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Guest BoboBrazil

HHH On Byte This Recap

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Guest BoboBrazil

Jesse Chappelle sent along this recap of what HHH said about the internet on Byte This last Friday.


All I caught of Byte This was HHH's interview, which lasted about 5-6 minutes. He got on the line and started making fun of Josh Matthews. Then, Dr. Tom Prichard joined in the verbal beatdown of Matthews, who just sat there and took it.


Then they went into a kayfabe rundown of the feud between HHH and Kevin Nash. After this, a female caller got through that was annoyingly enamored with HHH. He basked in her compliments about his body. But out of the blue, she congratulated him on his engagement to Stephanie McMahon and he was kind of taken back by the comment. Eventually, he said thanks about the engagement and she left.


Then this kid called in and actually had the balls to ask a real question. The kid asked him, "Do you think it's a conflict of interest for you to be sitting in on all of the booking meetings and such?" HHH said that no, it's not a conflict of interest, and, he's not the only wrestler in there. He says that guys like Michaels, Flair, Nash, Hogan (I'm hyperventilating at this point), Big Show, Jericho, and Angle have all sat in on meetings. He then, however, continued that he IS in those meetings more than any other wrestler.


HHH next went onto a tirade about the internet community. He used the tired old argument that the internet actually just a bunch of kids on their parents' computers, writing about an industry which they've never competed in. As if it's not been said enough, one does not need to have wrestled in order to judge whether or not a match is good or bad. Not every baseball writer played in the major leagues. He said that he's sick and tired of people bitching about him being responsible for the eventual death of pro wrestling. He then made fun of Matthews some more and left the show.


I'm scared for this company. Don't think it can't happen.


I am scared too Jesse, I really am. The bottom line is that the numbers don't lie and that while he has been the top dog on Raw, the numbers have gone down. He had a prominent role in WrestleMania and they didn't come close to meeting their forecasted buyrate. He doesn't deserve all the blame (there is the creative end which deserves a lot of it) but he has to accept that he is partly to blame as well, just as he would get all the glory if the numbers rose while he was on top.



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Guest ViciousFish

Well at least SOMEONE with balls got through. Damn good for that kid asking a decent question.

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Guest bravesfan
He had a prominent role in WrestleMania and they didn't come close to meeting their forecasted buyrate.


Well, that's certainly reaching it there.

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Jericho and Angle sit in on booking meetings? DAMN THEM!!! DAMN THEM, THEY HAVE NO DAMN RIGHT!!!


And it's true. How many of us have been in this industry, and really know what it's like out in the big wide world of wrestling?

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Guest OnlyMe

And it's true. How many of us have been in this industry, and really know what it's like out in the big wide world of wrestling?


Very few. So...?

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Guest Lil Naitch

I don't have problems with wrestlers sitting in on those meetings, as long it's for teh good of the product instead of for promoting their personal agendas

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Guest NoSelfWorth

If the Internet fans are so bad, and not of any value, why has Cripps addressed them in a number of live promos, and used multiple references in promos that only they would know about and get ?

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Guest The Bad Guy
If the Internet fans are so bad, and not of any value, why has Cripps addressed them in a number of live promos, and used multiple references in promos that only they would know about and get ?

It's one of those things used to convince people that he doesn't care that the internet hates him, and to try to convince everyone that the only people that don't like him must be internet wrestling fans.

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Guest CanadianChick
If the Internet fans are so bad, and not of any value, why has Cripps addressed them in a number of live promos, and used multiple references in promos that only they would know about and get ?

I've wondered the same thing. It's okay if you don't like the IWC and don't value their opinion; fine whatever. But if you don't care, don't directly make references to them. It makes him sound pretty stupid. If you don't care about the IWC and think their cynical bastards or whatever, just do what Jericho did; ignore us. We know that Jericho doesn't like 'smarks', but he doesn't constantly take jabs.

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Guest OnlyMe

What about that huge rant that Jericho posted online after King of the Ring?


But yeah, HHH tries to hard to show he doesn't care.

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Guest CanadianChick
What about that huge rant that Jericho posted online after King of the Ring?


But yeah, HHH tries to hard to show he doesn't care.

I know. But after he said his peice about us 'smarks', he let it go. He doesn't always complain about us, but we still know how he feels.

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Guest NoSelfWorth
Byte this is an internet radio show, right?

Exactly. What's the point in going on a company show, and burying the audience who listen to it ?

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Guest Kid Kablam
What about that huge rant that Jericho posted online after King of the Ring?


But yeah, HHH tries to hard to show he doesn't care.

Well I think that Jericho may have overreacted, but that was one incident. I'm willing to forget. After all, Jericho's main beef was that he was being a nice guy by doing his site, and people were using it as a chance to insult his performance. HHH has decided that it is good for business to take jabs at your core audience, the only people who don't laugh at wrestling and call it fake fighting by the way, and tell us that we're just a bunch of 12 year olds. Also Jericho didn't make us watch Stephanie spank his ass on the Raw X special as a rib. Also, Jericho entertains me, and doesn't consider the lack of an exciting offense the essence good storytelling. Tell me the next time you do a suplex HHH, I'll be impressed.

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Guest Youth N Asia

For as much as he ignores internet fans he's pretty defensive about what we say.

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Guest nikowwf

Its so sad....you know HHH used to be one of my favorite wrestlers. He was in the best match on the PPV a bunch of times.....he was damn entertaining.



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Guest AndrewTS

Jericho and HHH were both guilty of straw man arguments, completely missing the point of the criticism (or simply not wanting to accept it).


Jericho shut his mouth after that, HHH keeps it up constantly.


Why didn't he defend his good buddy is what I want to know. The biggest net criticism among anyone who still watches Raw seems to be that he's fueding with his old, washed-up, nearly-crippled, un-over buddy in a main event program.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

HHH continues to miss the point.


So what if we haven't been in the business?




Now dance monkey. Dance like we tell you to.

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What about that huge rant that Jericho posted online after King of the Ring?


But yeah, HHH tries to hard to show he doesn't care.

I know. But after he said his peice about us 'smarks', he let it go. He doesn't always complain about us, but we still know how he feels.

Yet us smarks can't let our side of the arguement go against HHH. We all know we hate him, yet we're ok to continually bash him, yet he isn't allowed to give a comeback? He should let it go, but we don't have to because we watch the shows...right? So if HHH were to read the internet, surely he'd be entitled to an opinion...hmmm.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Well, the IWC tends to constantly bitch and complain about the amount of exposure HHH gets or his massive push. So much so, that's it almost a joke now.


Jericho is generally treated like a God round these parts.


So of course HHH is gonna take offense to that. He's defending himself.

I think it's hysterical, though. Being threatened by a bunch of '12-year-olds on their moms' computers'. Yeah, Aitch, that'll show us.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
Yet us smarks can't let our side of the arguement go against HHH. We all know we hate him, yet we're ok to continually bash him, yet he isn't allowed to give a comeback? He should let it go, but we don't have to because we watch the shows...right? So if HHH were to read the internet, surely he'd be entitled to an opinion...hmmm.

This makes sense.

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Guest AndrewTS

So the fans that left in droves were 12 year olds who bitch about how shitty the product has been on their parents computers?


Jericho generally busts his ass on PPV matches, so there's been no real complaining since that. Hence, no reason to complain about that. However, Jericho seems to forget that smarks defend him constantly but were simply noting that his performance was not up to par.


HHH is still hogging TV time, has the show built around him, puts on lousy and boring matches, and now has to wrestle outside 'talent' and his buddies just to fill the main event program.


The criticism continues towards HHH because everything that was complained about still is going on except for the 20 minute promos at the start of Raw and burying midcarders because nobody buys RVD or Booker as threats to his title anymore.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

HHH is definitely entitled to have his say on the internet. Here's the problem: We don't need him to love us, or like us, or pay attention to us... He, on the other hand, *does*. We're the fans, he (and the WWE) should know that you shouldn't badmouth your fans ESPECIALLY when you need as many fans as you can and ESPECIALLY when you bash the very forum you are using to express your opinion.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

No HERE'S the problem:


We bitch about actual things by providing thoughts on what we didn't like and how we would improve it.


He counters with "they're all 12 year old kids in their parents basement who know nothing about wrestling".


Yeah...seems fair.

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Guest Kid Kablam
What about that huge rant that Jericho posted online after King of the Ring?


But yeah, HHH tries to hard to show he doesn't care.

I know. But after he said his peice about us 'smarks', he let it go. He doesn't always complain about us, but we still know how he feels.

Yet us smarks can't let our side of the arguement go against HHH. We all know we hate him, yet we're ok to continually bash him, yet he isn't allowed to give a comeback? He should let it go, but we don't have to because we watch the shows...right? So if HHH were to read the internet, surely he'd be entitled to an opinion...hmmm.

Sure he can have an opinion, it's just the wrong one.


Seriously though, it's not so much that he's not allowed an opinion, it's that his opinion has been formed based on a stereotype, and he's taken to insulting the customer. We don't take too kindly to it.

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Guest Trivia247

once again HHH from the safety of his world can bad mouth us, but He....on the other hand, cannot take our Critism.


Heh, must be disconcerting that a Rich Powerful Wrestler feels so threatened as a man by the Critism of "A bunch of kids on their parents puters"

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Guest Youth N Asia

HHH had backstage power from 99-01...yet the smarks loved him.


But 02-03 he still had his backstage power...and we hate him.


Maybe it's our suttle way of telling him he's not over enough to wear the belt and his matches aren't good anymore.


Wish he would just do the right thing and put the Clique title on someone outside the Clique.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

This is hysterical because he's actually right.




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Guest JDMattitudeV1

He continues to bash the internet, yet his current feud with Nash has been booked in a way that only smarks "get it". The "evil internet fans" are the only ones that would know his history with Kevin Nash, which is what the entire feud is based around. Nash and HHH were never friends on WWE TV before now, so their entire feud stems form the days of the Klique, that only smarks understand. You have to love WWE hypocrisy.

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