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Guest wwF1587

The One and Only WWE Judgement Day 2003 Thread

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Guest Slapnuts00

Man, I wish I was seeing this, it sounds so bad. Heh, I kinda regret not watching any WCW PPVs for their last 2 years :(

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I mark for EVERY Hogan match.

Hogan vs Beefcake? :o

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Guest Repo Man jr

This already went 2 times longer than the Benoit and Cena match

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Guest Banky
My dad ordered it for my birthday, and I'm enjoying it.

Hope you had a good birthday, now here comes a series of matches to put you to sleep until Monday.

It isn't untill Tuesday, and screw it. I'm going to enjoy everything but Nash/HHH, and if Flair is REALLY involved, I might just enjoy that. I'm already going to love Hog...ummm, Mr. America vs Rowdy Roddy Piper, seeing how I mark for EVERY Hogan match.

You have the be a gimmick poster.

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Guest Downhome

Ok, am I the only one here who don't think Sable OR Torrie are all that special? To me they are just cookie-cutter blondes, with big fakeun's.


I'd rather be watching a match involving just about any guys, rather than this on a PPV.

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God just get to the MAJOR angle already...I'm loving the almost completely silent crowd...I mean shit you'd almost think they've already seen this women naked?

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Guest Repo Man jr
Man, I wish I was seeing this, it sounds so bad. Heh, I kinda regret not watching any WCW PPVs for their last 2 years :(

If I were sober and I paid for this I'd probably not be so amused. But this shit is funny!

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Guest Downhome
I mark for EVERY Hogan match.

Hogan vs Beefcake? :o

There has never been a Hogan match I didn't mark out for. That doesn't mean I don't recognize that most of them totally suck, because they do. The only one that I even come close to not marking out for at all was Hogan/Warrior II. Ugh...*shivers*.

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Guest Showstoppa Icon
Ok, am I the only one here who don't think Sable OR Torrie are all that special? To me they are just cookie-cutter blondes, with big fakeun's.


I'd rather be watching a match involving just about any guys, rather than this on a PPV.

i think theyre hot, dont get me wrong, but for gods sake, both of these women have posed for playboy, and most ppl have seen it. not to mention how many bikini/lingere/strip-tease type matches theyve had on tv where weve seen the goods b4. so its basically pointless

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Guest Repo Man jr
Ok, am I the only one here who don't think Sable OR Torrie are all that special? To me they are just cookie-cutter blondes, with big fakeun's.


I'd rather be watching a match involving just about any guys, rather than this on a PPV.

Yeah man

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Guest Downhome
Ok, am I the only one here who don't think Sable OR Torrie are all that special? To me they are just cookie-cutter blondes, with big fakeun's.


I'd rather be watching a match involving just about any guys, rather than this on a PPV.

i think theyre hot, dont get me wrong, but for gods sake, both of these women have posed for playboy, and most ppl have seen it. not to mention how many bikini/lingere/strip-tease type matches theyve had on tv where weve seen the goods b4. so its basically pointless

Oh yeah, they are hot as fuck, but still.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Ok, am I the only one here who don't think Sable OR Torrie are all that special?

Nope, and I like big boobs.



Sable is too old and I've seen Torrie without her makeup which pretty much kills it for me.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



Lesbian angle.


I thought Sable left for this the 1st time.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

That was just shit. If people want lesbians, they'll rent porn.

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Guest Downhome
Ok, am I the only one here who don't think Sable OR Torrie are all that special?

Nope, and I like big boobs.



Sable is too old and I've seen Torrie without her makeup which pretty much kills it for me.

I really disliked Torrie in WCW, especially that period of time that her face was FULL of zits or some shit, it was disgusting.


I'd rather, I dunno, have Molly and the like in this. :D

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Guest The Bandit
I hope Vince isn't wondering why Torrie got booed.

Are they booing her bad?

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OMG they kissed!!!!!!!!!!!! *yawn* Go rent a porn.


Let me guess Steph on SD gets angry for the lesbianism and suspends them and we get Steph/Sable at SummerSlam. Huzzah.

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Guest AnnieEclectic
Ok, am I the only one here who don't think Sable OR Torrie are all that special? To me they are just cookie-cutter blondes, with big fakeun's.


I'd rather be watching a match involving just about any guys, rather than this on a PPV.

I agree totally. At least Steph's a brunette and has put some good-looking toned muscle to go with those breasts. Not that I mind the breasts. Oh no, I love the breasts, but the muscle-tone makes her even more attractive. To me anyway, I have always liked my girls to have a little touch of butch. Not a whole lot, just... muscle. Or height. A taller woman is great too. Or leather. Or if she's Asian. Or if she likes spanking. Or if she's willing.



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Guest Downhome

They should play an angle on RAW tomorrow night, that Eric couldn't be there because he was so sick/wasted from the previous night, then Austin can have his way with RAW. Then next week, Bishoff is so pissed, etc... It wouldn't be...interesting.

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Guest Downhome
Ok, am I the only one here who don't think Sable OR Torrie are all that special? To me they are just cookie-cutter blondes, with big fakeun's.


I'd rather be watching a match involving just about any guys, rather than this on a PPV.

I agree totally. At least Steph's a brunette and has put some good-looking toned muscle to go with those breasts. Not that I mind the breasts. Oh no, I love the breasts, but the muscle-tone makes her even more attractive. To me anyway, I have always liked my girls to have a little touch of butch. Not a whole lot, just... muscle. Or height. A taller woman is great too. Or leather. Or if she's Asian. Or if she likes spanking. Or if she's willing.



I would choose Steph over Torrir or Sable ANY day of the week.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Once again I say,



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Guest Cover of Darkness
Fink: Now ladies and gentlemen we present...THE WORST 90 MINUTES IN PPV HISTORY!

Bored's hatred of all things Clique leads me to believe he is either Vader, or a member of the Hart family.

Or about 75% of this board.

Point taken.

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Guest edge-o-matic

Okay, can someone recap all the (important) goings on thus far? This PPV isn't worth reading 14 pages. ;)

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