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Would RVD vs. Kane be all that bad?

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Guest Goodear

Although I would agree that Rob is more over than Kane, you have to give the big guy props for being consistantly over for the last few years despite being the worst booked guy ever.

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Guest NoCalMike

The tag team of Kane/RVD is doing nothing for RVD, yet it is keeping Kane on people's "I care" radar. Kane is ALWAYS booked for the hot tag, merely because he is a hoss, when they could easily switch from match to match who gets the "hot tag"


If the writers were remotely interested in getting RVD even more over, they would give him more freedom in his matches. He is more than just an "acrobat" but he is only going to do spots if he has five minutes to go out there and try to get over. WWE marks don't care about wrestling. Take the Dudleys, they could be the world's greatest mat wrestlers, yet the WWE marks could give a shit, all they would want is a table in the match, and they would be happy.


RVD could be so much more than what he is now if writers/Vince wanted to elevate him. Until then it aint gonna happen.


As far as RVD vs. Kane. I don't think it would be anything great, given the circumstances of WWE, but I view it as a necessary match in order to get RVD out of the dead end he is currently running into right now.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

if people think that it would suck.....they obviously don's realize that RVD can work with anyone......

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Guest Anglesault
He is alot better than you guys give him credit for, so where's the love?

The last *good* match this man had was in 2001, against Kurt Angle. Two weeks after THAT MATCH with Test. You see NO problem with that.

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Guest Anglesault
RVD could be so much more than what he is now if writers/Vince wanted to elevate him. Until then it aint gonna happen.


You know, if you run the Rob Van Kane team in EWR, it will DESTROY Rob's heat (I'm talking sub-60 here folks)


And ya know what? It's true. Kane has officially made me not care about RVD.

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Guest jm29195

Oh come on, the match with Test wasn't that bad, sure it was bit long with a bit much brawling but it was a lot better than I expected it to be.... Kane is still a crap worker though but he has had a few decent matched, generally almost totally because of the people he's been matched with:-


Summerslam 95 vs Bret

Decent matches against X Pac at unforgiven and Survivor series 1999

Decent matches in winter 2000 against Jericho

Decent match against RVD in August 2001

Good and semi decent matches against Angle in autumn 2001 and Wrestlemania X9

Decent match against Jericho in October 2002


He is at least carryable when placed against a good worker, note that he didn't have any stand out matches in 97 or 98, this is because of the lack of decent oponents imo. Also I think his suprisingly decent matches against Test and Albert in 2001 were just flukes and were as equally down to Test and Albert as Kane

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
if people think that it would suck.....they obviously don's realize that RVD can work with anyone......

Scotty Riggs, anyone?


Seriously, RVD's ECW matches were crap and his WWE matches outside of the Jericho one at Unforgiven 2001 were crap, too.

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Guest BionicRedneck
:lol: RVD can work with anyone? Sure, he can work with them, but that's not to say the match will be good or that he wont injure them.

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Guest AndrewTS
:lol: RVD can work with anyone? Sure, he can work with them, but that's not to say the match will be good or that he wont injure them.

I won't defend RVD's working ability, but he's injured who? He potatoed a few guys when he first started, but none that I knokw of lately.

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Guest AndrewTS


RVD could be so much more than what he is now if writers/Vince wanted to elevate him. Until then it aint gonna happen.


You know, if you run the Rob Van Kane team in EWR, it will DESTROY Rob's heat (I'm talking sub-60 here folks)


And ya know what? It's true. Kane has officially made me not care about RVD.

I honestly forget half of the time that RVD is even around He's just one-half of a tag team I have no interest in watching; he may as well not even be on the roster.


Has Kane ever "been over" without tagging up with a partner? When he teamed with Hurricane he was rather over until "that angle" happened, which resulted in him getting buried after that TLC match, made all of the opponents he had in that mach look like shit, and ended up shoving Hurricane aside. Then Jericho got to job AGAIN to Chris Jericho so Kane could have the IC title for HHH to win and absorb into his "World Title."


And the Raw match in which Jericho faced Kane the week before No Mercy (which should have been an extra on the DVD) was a better match than RVD could ever get out of Kane.


The only way that RVD can carry Kane to a good match is if he wrestles in a no dq match, to those people that haven't had the luck of seeing RVD's matches from ECW don't know what the fuck they are talking about, the guy had more freedom in his matches, the only thing he did was a lot of stalling but that was more to get himself over with the fans.And as "lousy" of a wrestler he could be, Rob is still over with the fans, after being misused all the time the people still chant RVD out loud.Right now Kane is leeching off of Rob, the only reason people care about that team is because of Rob, the only ones that don't see it these way are the politicians in the locker room.


Agreed on all points, but we're just saying the Kane-RVD match isn't going to be good. Wrestling ability obviously has no bearing on your push in WWE. If Kevin Nash can be pushed to the main event the way he has, there is no excuse why RVD shouldn't. Nash can't do intense promos, just "laid back" ones. Nash is injury prone, a hell of a lot more than RVD. Nash can't wrestle, RVD can basically only do spots, but if they were interested in making him a star they could help him refine his style. Nash isn't over at all, RVD still is no matter what they do to him, although his pop has diminished.

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Guest jm29195

I think that RVD has developed into a better worker since coming into wwe, sure his offence has been toned down but he's not so much a spot machine anymore and can at least work a match as compared to spot, point atself, spot, chat with Fonzie, spot, taunt etc. Hey he had decent matches with taker in 2001, no one had decent matches with taker in 2001 imo except RVD. His other matches in WWE that have been decent include the ones against Guerrero last Spring and his match against Benoit at Summerslam, whilst flawed is still watchable and mostly entertaining.

+RVD with no whistle blowing Alphonso makes me happy, that was just a distraction in his ECW days......

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Guest vex_hecubus
I've yet to see anything that would convince me Kane is a good wrestler.  He's just another generic big-man, albeit 1 w/ expensive pyro.

Well...he may not be a good wrestler, but he's more than just a generic big guy.


Generic big guys can't do Enzuigiri's, Hurricanranas, or too many top rope moves.

I have yet to see Kane do any other high risk top rope move other then a clothesline or maybe a dropkick.


When Kane starts doing moves like a Shooting Star Press, 450 Splash,etc...Then maybe I'll see he's not a typical "big man"


My views on RVD and Kane match? Very simple with all their key impact moves..


RVD: Split legged moonsault, Rolling Thunder, Martial Arts Kicks, Enzuigiri's, Five Star Frog Splash etc...Oh and cant forget the unsackable "R-V-D" thumbs of dooooom! That move is sure to keep ANYONE down for the three count!


Kane: Punches, Kicks, Clothesline off the top rope, Clotheslines with force, chops, Chokeslam...And the ever dominating "I Have To Fix My Stupid Mask and Gloves and Elbow Pad every other second"...Dude...That move...How could ANYONE forget that move! It's such a killer!


So far the only matches I've overly liked involving RVD is when he was feuding with Jeff Hardy for the hardcore titles.


As for Kane...Haven't seen anything remotely interesting from him in a long long LONG time...The closest was maybe when he was with "The Hurricane"...But thats due to a comical style.


And hey to the guy who said the tag team titles were a black hole...Seems like The Hurricane managed to escape it...He had a pretty decent match with The Rock, and won it...Except he got hosed and squashed by the the current WWE RAW Chump....I mean Champ...No wait...Yeah I mean Chump

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Guest Anglesault
Oh come on, the match with Test wasn't that bad, sure it was bit long with a bit much brawling but it was a lot better than I expected it to be....

So, since it wasn't the worst match ever, it was acceptable?

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Guest vex_hecubus
RVD can have a good match with basically anyone.  Kane is not a generic big man, he is much more than that.  He is alot better than you guys give him credit for, so where's the love?

Rob Van Dam is one of the most reptetitive, overrated and boring wrestlers I've ever witnessed. I enjoyed him in debut stint with the then WWF, but his act ran cold very fast after I realised he was only good for a gymnastics display, at best.


I'm not educated in the background or history of Rob Van Dam, but if his recent WWE work is anything to go by then your claims that he can 'have a good match with basically anyone' are false.


If he's so fantastic then I'm sure he could of made one of the French Roid Machines on RAW look halfway decent.


He didn't.



I don't care who you are and how great you are of putting someone over.


Renee Dupree and Sylvian Gautier(whatever his name is) will NEVER be able to get over.


God I wish my daddy was a evil manipulative bastard wrestling promoter too! Just so I can become a arrogant pompus loser who thinks he's bigger then The Rock, Triple H, Undertaker, Hogan, everyone.


Nobody in the Canadian indie leagues likes Renee Dupree....And that will slowly come to realization in the WWE as well....I'm surprised none of the talent has already kicked the living crap outta him backstage...Ugh!

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Guest jm29195
Oh come on, the match with Test wasn't that bad, sure it was bit long with a bit much brawling but it was a lot better than I expected it to be.... 


So, since it wasn't the worst match ever, it was acceptable?


In my opinion Test vs Kane wasn't a great match, but not as bad as I thought it would be, it entertained me and surpassed my expectations of the two of them so it was acceptable to me- no Angle vs Benoit of course but then what is?

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Guest cabbageboy

Kane/RVD would be a cool match IF (and this is a big if) they just do a hardcore brawl and let RVD bust out all his stuff.


See, critics of RVD's WWE stuff don't get that he simply isn't allowed to routinely do his whole act. A really good RVD match is a wild hodgepodge of styles: hardcore, technical, high flying.


Anyway, if Kane/RVD is a hardcore brawl it should be cool...take a look at RVD/UT from Armageddon 2001, which is one of UT's better biker era matches.

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