even worse is when you'll hear JR going on about how the WWE loves that the fans bring their signs to express themselves.

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Guest ravman77

Does anyone in the UK know if this happens over here? Never seen it happen before and Im off to Insurrextion in Newcastle next month.... :)

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Guest NoSelfWorth

I would say it's guaranteed to happen at any WWE event overseas.

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Guest TheBigCalbowski

I can understand a sign being confiscated because of vulgarity, but not signs who are anti-face and pro-heel. I guess the WWE is afraid of the truth. I know someone who went to Raw a couple weeks ago and he carried a whiteboard with him. During the SNH taping, the 3MW had a match with 2 indy guys and he wrote "No One's Watching This". Thus security kept an eye on him the whole night.

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Guest JHawk

This started sometime after they bought WCW. (Go figure right?) I was at the last SmackDown prior to WrestleMania X8 and they confiscated my "Proud Member of the Hulk Hogan Hater's Klub" sign. The reason they gave me for taking was that "Klub" was spelled wrong, but three problems with that.


1. I know for damn sure that WWE never gave a shit about proper spelling on signs before that.


2. The Hulk Hogan Haters Klub was a legitimate anti-Hulk Hogan internet group that had a weekly newsletter (and security didn't believe it even though it was true).


3. Hogan was still a heel.


Needless to say, that was the beginning of the hate portion of my love/hate relationship with the World Wrestling Federation.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

How does arena security know what to take away?


I can't imagine security guards at every arena in the country know who's supposed to be cheered, who should be booed, and what signs to take down.




Shouldn't they be busy stopping fights anyways?

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Guest JHawk
How does arena security know what to take away?


I can't imagine security guards at every arena in the country know who's supposed to be cheered, who should be booed, and what signs to take down.




Shouldn't they be busy stopping fights anyways?

Usually they have a walkie talkie or something and get the "offensive" signs reported to them via the production truck.

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Guest T®ITEC

Perhaps they also receive a list of possibly "offensive" signs to follow as a guideline.


Note that I am an idiot.

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Guest JHawk

Next time I go to TV, I'm taking "Midcard > HHH"


Take it from me and there's hell to pay.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

They left the Big ZZZ signs. That was the greatest sign I've seen in a while.

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Guest Lil Naitch
They left the Big ZZZ signs. That was the greatest sign I've seen in a while.

I saw that one, too.

And If I paid money to see the show, and the security came to me to take my sign away, I'd demand monetary compensation for it.


BTW, YAN- I love your new picture :cheers:

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Guest NoCalMike

Ya know, this is a very HYPOTHETICAL scenario but WHAT IF........


You brought a sign, that didn't follow suit with what WWE wants to be seen on tv. Not advertising, no curse words. Just something maybe, "anti-face." So then, a security guard tries to confiscate the sign and you refuse, which eventually leads to them trying to kick you out of the building, which leads to a minor scuffle, which ends with your ass out on the street.


Now, what if you got yourself a lawyer, and told him what happened, and pointed out that it is SUPPOSEDLY wwe policy to bring any sign you want with WHATEVER you want to write on it. For evidence I am sure a lawyer could put his resources to work and find a copy of the various raws during the "attitude era" where Jim Ross definately says on multiple occassions that they ENCOURAGE the wwf/e's fans right to 1st amendment/freedom of speech and that they DON'T take away signs.


Tell me, doesn't that seem like a pretty EASY lawsuit to win? Unless you took the first swing at the security guard, which could lead to the "scuffle" being your fault. Other than that, seems wwe would be out some money.

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