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Guest Frankie Williams

Uh Oh.....

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Guest HartFan86

I think they just did it for the sake of the Booker segment, but I'd be more than happy to see Harlem Heat as a tag team on Raw.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

"I'm gonna get in the ring, and get in your BUTT."


"I'm cashin' checks and breakin' necks."


Stevie Ray = Patron Saint.


Ray, though, definetly does not need a job right now. There was news going around in 2000 that he was making, get this, $750,000 a year. He must've been buds with Bischoff, because he'd had that contract for like four years.

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Guest Star Ocean 3
Dump Cat & put Stevie on Velocity on commentary

No, dump Josh and put Stevie in with Cat. Then it's the best team ever.

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Guest HartFan86

Fuuuck. That's quite a lot for a lower mid card wrestler. When did he sign that contract? I could see him making that much in the early 90's as a big tag team wrestler, but he did shit from like late 98 til the end of WCW.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

I'm not sure. I really wish someone archived all the news tidbits from the past few years and put them on a web page. It'd be REALLY handy.

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Guest MillenniumMan831

Then, they'd have to change the name to WWE: Muthaship!

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

And uh it's great to be he this week on Velocity... What great show we got lined up for you tonight, ain't that right dream and shooter?


Oh eets da Muthasheep baby righ heah ooohn Tay Eeen Eeen..


Oh you got me baby, now it took me about mmm 2, 3 minutes to get out the back, get in my garb and get in this chair and I'm ready to announce cause this is my house! my house! my house! my house! my house! It's prime time! prime time! prime time! my house! prime time! my house! prime time! Tonay My God...

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Guest Stunt Granny

Am I the only one who thinks Josh Mathews is a good announcer?

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
Am I the only one who thinks Josh Mathews is a good announcer?

I think he's better then Cole.

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Matthews earned my respect by knowing who Brian Danielson, AKA AmDrag, was when he had a match on Velocity. And by saying Jamie "By God" Noble a lot.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Hah, it's good seeing Stevie on TV.

I expected him to be all out of shape by now.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Why all the love for Stevie Rey?


I think he pretty much sucks.

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Guest Ram

If Stevie Ray could get a catchphrase (can you eat that fruity booties?), then put him on Smackdown! as the answer to Booker T.


That would rule....or suck.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

The love for Stevie Ray comes from one phrase:


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Guest razazteca

Don't make me Slapjack you, YAK.


Stevie Ray has a better personality than Coach, and his catch phrases actually work. While Coach trys so hard to get his verbs over but fails at every attempt.

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Guest EternallyLazy

Ummmm Josh is better than Michael Cole circa - 1999 maybe. The Cole of today is a pretty damn good announcer, and is highly underrated.



And believe me... I NEVER thought I would say that

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Speaking of Coach.


"There isn't a single black announcer in wrestling today."

"What about Coach?"

"I said BLACK."

- Konnan and Tenay on NWA: TNA.

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Guest Redhawk

Like the sig says, replace Rodney Mack with Stevie Ray, give him as much mic time as Teddy Long, and that angle goes places.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling
Why all the love for Stevie Rey?


I think he pretty much sucks.

This is one of those smark/mark differences: marks mark out for appearances by shitty main eventers like Goldberg, whereas smarks mark out for appearances by shitty midcarders like Stevie Ray. The key thing being here: fans will always mark out for the appearance of shitty wrestlers as long as they haven't seen them for a while.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

We're not marking out for his wrestling abilities, because we all know he's crap in the ring.


As an announcer, yeah he's crap, but he was a guilty pleasure during the waning days of WCW. "Fruit booty", "yaks". He was bad in an entertaining way, if that makes sense.

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Guest Mr. X

They should bring Stevie Ray in as the third announcer on Raw that way maybe he can make it somewhat entertaining. Either Stevie Ray or Dusty Rhodes will do.

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Guest Trivia247

Hang on to your Froot Booties and Slapjacks


Stevie ray comin back and to be totally Uselesss for the WWE...and no one will notice.

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