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Guest El Satanico

Which NBA player did the most

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Guest El Satanico

i thought this would make for an interesting companion to the which nba player did the least with the most talent.

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Guest Vern Gagne

This one IMO is alot tougher than "Biggest Dog". Have to think about it for a while.

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Guest Ripper

Kurt Rambus. THat guy was all husltle and no athletisim...and he put up like 16 a game one year for the suns all on garbage pts.

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Guest Shawn 5

Mark Madsen = Kurt Rambis of New Millenium (funny that Rambis is an assistant coach on Madsen's Lakers)

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Steve Kerr.

Kerr can shoot the ball, so I wouldn't put him on thie list.


My pick: Eric Snow

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Guest El Satanico

I always saw Bill Laimbeer as this type of player. He was never all that talented, but he mastered the flop and always played hard.

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Guest ant_7000

Steve Kerr, He can shoot thats about it. Eric Snow, I swear when first saw him on the Sonics and I thought he wouldn't make it in the League.

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Most people would say that he doesnt count since he's one of the 50 GOAT, but I think that just shows how a 6'6 chubby man like Sir Charles was able to just outwork and outhustle anybody that came in his way and grab those boards, showing that he utilized all the potential that God put in him and than some.

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Guest Vern Gagne

I was thinking of Barkley. But does he happen to be a fat guy with great talent.


What about Mugsey Bogues. For a guy only 5-3 he put a nice career together.

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Guest goodhelmet

Jim Luscotoff


Hall of Fame forward with the Celtics during their championship run. He had little talent... but a huge heart. Because of that heart, he is a champion, a hall of famer and has his name hanging from the rafters.

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Guest Vern Gagne
Robert horry

Robert Horry has talent. If anything overall I'd say he's underachieved. He's stepped up in the playoffs, but he could of been better.

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Guest alkeiper

Shaquille O'Neal. Little actual talent, but he's dominant because he's so damned big.

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Guest GeneMean
Kurt Rambus. THat guy was all husltle and no athletisim...and he put up like 16 a game one year for the suns all on garbage pts.


YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!


God how I used to mark out for Rambis and those glasses.

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Guest El Satanico
Shaquille O'Neal. Little actual talent, but he's dominant because he's so damned big.

Actually I've heard some of experts saying that Shaq actually does have real talent and that he could play without running people over if he wanted to. Of he just doesn't need to play with talent, so he doesn't.


Of course now that the physical game is wearing his body down, you'd think he'd start playing with talent if he has the ability to do so.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Shaq has talent. It's not just size. The man knows how to play basketball. It's not size alone that has allowed him to dominate the league for years.


Ben Wallace... he's talented sure, but he works so damned hard on the court he's obviously doing better than what he's been given.

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Guest El Satanico
Shaq has talent. It's not just size. The man knows how to play basketball. It's not size alone that has allowed him to dominate the league for years.

Well he may have real talent, but he doesn't use it at least 90% of the time. He has used his size to dominate his entire career.


Unless he's planning on retiring in the next 5 years, he better start using the real talent he supposedly has.

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Keith Waleskowski of University of Dayton is gonna be the next guy on this list next year, some how he'll get into the league. I would have to say that Barkley should be on the list because 6"6 was generous and he always guarded 4's.

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Guest Ripper

Charles Barkley is 6'4 tops. But when he was playing, that wasn't fat. That dude was solid. And he was a offensive genius on the post. I think he can't make the list.


Bo Outlaw has to be the man now. He can't really jump, shoot, dribble...he just hustles.

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Guest Redhawk

Dennis Rodman was a hell of an athlete (no, NOT just because he did a leapfrog in WCW, as Tony Schiavone would have you believe) and was in tip-top shape. But as a player, he had little basketball skills. So he carved a niche for himself -- just get every damn rebound possible -- and will maybe end up in the Hall of Fame because of it.


Cedric Ceballos also wasn't that good, he could just jump. He said himself one time that he was the king of garbage points. Yet I think he averaged nearly 20 ppg one year and made his mark in the League.

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Guest goodhelmet
Bo Outlaw has to be the man now. He can't really jump, shoot, dribble...he just hustles.

True story, I went to high school with Bo Outlaw. I was a freshmen when he was a senior and he helped lead the JOhn Jay Mustangs to state where we promptly got squashed. Surprisingly, he wasn't even the best player on the team but I haven't heard of any of the other guys ever making something out of themselves.


My best friend and I were so happy that someone from our high school made it that when NBA Live 94 (or 95) came out, we boosted up Outlaw's stats and made him MVP of the season.

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Guest ant_7000

Only reason why I wouldn't put Rodman on here is because coming out of college he was a scorer, and was a 6th man averaging 11pts the first couple of seasons with the Pistons. He just wanted focus on Rebounding and defense but if he really want it to he could've been a scorer.

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