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Guest SeanO'HaireMark

How would you book next week?

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Guest SeanO'HaireMark

I have friends here (NYC) saying that SEX should rule the ranks in nwa for about 3 to 5 weeks and then Sting should come in and be the major face that turns the tide in favor of nwatna.I would like to hear how you guys would book this in another way or do you argee with sting coming in storyline?

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Guest hebtheeagle

That won't happen as Sting from what I heard is heading to the WWE.

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Guest Coffey

We already saw that exact storyline in WCW when it was Sting Vs. the nWo.

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Guest SeanO'HaireMark

I got to argee with you 2 here.I don't see sting getting anything out of doing the samething over again.But i fear that WWE might not give him the right farewell he should get.Maybe he will end up on smackdown cause raw sucks.Anyway as far as nwatna goes they should be building up to something if SEX is running the fed.But i wonder what.

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Jago, cut the guy a break. It's a legit question.


I wouldn't mind seeing Sting in the WWE. He's certainly a better worker than all of the other old timers that have been brought back, but WWE needs to concentrate on creating new stars, not bringing back old ones.



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That's funny. I remember when I was voted #1 babyface on TSM.


For the record, I thought you were dead wrong in your debate against Ravishing Rick Rudo the other day and thus, you're a heel in my eyes :)


Check out Site Feedback btw...so you can see what I think about this new fellow.



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Guest CoreyLazarus416

So get genuine heat instead of X-Pac heat. :D


Here's how I'd book it, concerning the second-try at the SEX takeover:

X-Division Title

Chris Sabin © vs. Shark Boy

Sabin wins, cleanly, and then SEX comes out and begins beating down Shark Boy, putting him through a table. Gilberti grabs the mic, and says that SEX will take out the entire TNA roster one-by-one until Jeff Jarrett faces Glen man-to-man.


Elix Skipper vs. The Amazing Red

Excellent match between these two, as usual, with Elix getting the victory after Red is distracted by Christopher Daniels on the outside. XXX and Sabin then come out and destroy Red, with Jerry Lynn running in for the save. The rest of SEX comes out again, and bloodies both Red and Lynn.



Raven promo from his lair. He is all alone, as Julio and Alexis seem to be with SEX only now. Raven basically says that Glen Gilberti will learn to eat his words, and that Sabu will pay the price for attacking him with his blood and his life.


Perry Saturn/Sandman/New Jack vs. Sonny Siaki/David Young/Mike Sanders

During the match, obviously under no disqualification rules, New Jack misses the balcony dive on Mike Sanders. Sanders makes his way back to the ring. Siaki/Young take out Sandman as Saturn brawls with Sanders. Saturn has Sanders for the DVD, but Siaki/Young help Sanders out of it. Siaki hits a quick Siakolypse, and then Young hits his Spinebuster. Sanders sets up a table on the outside, and Siaki takes Saturn onto the apron. Siaki delivers the Siakolypse Now off of the apron and through the table. Young rolls Sandman into the ring, gives him a Spinebuster onto a chair, and gets a three count.

After the match, The New Church come out and begin brawling with Sanders/Siaki/Young. The rest of SEX come out and decimate The New Church. A man wearing all black, including a black mask, shows up at the top of the ramp, studying SEX's beatdown, patting a baseball bat into his hand. He then backs into the curtain and disappears.


To the SEX locker room, as Gilberti cuts a promo on Raven. He then reiterates his earlier point that SEX will take out the TNA locker room until Jarrett shows himself.


Kid Kash vs. The Truth (rematch)

During the match, The Harris Bros. come out, but Konnan blindsides both men with a Singapore Cane and a trashcan. Truth wins, and then helps Konnan beatdown The Harris Bros. However, Ron and Don turn the attack around and bloody both men. The masked man from earlier re-appears, attacking both Ron and Don, bloodying them with a baseball bat. He then exits The Asylum.


MAIN EVENT (Tag Team title)

XXX (LowKi/Daniels) {c} vs. Styles/D'Lo (rematch)

Very good match, gets around 16 minutes. The finish comes when Ki hits the Ki Krusher '99 on Styles, but D'Lo breaks up the pin, and hits Ki with his sit-down Catatonic (brainfart, I forget the name of it at the moment...Side Effect?). Styles stumbles to his feet, and Daniels breaks up the pin. Daniels then turns around and gets hit with a Styles Clash. Styles rolls Daniels over, and then backs away as D'Lo flies with the Lo Down. 1...2...Ki breaks it up. Styles/D'Lo hit the Sky High Neckbreaker on Ki. Styles sees SEX coming out, and flies over the top rope at them. Daniels hits D'Lo with Angel Wings, and then the Last Rites (just in case), and gets the 3-count.

After the match, SEX begins destroying Styles/D'Lo. Every member of the TNA locker room present empties out, including New Church and Extreme Revolution (who actually take a few shots at each other during the melee), and a huge brawl erupts. SEX gets the upper hand, however, and handcuffs the TNA workers to various points of the arena (mostly the dancers' cages and the guardrails towards the top of the ramp). Glen gives Jarrett until the count of 10 to show himself. At 9, "My World" begins playing. The lights go out, as is the usual for the intro, and then come back on. However, the masked man from earlier shows up in the ring, wielding a baseball bat, and clobbers all of SEX down except for Glen. Glen then tells Jarrett to drop the bat and take off the mask. "My World" starts up again, and Jeff Jarrett limps out from behind the curtain with a mic. Typical short Jarrett promo on Glen, and then Jeff tells Glen to turn around. Glen does so, and the masked man drops the bat and takes off the mask.* The fans erupt, and the show goes off the air.


* = Unsure over who it could be, actually. I have three ideas, though.

A. Vince Russo

B. Shane Douglas

C. Terry Funk



Now, of course, there'd be some non-SEX matches and vignettes, but the topic was to book the SEX-involved parts of the show. Not too good of a show, but it fits into how TNA seems to be booking SEX.

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Guest eirejmcmahon

I'd have someone kick seven shades of shit out of Disco and replace him as the leader of SEX.


If you're going with the hard sell on that stable, you need to give them a legitimate figure head.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

...you apparently haven't been watching, because Gilberti has been doing GREAT as SEX's leader.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

This isn't necessarily a main storyline, but I'd book Skipper/Daniels/Ki/Sabin against Styles/Brown/Lynn/Red in a survivor series style match-up, because it would rule and the grouping makes sense. I'd have it come down to Daniels and AJ, with Styles as the sole survivor, but really there's a lot that could be done. I'd also have Lynn eliminate Sabin.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Good idea for the match, and good idea for who stays in for the finals, but Lynn shouldn't eliminate Sabin. Well, unless it went something like this:


Sabin and Lynn brawl on the outside, and they're the legal men. Lynn's "new attitude" gets the best of him and he wallops Sabin a few times with a chair, disqualifying himself. Sabin then can't make the 10-count, and is eliminated.

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Guest eirejmcmahon
...you apparently haven't been watching, because Gilberti has been doing GREAT as SEX's leader.

I disagree - he was doing okay in the wake of Russo's onscreen departure and the scaling back of SEXs role in the product but now that they're pushing the faction to the fore...well, I just think it's too much, too soon for Glen.

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Guest Slapnuts00

I have no problem saying I hate SEX being the new nWo. I hated it when Vince Russo ran the group and it dominated the show, it got better when they put it in the background, but now with Glen Gilberti as the leader wreaking havoc its really a turn off...

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