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Guest Trivia247

Comments on IC title return

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Guest Trivia247

“Making the most of your opportunities is the key,” Christian told WWE.com just after winning the battle royal. “I’ve been given an opportunity right now. I feel like that door’s been opened up just a little bit for me, and it’s my job now to kick it open and run through it. That’s what I’m going to do. With the direction my character’s going, it’s the perfect thing for me to play off,” he said. “Hopefully, I can do the title some justice. I’m going to try my best to do it.


Rob Van Dam

I don’t know why it was dropped in the first place. To me, it sounds like somebody decided it was a mistake. It’s another area we can put some focus, instead of having (the focus) all on one guy, which I believe it usually is. I wish they’d bring the Hardcore Title back, myself.


Pat Patterson

It gives a guy (who is Intercontinental Champion) the confidence. Some guys have a tough time getting a title match for the World Championship. Once they have the Intercontinental Title, they have that confidence. It’s a step up. So it’s a great opportunity for a lot of guys.



We need that. I think it’ll add spice to the show. The Intercontinental Title has always been a prestigious title in WWE, as long as WWE has been around. I don’t know why they got rid of it in the first place. Hopefully, one of these days before I retire, I’ll become the IC Champion again and then get a shot at the World Title, and maybe get that belt once.


Chris Jericho

I never thought they should have abolished it in the first place. That was around the time they were doing that crazy necrophilia b.s., so I’m thinking that everyone was just in a collective lunacy at the time, so I’m definitely glad they’re bringing it back. Hopefully, they’ll keep it and make it mean something, like it used to. I think it got kind of off track for a while when everybody and their dog won it. It never used to be that way. It used to be the belt for the No. 2 guy in the company. There are a certain group of people who are fighting for the World Championship, and then there was always that other group of people who were working for the Intercontinental Championship – just as important, but once you won the Intercontinental Title, that meant you were ready to go on and fight for the World Title. It was kind of a steppingstone to get to that level.



It’s a very prestigious title. Whoever has that, generally it means they’re basically the No. 2 guy. I was sort of disappointed when it was eliminated before.


On winning the Intercontinental Title two years ago at Judgment Day in a Chain Match against Triple H: It was a great match. There was a lot of buildup and a lot of anticipation. If memory serves me, it was the first Chain Match in a long time, and the first for either one of us. I was very happy with the match. I’ll never forget the reaction that I got when I won the title.


Booker T

There are only so many shots at the World Title. There are only so many months in a year. So (having the Intercontinental Title) helps not only on television, but in house shows. When the Heavyweight Champ can’t be there, you’ve still got the IC Champ there. Somebody’s going to be defending the title. So I think it’s going to be good for not only the wrestlers, but the fans also. I’m always open to having gold around my waist. It’s one title that I haven’t had, along with the Heavyweight Title. They’re the only two titles that I haven’t captured in the wrestling business, so it’s something that’s important to me.

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Guest The Tino Standard

RVD's comments about having another title so the focus "isn't all on one guy"... AWESOME.


Jericho had some good comments too. "Collective lunacy" indeed.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

Tonights Main Event: HHH and Flair d. RVD and Jericho in 0:27 with a DDT.

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I don’t know why it was dropped in the first place. To me, it sounds like somebody decided it was a mistake. It’s another area we can put some focus, instead of having (the focus) all on one guy, which I believe it usually is.

Wink-wink, nudge-nudge, say no more....

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Guest El Satanico

The IC title scene could become the only thing worth watching Raw for.


Tonight will tell us all we need to know about the IC scene. If Booker T or RVD gets involved it will be the only highlight on Raw. If Goldberg or hbk gets involved it's the same old bullshit.

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Guest Trivia247



People bad mouthing the title made famous by the greats


pedro morelez, Tito Santana, Greg Valentine, Savage, Steamboat, Honky, Bret Hart, HBK, etc etc etc

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Guest razazteca
I don’t know why it was dropped in the first place. To me, it sounds like somebody decided it was a mistake. It’s another area we can put some focus, instead of having (the focus) all on one guy, which I believe it usually is.

Wink-wink, nudge-nudge, say no more....

WHAT? U don't like Spam?

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Guest Showstoppa Icon
everybody and their dog won it


Lucy wasn't champ....

please, do not, give them any ideas. Jericho will be jobbing to Lucy by the end of the month now.

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Guest The Bad Guy
everybody and their dog won it


Lucy wasn't champ....

please, do not, give them any ideas. Jericho will be jobbing to Lucy by the end of the month now.

JR: Bah Gawd! Lucy with the bark bottom in the dog poop to Jericho! What a hoss!

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