Guest Boomer Sprinklespax Report post Posted May 15, 2003 I find it hard to fathom how someone could say that Hurricane hasn't been held down with a straight face. How fucking obvious does it have to get before people get a clue?? The thing is, Hurricane being held down was merely a side effect--HHH was clearly trying to get one over on the Rock, not Hurricane. Hurricane was like an innocent bystander or something; just a pawn in HHH's warped political games. Why he considers one-upping the Rock such a big deal I have no idea. The point is, his beating Hurricane (in what IMO was HHH's 2nd best match since his return over a year ago, next to the Shawn Michaels SummerSlam match) and subsequently pedigreeing Hurricane for no reason at all is holding him down (I didn't watch Raw, but a random Pedigree is a random Pedigree). Obviously, this isn't nearly as bad as other cases, because it hasn't been over a prolonged period of time--and most likely, Hurricane will be completely forgotten and HHH won't interact with him again. It still consititutes being held down, though. I still say Hurricane has not been held down. I think there is a distinct difference between someone going over and someone going over unfairly. HHH beat Hurricane in a good match, and I'll agree that it was probably his second best since coming back, and I must also say I was totally amazed that HHH sold for Hurricane as much as he did and made him look fairly good. Though I realize it was probably just a ploy to possibly get the smarks off his back for a bit ("Did you see that?! He just sold a shining wizard! What, a two count, off that?! Gosh be golly, he ain't so bad after all!"), it was still unexpected, as anyone with half a brain knew HHH was going over. Should the outcome have been any different? As I said in my first post in this thread, Hurricane simply isn't at a level in his career where he should be taken as a serious threat to a World Champion. Whether we all agree that HHH is a douchebag or is undeserving or whatever is irrelevant here; what IS relevant is that Hurricane has been seen as a joke for a long while now, and it would be completely unrealistic for him to go over on someone like HHH, even if we smarks would love to see that happen. As for the unnecessary Pedigree, as someone else in this thread has already stated, it wasn't so much a case of Hurricane being held down as a case of Trips stealing Ric Flair's thunder. Think about it: Hurricane had already been beaten down and made to submit, and then HHH came out and attacked him while he was still down and out. That isn't politics, that's HHH trying to get some heat by attacking a much smaller man who obviously couldn't defend himself. While the evident collective hatred of HHH is enough to make us groan every time we see him, in this case I believe his appearance and subsequent attack was well-placed because it made him look like a cunning, sadistic, snobbish bastard and he already had some history with Hurricane having fought him not too long ago. The Pedigree was in context and made perfect sense. Besides, as Ultimo Dragon said earlier, Hurricane is one of the few people on Raw who is getting a semi-decent push that has yet to be completely destroyed. He's on television much more often than he used to be, he was a Tag Champion, he had all those great skits with The Rock...he's probably the only guy who actually benefitted from jumping to Raw from Smackdown. So until I see some more conclusive evidence, I refuse to cry OMG GLASS CEILING~! at the top of my lungs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Cerebus Report post Posted May 15, 2003 I agree...HHH pedigreeing Hurricane hurt Flair's heat more than Hurricane's. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2003 So what was the point of Cripps giving Hurricane the pedigree ? All it did was bury Hurrican even further after being made to submit by 54 year old man in street clothes. And I just answered my own question. Some might say 54 year old man in street clothes. All the rest would remember the fact he's one of the best proffesional wrestlers in the modern history of the sport on an all round level. Seriously, is Hurricane expected to have beaten HHH or Flair? Flair maybe...but you're saying Hurricane was buried, because he didn't beat the World's Champion. EVEN THOUGH he got the majority of offense in if I remember correctly. So instantly he's being HHHeld down. Puh-lease. Whoever he is, the World Champion is supposed to be booked as World Champion. If we're all critisising HHH as usual, then Angle and Jericho were held down most, cause their title reigns were scuppered as a result, direct or indirect, or Triple H. And the love triangle sotryline was dropped way too abruptly. But it's in the past. No amount of endless bitching, or any amount of new guys trying to gain popularity by saying they hate HHH isn't gonna change it. So, thanks a lot to wHHHoever started this up...that was sarcasm right there. Tee hee...I put HHH in the middle of a word to critisise him. Funny or what? Oh, more sarcasm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest creativename Report post Posted May 16, 2003 Should the outcome have been any different? As I said in my first post in this thread, Hurricane simply isn't at a level in his career where he should be taken as a serious threat to a World Champion. Seriously, is Hurricane expected to have beaten HHH or Flair? The HHH-Hurricane match should never have taken place. It only took place because HHH wanted to send some sort of "message" to Rock about who's the boss. As for the Flair match: first off, nobody sees Flair as a threat anymore. Not even close. He's over as hell, but it's an embarassment to lose to him. He jobbed to Rico, for fuck's sake. If Flair were to beat Hurricane, it should only be after heavy interference. And Hurricane should never, *ever* be made to tap out to Flair. So, thanks a lot to wHHHoever started this up...that was sarcasm right there. Tee hee...I put HHH in the middle of a word to critisise him. Funny or what? Oh, more sarcasm. I've seen the "wit" you attempted there executed far better by others (anti-HHHate jokes can be entertaining if done correctly). Sorry. Better luck next time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nathan_Avara Report post Posted May 16, 2003 How is Hurricane not being held down? Ric Flair wrestles maybe once a month, there was no reason Hurricane should not have scored the upset, and continued his push. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted May 16, 2003 You guys are starting become repetative. I think it's pretty obvious we all don't like HHH aside from the occasional gimmick poster who gets banned in a heartbeat. What do threads like these accomplish? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites