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Guest Choken One

Bam Bam Vs LT

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Guest Choken One

O.K...In 1995...We know vince was greedy for an Major Draw for WM...



So he decided that to ease the pain of the Steroid Trials was to bring in a Known Cocaine Addict and pay him a million bucks...



That is all nice and Dandy but Why did Vince Select Bam Bam?


Clearly He had to figure that Bam Bam image was a disgrace for a Main stream sell...



Why didn't he opt for some one whom would've made the WWF image better?


Someone like Owen Hart, Shawn, Crush, Backlund, Jerry Lawler...


Anyone would've been better then Bam Bam...



oR DID He select Bam Bam knowing that the person who jobs to Taylor would be a joke forever and decided that he oughta select a deadweight mid-carder?

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As soon as i read your post somewhere else, i knew you'd start a new topic :P


The match had less ability than a HGH\Steiner best of 3 cage match... the announces went mad when LT performed a flying clothesline.,.

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Guest El Gigante

I ask that same question all the time. Why Bam Bam? You're telling me they couldnt of thought of someone better to put in that match. But then you have to remember this is 1995 WWF so your choices are limited.

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Guest MillenniumMan831

Because Bam Bam was big and expendable.


Had Vince of chose someone like Owen Hart, the ordinary Joe who just heard that LT would be wrestling would see Owen and think that LT would kill him, making wrestlers look weak before the match starts. However, face-to-face an LT/Bam Bam matchup looked pretty even.


As for Crush, I thought he was in jail at the time.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Crush WAS in jail at the time. (he was arrested i think shortly after RR 95)


Everyone seems to forget Bam Bam was going to be WWF's Next Big Thing in 1987, but nothing kind of worked out then. Maybe they tried making him a top guy again by having him main event Mania, turn face, and headline some shows after that. (Thanks to the Klit (aka Kliq) that didn't happen)


As for everyone else, Owen, Backlund whoever, compared to LT< they look like kids. Taylor matched up good with Bigelow, because he didnt have the size advantage.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Bam Bam was promised the moon for jobbing to LT and never got it. Everyone else pretty much refused or realized that it wouldn't get them anywhere. Bam Bam had loads of potentional when he debuted in the WWF in 1987, but never went anywhere and this was about his last shot at making a name for himself.


He's also got that stereotypical cartoon wrestler look that the main stream is most familiar with; he's a big, fat mean looking bear of a man with tatoos of flames on his head. He looks like a complete freak, great visual for posters and such. Plus, the fact that he matches up to LT well in the size department that others have mentioned is very important.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

As mentioned above, it was supposed to springboard BBB to a major push. Unfortunately, it got derailed *coughCLIQUEcough* somehow.

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Guest Hulkamania Fan

Bam Bam Biglow was a a top heel when he was in the wwf.

The reason they put him with LT at Wrestlemania 11 was because Bam Bam Biglow was at his prime. Bam Bam Biglow may have lost but it was still a good match.

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Guest tank_abbott

bammer did headline a PPV or 2 after WM w/Diesil as his partner... So he did get a "push" of sorts

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

First King of the Ring in '93. Bam Bam and Bret Hart squared off in the final.

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That wasn't an announced main event going in though. If Bam Bam/ Bret Hart was headlining a PPV and the audience knew in advance...I don't think it would have done well.



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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Yeah, I thought that. But it did main event and it's about the only time I can think of Bam Bam main eventing a ppv on his own. It shows that the WWF was comitted to pushing him off and on over the years, but could never fully pull the trigger on it.

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Guest tank_abbott

Dames, Why the Bammer hate? Were you a Dink fan or something?

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Guest Mattdotcom

Bam Bam/Diesel vs. Sid/EVIL Native American Tatonka Toy was the main event of King of the Ring 1995.





Poor Bam Bam.

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Guest JAxlMorrison

I think the answer to "Why Bam Bam?" is the fact that Vince knew if anyone could go in there and pull a decent match out of LT, and not bitch about jobbing, it would be Bammer. In my mind, Bigelow is probably one of the, if not the overall best big man ever. Too bad shabby treatment and aborted pushes derailed him over and over and over again.

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