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John Cena is fucked

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Guest Anglesault
but hopefully Cena goes over the Undertaker, and Angle puts in a good word for Cena to get involved with Angle/Lesnar/Benoit/Rhyno.

Do we have to dilute this Angle/Lesnar feud further?

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

What should happen: Cena goes over clean with the FU.


What will happen: Cena is squashed, takes the last ride and is sent back to the mid card.

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Guest AndrewTS
I just haven't seen much of anything from Rico, Cena, Orton, or even Lesnar.  Angle carried him with workrate, and the Rock carried him with emotion.

Rico had a really good match with Rey and his OVW work is considered head and shoulders the best they had. He hasn't had a chance to do much in WWE.


Cena's average right now.


Orton flat out sucks.


Lesnar?!? I could see that if you haven't seen any of his PPV matches, but he's a really good worker and the biggest surprise out of all of them.

1 good match in almost a year doesn't make this guy great. He has had a few chances, and he was ok, but nothing special. Nowhere close to as good as people preach him to be.


Cena is below average in the ring. I don't know what has happened, but lately, his work has really dropped. Hopefully he'll be able to pick it up.


Orton was boring while on Smackdown. He hasn't been able to show much off on RAW.


And what makes Lesnar such a great wrestler? He never busts out of amateur skills, and uses mainly power moves. He can have good matches (Rock, Undertaker HIAC) and great matches (Angle) but either than that, he hasn't proven to be the Next Big Thing. He's a glorified Goldberg with superior skills that he chooses not to use.

When you rarely get matches, and when you do they are against Maven, Steiner, and Spike Dudley, how are you supposed to make something special out of it?


And Brock's a good worker who doesn't get to use his amateur skills because he often isn't permitted to, not that he CHOOSES not to. I never called him "great."

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Guest HellSpawn

One question about Cena's debate.


Why the wrestling fans must wait for Cena to get better and also, like some of you guys said, put him in a feud with great people like Benoit, Angle, Rhyno, Lesnar and I dunno Rey, Guerreros, etc. ... and when the wrestler is a "hoss" or a non favorite, he inmmediatly (sp?) should be send to OVW or is not worthy of the WWE ?


I mean, I already said down here in Mexico we didndt get SD! so I missed all those "great Cena's matches", and I been reading recaps and looks like he is good with promos, but I think the WWE gave him a chance last month and he choke. I think they saw what Brock/Angle did on WM and actually tried to repeat a good wrestling match, they gave them +-15 minutes and Cena choked (including his awful promo).




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Guest cabbageboy

The problem with that is neither Cena or Lesnar is able to carry anyone at this point. Sure, at WM Brock had a good match but Angle was there to hold his hand. A Brock/Cena match needs some overbooking, run ins, etc.

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Guest Austin3164life

I just didn't like how Cena was fed to Brock early and was quicly pushed into the Main Event scene. He can hold his own in the ring, but still is too young and inexperienced to carry someone else. Same goes for Brock (although Brock is a notch higher). If Cena was built up gradually against a returning Angle, that would be a better test to show if Cena can hang with the "big boys" (so to speak).

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Guest AndrewTS
Why the wrestling fans must wait for Cena to get better and also, like some of you guys said, put him in a feud with great people like Benoit, Angle, Rhyno, Lesnar and I dunno Rey, Guerreros, etc. ... and when the wrestler is a "hoss" or a non favorite, he inmmediatly (sp?) should be send to OVW or is not worthy of the WWE ?


What about Randy fucking Orton who fucked up two finishes in a row? The first one he nearly injured Storm and on the second one he injured HIMSELF?


What about Jackie Gayda, who is completely incompetent in the ring?


What about 3 Minute Warning, who have caused a fair share of injuries?


Usually the hosses that we want sent back to OVW or gone don't simply just suck, like Batista does, but don't even grasp the basics, or are a danger to themselves and others.


Just about any one of us could get in the ring and wrestle better than Nathan Jones, even if we don't have that oh-so-important "look" that JR and Vince jerk off over.


And Goldberg squashes aren't intriguing, even when the Rock is involved.


Cena's a rookie who shows promise who hasn't injured anybody or blown 70% of the spots in his matches. That's what seperates him from those others.

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Guest Anglesault
I just didn't like how Cena was fed to Brock early and was quicly pushed into the Main Event scene. He can hold his own in the ring,

Not really against Anyone but Angle or Benoit. That Brock mess at Backlash shows that pretty well.


If Cena was built up gradually against a returning Angle, that would be a better test to show if Cena can hang with the "big boys" (so to speak).


What would it really show? That Angle can carry Cena? Don't we know that already?


By the way, the new system of quoting and bolding rules all.

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Guest Austin3164life
What would it really show? That Angle can carry Cena? Don't we know that already?


I think that if Cena were to be in a feud with Angle, his favorite wrestler, he would put in a lot more effort (if it were a long feud). Not to mention Cena can learn a lot from the likes of Angle and Benoit in a program with them.

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Guest Anglesault
I think that if Cena were to be in a feud with Angle, his favorite wrestler, he would put in a lot more effort


There's no reason for him to be holding back in a feud with the top face in the company

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Guest Kotzenjunge

You know, considering that the better part of Lesnar's run has been in programs with virtually useless people who couldn't help him to a good match(Big Show, Undertaker, Hardys, RVD), we can't really say yet how good or bad he is. It's been a year yes, but only two months of that year has really been spent with opponents who can put on a good match.

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Guest Choken One

WWE would have it's problems solved with a Simple 10 Man Dance Main event...


and work with that for the next 10 months...


Lesnar-Angle shouldn't be rushed for Vengence...


WWE Would still be better off by Having Angle return in a DIFFERENT fued just to create the Illusion of freshness in Angle.


Bringing him right back to Lesnar won't do any good...


But if he returns and does a Program with Cena, which will elevate Cena as a Major Heel and keep Angle from Lesnar fo the time being...


Just let Lesnar and Benoit do their respect the title, Hate the man fued leading to a likely CLASSIC at Vengence...Lesnar goes over...


Benoit SNAPS into a Violent streak...going he is done trying to make the fans happy by doing the Germans and Swan Dive and is going to live up to his Name of the CRIPPLER.


Cena goes over Angle in nefarios means and Angle elevates cena.


So you got this nice little Four Way thing with




For Summer Slam...Benoit/Lesnar have the MATCH of the Year (even more so then Rumble or Mania) and then Angle goes over Cena in a MAJOR rematch with some sort of Gimmick involved (Cage, Submission or Something)




Benoit does a Program with Angle only this time...Benoit is the hunted.


Lesnar steps down a Peg and has a fued with Rhyno whom has become the returning Paul Heyman's personal pet...


Cena meanwhile Goes and does the Undertaker program...


Benoit gets one over Angle at No Mercy...Lesnar has a wicked match with Rhyno and goes over...'Taker and Cena wrestle a No-Contest...


Then it's Survivor Series...


WWE Decides for a HUGE Three Way Dance with Angle-Lesnar-Benoit...


Angle wins the title as a tweener...


Cena goes over Taker and retires him (13th year of the Dead Man)...


So then that starts up the Lesnar/Angle rematch of the century at WMXX...


See...It's that simple to keep the BIG MONEY match apart long enough and still have good storylines...

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