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Guest Banky


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Guest Lightning Flik
Don't fuck around with excellence....

When I see excellence, I'll make sure to notice.


Till then, please. Keep talking all you want. When you improve IZ with you on it, give me a call.


[/ending my in character crap]


Hope you do well in IZ Banky. Maybe if we get into the tourney, I really do hope we can face each other at some point. Sure to be a blast.

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Guest Banky




Dude, that shit hurts.


Apparently, however, we've never been formally introduced.


My name is Mike Van Siclen. The vast majority of my ancestors are Canadian, and I am merely a stone's through from there. Apparently, you think I am molestomp. This is simply not the case. My personal favorite type of rodent is the mouse. They remind me of Mickey.


I hope you can dig that. And kicks in the nose are not preferable - good swift kicks in the chin are A-OK.

Why did you just write your memoirs for me? I don't care about you, punk. Your days are numbered as far as I can tell. Both you and Lightening Flik will have the opportunity to face Banky. Make this fucker a 2-1 cross promotional match, I'll beat the shit out of you two so badly your bitches will feel it.

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Guest Chuck Woolery

I'd have a pretty sad memoir if it was three lines long.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Both you and Lightening Flik will have the opportunity to face Banky. Make this fucker a 2-1 cross promotional match, I'll beat the shit out of you two so badly your bitches will feel it.

Firstly, you need to get more involved and know the product before I'll even BOTHER considering it.


As for Lightning Flik participating, again I say know the product, because Lightning Flik doesn't wrestle anymore.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

Banky = Greatest Talent Acquistion Ever


Banky Owns You All


Banky 4 next OaOasT Champion...



after me... =)


<insert canned laughter>

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Guest Lightning Flik
Banky = Greatest Talent Acquistion Ever


Banky Owns You All


Banky 4 next OaOasT Champion...



after me... =)


<insert canned laughter>

Banky = Disappointing new rookie.


Banky = Just another InferiorlyZealous member.


Banky = Next InferiorlyZealous jobber.


Big Poppa Popick = Next person in line to job to Zack Malibu.


*big evil grin*

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

not true


not true


not true


ohh hell NO! not true...Im going to Save Zack from his materialism...and take his title away so that he can stand as his own man and not worship a golden idol!


you just dont understand the laws of banky that are applicable in these situations

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Guest Lightning Flik
not true


not true


not true


ohh hell NO! not true...Im going to Save Zack from his materialism...and take his title away so that he can stand as his own man and not worship a golden idol!


you just dont understand the laws of banky that are applicable in these situations

So true, your just afraid to admit it.


So true, that you don't wanna admit your wrong.


So true, that you keep yourself in denial.


As for the last, just keep this in mind: one of Totally Endorsed will win the OAOAST title in the upcoming time ahead. Would you rather be the transitional champion when you face TE? Or would you rather job to Zack, have Zack job to the selected Totally Endorsed member, who thusly being a transitional champion will then job the title to you? Choice is yours of course.


[foreshadow]And what laws of Banky? I prefer Fate taking its course... Then agian, you know nothing of Fate. ...at least not yet...[/end foreshadow]

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Guest Banky

Blah Blah Blah, after all of the hype, all of the promotion, Banky will become the quickest OAOAST Champion EVER! The splash that will be made in the coming weeks will be trend setting. You thought you knew your wrestling promotion? You all become comfortable in the stagnant state of mediocrity. Well say no more, its a Banky World Order. Malibu, you worthless preppy hosebeast, Banky is after you. I'll go wherever necessary to take you out. Remember me Malibu...Flik, tell your boy I've got his number. Its over. Trust me.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Blah Blah Blah, after all of the hype, all of the promotion, Banky will become the quickest OAOAST Champion EVER! The splash that will be made in the coming weeks will be trend setting. You thought you knew your wrestling promotion? You all become comfortable in the stagnant state of mediocrity. Well say no more, its a Banky World Order. Malibu, you worthless preppy hosebeast, Banky is after you. I'll go wherever necessary to take you out. Remember me Malibu...Flik, tell your boy I've got his number. Its over. Trust me.

Blah, blah, blah to you becoming the quickest OAOAST champion ever. Cause if you do, you'll have Totally Endorsed not only kicking your ass and getting that title off of your grimmy little mooching hands, but that ass whopping will be endorsed by the rest of OAOAST as well.


Mediocrity? Me? I like to be on the norm? Far from it Banky. Far from it.


Banky World Order? More like Bullshit Wordly Overdose.


...and Banky, I really hate to burst your bubble but EVERYONE's after Zack at this point in the game.


It's over before it began? The Slacks feuding with Banky was over and I missed it? Damn, dude. You got owned by Slacks then, other wise you wouldn't be boasting so much about your InferiorlyZealous membership. Cause once you've been heldDOWN, there ain't no way to survive. Other than becoming an InferiorlyZealous member.

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Guest SP-1

Is "Inferiorly" even a word? I refuse to take offense when the insult itself is a word made up to try and fit an insulting phrase together.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Is "Inferiorly" even a word?  I refuse to take offense when the insult itself is a word made up to try and fit an insulting phrase together.

According to http://www.m-w.com about Inferiorly


One entry found for inferior.



Main Entry: in·fe·ri·or

Pronunciation: in-'fir-E-&r

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, comparative of inferus lower -- more at UNDER

Date: 15th century

1 : situated lower down : LOWER

2 a : of low or lower degree or rank b : of poor quality : MEDIOCRE

3 : of little or less importance, value, or merit <always felt inferior to his older brother>

4 a : situated below another and especially another similar superior part of an upright body b : situated in a relatively low posterior or ventral position in a quadrupedal body c (1) : situated below another plant part or organ (2) : ABAXIAL

5 : relating to or being a subscript

- inferior noun

- in·fe·ri·or·i·ty /(")in-"fir-E-'or-&-tE, -'är-/ noun

- in·fe·ri·or·ly /in-'fir-E-&r-lE/ adverb


In truth you should actually be questioning the Zealous if anything.


Main Entry: zeal·ous

Pronunciation: 'ze-l&s

Function: adjective

Date: 1535

: filled with or characterized by zeal <zealous missionaries>

- zeal·ous·ly adverb

- zeal·ous·ness noun


Which of course would make you need to go to zeal.


One entry found for zeal.



Main Entry: zeal

Pronunciation: 'zE(&)l

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English zele, from Late Latin zelus, from Greek zElos

Date: 15th century

: eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something : FERVOR

synonym see PASSION


Now, that's quite a nice insult, if you ask me.

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Guest Zack Malibu
Take your grammer and go to hell. Or atleast out of my thread.

Seems like you've got that covered, since it's GRAMMAR. Oh and "atleast" should have a space between "at" and "least".


CWM is gonna get you for gimmick infringment.

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Guest Banky
Take your grammer and go to hell.  Or atleast out of my thread.

Seems like you've got that covered, since it's GRAMMAR. Oh and "atleast" should have a space between "at" and "least".


CWM is gonna get you for gimmick infringment.

Wow, it only took bad grammer to bust Malibu out from under his shell. Well Zack, its good to meet you, I'm Banky. I think we'll be seeing a lot of one another. Might as well get acquainted now. Tell me Zack, when did you win your little title? Banky's curious. So when was it? How long have you been able to savour the victory? Banky wants to know. After this encounter, you should get comfortable with your title. Truly value it for it is the greatest prize in this game. But you won't have it for long. I can assure you of that much.

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Guest Zack Malibu

I won the belt at AngleMania 2 this past March. And I busted my ass for 9 months to get it. Thrill of the chase I suppose. Get used to it, because all you'll be doing is chasing me ;).

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Guest Banky
I won the belt at AngleMania 2 this past March. And I busted my ass for 9 months to get it. Thrill of the chase I suppose. Get used to it, because all you'll be doing is chasing me ;).

Bitch, I've already pole vaulted 97% of the competition within 2 days. I surpass every one of the OAOAST superstars with my dynamic personality. There won't be any chasing, either. I will get my shot...soon, real soon. Why don't you try me out, huh? Try me. Scared? Huh, Preppy? Don't be scared. I am not the next big thing, I am the big thing. Greediness will put Banky in a match with you. And frankly, we are choking on the greed of society. Soon....oh very very veeeery soon.

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Guest Zack Malibu

No one's denying your personality, but you're not gonna leapfrog over everyone else who busts their ass. While I'm sure you'll be more entertaining than say, Scott Steiner, you're not gonna slide into the main event mix so easily. Pay them dues, and then we'll talk business.

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Guest Lightning Flik

You know... This is just great stuff.[/ooc]


Oh and Banky. Your personality is very better than most WWE stars. Then again, that isn't saying much.

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Guest SP-1

::tildeBANG's . . . ZACK~!::



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Guest Zack Malibu

::Orders Andre The Midget from hD to come bite SP's dick.::

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Guest Lightning Flik

::Nails the Slack Off on SpiderPoet::


Take that you BIATCH~! That's for aligning with Banky~!


::Thinks about it for a moment::


Oh wait. Your another member of the InferiorlyZealous show, which means you have to side with your InferiorlyZealous co-worker.

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Guest SP-1

Have to? No. If I weren't so nice I'd go off one show and say to hell with storylines.

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Guest Lightning Flik



That might be an idea for one of these days, SpiderPoet.

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Guest Banky

Banky transcends paying dues. Zack can hide behind his excuses all he wants, but I cannot be stopped. The same old, same old gettings kinda boring doesn't it? Doesn't it? Yes, it does. So does paying dues. When someone has the god given, pure, raw talent that I have, than I find it hard to discuss paying dues. Zack, give me a call when you outgrow that mangina. You simply can't hang with the verbal violence of Banky. Step inside my world, junior. Don't be afraid.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

Sadly Bankster, I've got dibs on a title shot with Zack at Schools Out


You can have whats left of him though


won't be much, he ain't much of a man in the first place

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