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Guest Ash Ketchum

WOW: Women of Wrestling

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Guest Ash Ketchum

...I did. Once.


Needless to say, I wasn't impressed enough to even finish watching the whole show. The wrestling wasn't great at all... but hey, you can't expect to watch a show like this and see a ***** classic.


There were a few cute girls, but other than that... it really blew.


Anyone else ever tune in to this crapfest? Or am I the reason that show got a 0.00000001 rating once?

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Guest Kingpk

GLOW > WOW. I liked it when I was younger. It's where Ivory got her start at the very least.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

I think I watched it once. I remember thinking their champ was pretty hot, something Gold, but that was about it. It seemed like all flash with no substance or the cheesey humor of GLOW.

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Guest The Bad Guy

I never had the opportunity to watch it... but didn't Vinny Ru have something to do with it?

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Guest treble charged

I ordered their PPV and watched their show almost every week. Then they went into re-runs and I lost interest.


Sure it was crap, but that was the best part of it.

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Guest bob_barron

WOW was great. Sure the wrestling was crap but it aired at 2 am and I was easily amused.


It was never meant to be taken seriously and it was entertaining crap. They had a really good streetfight once betwee Selina Majors and Thug.


Oh and Caliente was HOT

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

I use to watch it every saturday at 2-3 am. I think I even have an episode on tape.



I was a HUGE mark for Lana Star, the company's top heel, who was never in the main events. Then there was this one girl (forget her name) who was some hardcore biker (not the fat one) who had a nice powerbomb as a finisher. She ruled too.


Edit: The biker was Riot. How could I forget?






Lana Star = Ratings

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Guest T®ITEC
I think I watched it once. I remember thinking their champ was pretty hot, something Gold, but that was about it. It seemed like all flash with no substance or the cheesey humor of GLOW.






...I liked it, anyway. Great little follow-up to SmackDOWN, back in '00.

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Guest RedJed
I use to watch it every saturday at 2-3 am. I think I even have an episode on tape.



I was a HUGE mark for Lana Star, the company's top heel, who was never in the main events. Then there was this one girl (I forget her name) who was some hardcore biker (not the fat one) who had a nice powerbomb as a finisher. She ruled too.

Did you know Lana Star ended up posing for Playboy on their cyber club site a few months ago? Pics were nice......:)


I didnt see much of the weekly show but I thought the ppv was alright for what it was. Most matches had a story to them, and they tried their damndest with that cage match to make it brutal. Heenan on color was great, too bad Lee fucking Marshall had to be beside him!


The only one true thing I hated about WOW was David McClane. That fucking guy was just about as annoying of a wrestling personality that you can fuckin find!

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Guest Blue Bacchus

Watched and loved it. Never seen the PPV. Last time I checked their Web Site is still up.

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Guest Sturgis
Did you know Lana Star ended up posing for Playboy on their cyber club site a few months ago? Pics were nice......:)

Do you have them?

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Guest tank_abbott

I watched it almost weekly... that was when I was in my GLORY... Midnight Saturday Night, and since I don't have Cable, this is the line up I had:


ABC: Relic Hunter (It was okay sometimes)

CBS: Early Edition (One of my favorite Shows)

FOX: WOW (Caught it during commercials)

NBC: Old SNL I think

UPN: ACW (A local indy fed with decent matches)

PBS: Old Movies (Wierd stuff like Mrs. Doubtfire, on PBS!)


That was a good hour to be awake for!!


On subject, the ref for WOW took some wild bumbs... I remember him being tossed over the top rope, and landing on his neck and shoulder blades on the cement floor. BRUTAL!

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Guest Ash Ketchum



I guess I'm not the only guy who watched it ^_^


BTW, I liked Sandy from the Beach Patrol. Summer was... meh. But Sandy was cute ^_^

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Guest Ash Ketchum

Didn't WOW have some sort of Swimsuit Competition?


I remember hearing about it... but I can't find any pics from it anywhere.

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Guest art_vandelay


I guess I'm not the only guy who watched it ^_^


BTW, I liked Sandy from the Beach Patrol. Summer was... meh. But Sandy was cute ^_^

You're mistaken. Summer (aka nude model Bobbi Billard) is the hot one.

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I watched it all the time. Riot and Ice Cold were the best . Riot actually looked like she knew what she was doing. Ice cold just had a cool psycho bitch personaility kinda like Victoria.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
Jungle Grrrl was the female Chris Benoit.

It was funny when she missed that splash off the ladder from the outside of the ring. Just saying.

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Guest gansobomber

There was this girl with a black hood who used to do really cool suplexes (for WOW) like the fisherman buster etc.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Some of these women were attractive and a lot better than the Jackie Gayda's of the world. I'm surprised that not one of these girls got a dark match or anything.

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Guest treble charged


I guess I'm not the only guy who watched it ^_^


BTW, I liked Sandy from the Beach Patrol. Summer was... meh. But Sandy was cute ^_^

You're mistaken. Summer (aka nude model Bobbi Billard) is the hot one.

I loved how the fans would always try to cop a feel on the Beach Patrol every time they ran to the ring.


As for the swimsuit competition, it was all pre-taped segments of the girls doing stuff in bikinis that were shown during their PPV and the fans had to vote on the website.

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Guest Ash Ketchum

LOL, yeah, Treble ^_^


They also had a whole bunch of pics on their site, too... but I can't find those anymore.


However, I came across this

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