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Guest Banky


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Guest Banky
Sadly Bankster, I've got dibs on a title shot with Zack at Schools Out


You can have whats left of him though


won't be much, he ain't much of a man in the first place

Popick, you sad fothermucker, ever heard of a 3 way dance? C'mon buddy, got what it takes? Do you? Huh, punk? Didn't think so. You aren't safe from me either.

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Guest Banky
Nah a 3 way dance would take away from a great storyline they have going...it would make no sense.

Storylines can and will change. Its Bankay.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

remember, he is in character


parka, thanks for your compliment on the storyline


my anthem, part 3...will set the stage



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Guest Dangerous A

Why don't we make out? Why don't we all have a big splurge party of Banky? You know, I know all about Banky's exploits and how he's the "most valuable aquisition" for the OAOAST. Well, I too am known about these parts, so where is my fucking welcoming party? Where's my love? Where is the DA love? I am now here, yet I don't hear any of you giving it up? Banky, you are right. Storylines are about to change.

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Guest Banky

Dangerous A? You get my love and respect. I respect you immensly. I respect how you've been able to continiously take yourself seriously when its evident that you don't have what it takes anymore. The bar has been raised in the past few days, and everyone is going to have to step up their game - and that includes you. Banky has changed EVERYTHING, and if you want to be rearranged, Banky is the man to call up. You want some? Are you sure? Positive? Swear to God?


I didn't think so.

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Guest Dangerous A

Banky, Banky, Banky, Banky.



I am fully aware that you are one of the more celebrated guys to debut here at the OAOAST. I am fully aware you are about to raise the bar. I wouldn't have it any other way. You don't think I have what it takes anymore? Why don't you try me? Maybe I need to be rearranged. Maybe I need to get straightened out. My question to you is: Are you the one who's going to do it? Remember this, respect is earned. I respect you enough to know where you are coming from. I respect you enough to know how and when to deal with you. That little amount of respect I have for you will help put me over your "bar". I know I am ready. Will the rest of the others be ready? Who gives a shit. Other than that, me thinks you need to bring it, son.

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Guest Banky

Respect? What do you know about respect? It doesn't matter, I don't want your pity. What I want is your ass out of this company. Yea, we've had our past, and you know something? I want you gone. Forever. I want my first match to be a triumphant one...I WANT IT BE MEMORABLE!! So guess what I propose? Just a guess? I want you, one on one, so I can send you packing. You don't deserve to hang with Banky, but thats ok, I'll still give you a shot. But mark my words, I will finish you for good. The name Dangerous A will be disgraced in a few weeks. Bitch, you won't be able to show your face around these parts ever again.

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Guest caboose

Congratulations to you Banky for making such a splash already, but do you really have to stay in character all the time?

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Guest Dangerous A

What do I know about respect? Enough to know whatever respect there was between us is now out the window! You want DA out forever? I haven't even laced a boot yet and you want me out. Gettin under your skin yet? I should be. I should be under your skin because you know when you step in the ring with me you are in for a dogfight. You want your first match to be MEMORABLE! So you think you can make DA your stepping stone? You think I'm just some kind of road block so attention monger Banky can get over? I know the game. You don't get to be the most celebrated aquisition in the OAOAST without being an attention monger. Prancing around everywhere you go thinking you're God's gift to whoever. Guess what? You've got my attention. My full undivided attention. And after I'm done with you, you'll have even more attention: Medical attention.



Dangerous A is not a stepping stone. You've been warned. You want me out. Do something about it then. See you in the ring, bitch.

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Guest Banky

molestomp interferes, and I'll whip my dick out and piss on this fucking organization. I swear to God I'd make the OAOAST a living hell if it happened. Don't push me, I've made many organizations crumble because of my forceful attitude.


And Dangerous A, Or Dangerous Assrammer, please quit coming on to me. You've undressed me with your eyes for too long. And how typical, as soon as Banky gets some good PR, you have to try and cash in off of it. But as I said before, I am willing for you to share my spotlight. I will cherish every second of it. I consider you like a mosquito. You are on my arm, sucking the blood, slooowly transporting the blood from my veins, but there is a problem....I am watching your every move. And as soon as you get that last trace of blood and prepare to fly away, I'll squash you like the motherfucking parasite you are. I am building you up nicely for the triumphant fall that will be my greatest moment. Forget world titles, forget girls, and forget country music - this is personal. Bide your time my friend, this is about to get very interesting. Very very veeeery interesting....son.

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Guest Vitamin X

I read Banky's first couple promos, and it just made me yawn. I mean, yeah he gets really into hismelf, but really..that's all there is to Banky.


Self important, self righteous tripe. If he even tries to go outside of that little square, he would get owned and he knows it.


Banky doesn't own shit. He's too one dimensional. He only wishes he would come to save OAOAST like only Vitamin X can. At least I don't have to be a mark for myself to be over.


Thank You, you've completely wasted my time by reading this thread, Bankster. I would expect more out of you.

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Guest Banky

Who are you again? Yea, thats right. You're nothing. Does your opinion matter to me? Nope. Will I reach higher plateaus than you here? Of course. So did your last post mean anything in the scheme of things? Nope. Oh wait, did I just get owned?



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Guest Vitamin X

And of course, you prove me right.


Self-important tripe. Nothing. Keep dreaming, Banky. One day you won't be so blind anymore. Life exists outside of a mirror.

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