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Guest ShooterJay


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Guest ShooterJay

I actually did not realize Judgment Day was even on tonight. This is the first time EVER in 8 years of watching that I've forgotten a WWF/E PPV was airing. Apparently the OAOAST did too, because I thought our "PPV" shows ran concurrently with WWE ones.


It really has hit rock bottom, I think.

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Guest JRE
It really has hit rock bottom, I think.

Yeah, sounds like your memory really does suck.

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Guest creativename

Armageddon and Mania XIX were worse low points than this. Armageddon was pitiful, both booking- and buyrate-wise. Mania XIX was a success in terms of show quality, but for the company it was a low point. Things seem not quite as dire now.


I do think we haven't seen anything close to the bottom yet--after SummerSlam, it will go south again, business-wise. I still think that the business will continue to decline for 2-3 more years, at least, before it stabilizes (occasional up-trends aside).


In terms of quality, pretty much everything has been "blah" for a while now, and it seems difficult for it to possibly get worse (but how many times have we said that?). At least things aren't aggressively repulsive right now though, like they were at times last year.


So I wouldn't say this is rock bottom. We've seen worse, even in the recent past, and will undoudtedly see worse yet.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

There's worse than HHH/Nash? What? Hall/Nash? Al Wilson/Nash? Crosby/Stills/Nash?

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Guest treble charged

I kinda sorta forgot about Backlash last month, but I was out of town and in a different time zone, so that's my excuse.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Goldberg vs Nash? Champion vs Champion..


Thats what Im seeing as the Raw ME for Summerslam. I think from a match standpoint that could be a whole lot worse. And we all know that Vince would use it as an excuse to bring back Scott hall.

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Guest Banky
There's worse than HHH/Nash? What? Hall/Nash? Al Wilson/Nash? Crosby/Stills/Nash?

It was worse than Steiner/Trips?

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Guest treble charged

I think we were more prepared for the sucktitude of HHH/Nash then we were for Steiner/HHH I. Plus, HHH/Nash was shorter, so it was less painfull to watch.

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Guest geniusMoment

Hey I would mark out if Crosby, Stills, Young and Nash opened Raw tonight.

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Isn't it on next week?

Yep, thats how much I care about this pay per view.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

I pretty much forgot about JD too, until midweek. The only appeal this show had for me to watch was that it was live. And free. Even then, I didn't watch all of it.

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Guest Trivia247

a Triple threat between Nathan Jones Zeus and Nailz about as bad

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