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Guest Anglesault


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Guest Anglesault

Another probably overlooked aspect of what looks to be the worst major wrestling PPV of the last 3 or 4 years is that the WWF is putting one of their worst workers and least over talent in the company out there TWICE. Sure, it's only a battle royale and yes the show was bombing to begin with, but is there any logical reason that Test will be on TV for about twenty five minutes (figure a ten minute tag and him going most of the way of a 15 minute IC match) on Sunday? It's a minor thing, but all these minor things add up. Does he get a bigger pay off for this? If so wouldn't it be smarter to give that opportunity to someone who the fans care about? Are they really giving this fuck two matches but leaving Goldberg (whom I hate, but come on!) of the show? My head hurts.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Because if they put Tajiri or Funaki or Jamie Knoble then fans might actually get some decent wrestling...

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Guest raptor

I didn't even realize that. I liked Test during his run with the Corporation, but he hasn't done anything to deserve this. WWE had multiple chances to make him a big star (people were salivating for him to take Austin's place after the car accident).


They could have used Jericho's friendship with Christian to start a fued with Goldberg, and then you'd have one of the more over guys on twice instead.

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Guest Anglesault

I also have to consider the alledgedly superhot Steiner/test-French Lover Boy feud.

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Guest Anglesault
Who wants to bet Test wins the belt?

If there is a God, Steiner will take him out.


::Realizes that Test is having an affair with God's brother-in-law::



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Guest Anglesault
Didn't you hear Linda? Test is the future of the company.

She's said this again recently? When?


And if Test is the future, GOOD LORD. That means he'll be a ME into his early fifties. I want to be a wrestling fan in 20 years for WM 40. But if the ME is Paul Hunter McMahon Levisque, Jr. vs. Test vs. Hulk Hogan, I don't know if I can.

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Because if they put Tajiri or Funaki or Jamie Knoble then fans might actually get some decent wrestling...

[Vince]Yeah, and can't have that, now can we?[/Vince]

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Guest Anglesault

::Shane walks in all dishelveled with his pants half down and his hair a mess::


Shaneo: YO YO YO YO! I just got back from a meeting with Test, and I had an EPIPHANY~! He can bring buyrates up to a 5.0 if he's on the PPV TWICE!


Heyman, getting coffee for everyone: But he sucks and isn't over...


Vince: What does that matter! Great idea Shane!

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Guest Coffey

Test actually isn't that bad. He just doesn't have any charisma, so he comes off as boring on camera. He seems to work hard in the ring. I like his tempo. I liked him a lot better when his moveset was more vast. He hardly ever connects with the pump-handle slam anymore. The "Savage Elbow" that he did a week or so ago was the first time he has even attempted the move in months.

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Guest Choken One

Eh...Again test gets bum rushed by the smarks when he really isn't that bad.

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Guest Coffey

I don't mind watching him wrestle. It just seems like the WWE does everything wrong. His "love her or leave her" match was the perfect time to jump on a good situation. Of course, that went wrong with H³ getting involved and powerbombing Test through the announcer's table...making him look like a complete jobber. Sure, he can beat Shane McMahon, a non-wrestler, but then a real wrestler comes along and decimates him.


Not only that, but if Test was going to get a valet, they should've at least gave him someone that can get him over in promos. Stacy can't talk either...so the only thing that she adds is a pop to his entrance. Test shouldn't be involved in so many soap opera angles when he has no charisma/mic skills. Unless he has someone like a Bobby Heenan or the like to talk for him.

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Guest CanadianChick

I don't think that Test will last more than 5 minutes in the battle royal. After all, they want to bring prestige to the title. And that tag match won't be longer than 7 minutes, mark my words. Who's going to carry the match? Test?

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Guest CanadianChick

I don't think that Test will last more than 5 minutes in the battle royal. After all, they want to bring prestige to the title. And that tag match won't be longer than 7 minutes, mark my words. Who's going to carry the match? Test?

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Guest Slapnuts00

Oh boy! Test is in his own match and a battle royal, just like at Survivor Series 2001.

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Guest Anglesault
Eh...Again test gets bum rushed by the smarks when he really isn't that bad.

Fine. Point out the last good Test match.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Eh...Again test gets bum rushed by the smarks when he really isn't that bad.

I know this line has been said many times with 'Billy Gunn' in place of 'Test'. Was it 4... 5 months ago that me and AndrewTS coined Test as the new Billy Gunn?


His "love her or leave her" match was the perfect time to jump on a good situation.


The theme of Test's career.

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Guest Vitamin X
Eh...Again test gets bum rushed by the smarks when he really isn't that bad.

Fine. Point out the last good Test match.

His "love her or leave her" match was the perfect time to jump on a good situation.


I think they just did. ;)

I don't particularly care for Test as a worker, kind of like Rikishi, but the diffeence is Test has a bit more versatility to his workrate than Rikishi does. At least it's not all ass-related.

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Guest AndrewTS
Eh...Again test gets bum rushed by the smarks when he really isn't that bad.

I know this line has been said many times with 'Billy Gunn' in place of 'Test'. Was it 4... 5 months ago that me and AndrewTS coined Test as the new Billy Gunn?

I think it was sooner than that. Test is only a few bad gimmicks shy of him.


However, if Test is "note that bad," than he's okay to have around as long as he's not injuring anybody.


However, "not that bad" doesn't scream worthy of holding (in theory) a title that's supposed to be on a future World Title contender or hugely over future star.


I don't particularly care for Test as a worker, kind of like Rikishi, but the diffeence is Test has a bit more versatility to his workrate than Rikishi does. At least it's not all ass-related.


Rikishi has the Samoan Drop and Superkick, and the Banzai isn't really that bad since it looks very credible as a finish considering who is using it.

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Guest cabbageboy

I didn't even know Test was in the Battle Royal tonight. I'm straining to recall when he actually held the IC title before. Was it when he and Edge were dicking around with the US/IC title feud?

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Guest Anglesault
I didn't even know Test was in the Battle Royal tonight. I'm straining to recall when he actually held the IC title before. Was it when he and Edge were dicking around with the US/IC title feud?

Yeah. Boring mini-feud with an incredibly overrated match as the blow off. And even if you are particularly generous and call that Test's last good match, we're still looking at a year and a half since one.

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Guest Banky

Funaki isn't exactly a great wrestler. I guess he gets the nod because he is Japanese.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Also, in the past year and a half has Test had a singles match that's lasted more than six minutes? Kind of hard to judge shit when he's been squashing Steven Richards and just generally doing a whole lot of nothing.


Yeah, and Funaki isn't that great. He was probably really good in Japan, but WWE stigma kicked in so now he's brought it down a few notches.

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