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Guest Dangerous A

The one and only "puro elitist" thread

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Guest Dangerous A

The other day right here in the NHB folder I was called a "puro elitist" by Razazteca. Now this thread wasn't designed to start shit with Razazteca. Raz is a stand up guy who is respected here on the board. He explained himself and it wasn't taken really seriously. However, the part where he said that me being a puro fan was a board stereotype towards being an elitist got me thinking. Is this what most, if not all the board think of the posters from the puro folder?



I wanted to start up discussion on why people think this and what can be done to better relations between people who post regularly on the puro board and people who come in once and awhile and don't like what they hear or see.



I don't want to speak for any of the regulars in the puro folder. They can choose to post however they want. I know some of the posters can come off as harsh and condescending. For the majority of the folder, I will say that I don't think any of them mean malice. For example, recently a poster started a thread about a famous tag match and said he thought it was overrated. He listed his reasons for why he thought it. A prominent poster then offered a counter argument and the original poster didn't like the way it came off to them. I know this type of thing probrably happens in every other folder, but for some reason the puro guys are seen as elitists. The way I saw it was the puro guy could've gone about it a little more nicer, but all he did was contradict what the original post was and the original poster couldn't take it.



A big thing for the puro folder guys is using the pinned threads. Sometimes I see where they come from in the fact that it gets repetitive telling folks the same thing over and over, but at the same time it's not a cop out to be condescending, IMO. Again, this isn't to tell the puro folder guys that they have to be nice. They can post however they choose within the parameters of the rules. However, how can we the puro posters not be seen as elitist when we look down upon everyone who doesn't know every little match and intracacy of puroresu?



Then again, how can some of the puro guys not see some of the non regulars as ignorant when they refuse to listen or heed our advice, no matter how it is presented? It's a two way street here.



I speak for myself when I say that I don't mind attempting to help someone understand puro. I am not an expert by no means and still consider myself learning. I don't mind making a mistake and getting criticized when it comes to posting about puro. I learn from it. I know everyone is not like me. They don't like to be insulted. However I also don't want anyone who may possibly be interested in puro to be turned off and think they may become a wrestling "elitist" just because they watch a different form of wrestling.


I got into puro because WWE had become the only show in town. I wasn't in search of something better, I was searching for something different. An alternative. And that's what puro has become to me. I still watch WWE and post in the WWE folder. Hell, if you look at my profile you'll see that over 50% of my posts are in the WWE folder. I am not an elitist. I am a wrestling fan who happens to like wrestling from the Orient and I choose to celebrate it. Others who also enjoy it may or may not have the same attitude. Hopefully, this thread will give some of the puro guys a chance to let you know where they are coming from as well as a chance for some of the other posters to let the puro guys know where they stand.



I invite any and all discussion about the topic.

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Guest J*ingus

I think a big problem is that a couple of the puro experts, and Jubuki was the worst example of this, don't seem to understand that wrestling is a subjective art form, not a completely objective math equation in which everyone with a brain would get the same answer every time. Sometimes, especially with something as inherently goofy and self-contradictory as wrestling, you just have to accept that different people are going to like different things. Some of the "elitists" earned that label by literally believing that their own opinions were fact, and everyone who disagreed was simply wrong.

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Guest Ernest T. Bass

Sorry fellas, I just like to throw rocks. Fire scares me.

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Hey Bass...


If you don't have anything to contribute to the topic, you're trolling.


Do it again and you shall feel my wrath.



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Guest Ernest T. Bass
Hey Bass...


If you don't have anything to contribute to the topic, you're trolling.


Do it again and you shall feel my wrath.



I lived 6 months with a posstum and a raccoon too. That's where I learned to wash my food before I eat it. I had to used fire to cook it. Does that count boss? I really ain't a puro, like I said, I just as soon throw rocks.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

Part of the problem may lie with the common perception that puro fans are just dorks. Metephorically speaking, if the average wrestling fan were somebody that says "Yeah, Star Wars is pretty good, but the ewoks were stupid." then puro fans are the people who dress up like Yoda and sit in a movie line for 6 months.

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This has nothing to do with the topic. Honestly I don't know what puro is. I just think that one of the moderators should deal with Ernest quickly. He's obviously just another person wasting time and space on this site.



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Guest J*ingus

Fuck you Basstard, we're trying to discuss something serious, you're outta here.

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Guest MrRant

Why would someone post something serious in NHB? Why not post this in Puro? Or General Chat?

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Guest Dangerous A
Why would someone post something serious in NHB? Why not post this in Puro? Or General Chat?

If I posted this in puro, the only responses I would get is from Puro guys. I want an open discussion from people who are on the outside of the folder as well. General Chat is for general chat. To me, this isn't general. This is about wrestling. I started a thread over a year or so ago about HHHate in this folder that garnered some good discussion about the subject. I also put it here so no one would hold back their feelings towards whoever or whatever.

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Guest razazteca
Raz is a stand up guy who is respected here on the board

I think that is subjective :)


As for my comments from the other thread, I am sorry that it was taken so seriously it was not ment as such.


As for the Puro Elitist stereotype I think it all comes down to a person who is narrow minded and only thinks Misawa vs Kawada *insert date* is the greatest match ever and noone other is as good or should even be compared to it.

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Guest HungryJack

OK, this may be unpopular opinion, but what was the point of Tiffani's post?


It added nothing to the discussion, and as such could be labelled trollin, as Ernest's was. Just pointing that out.


At any rate, I think the 'puro elitist' card gets played a lot because some puro fans, after tiring of domestic wrestling, attach themselves to puro, and love it almost slavishly.


One would see the same sort of attitudes in Hardcore Otakus , that is to say anime fans, or fans of foreign movies.


I think it's just the fact that that which is normal to us becomes passe and boring to these people, andsome of them tend to revile the rest of us for not being as 'sophisticated' if you will, as they are.


Also, I think it's funny that while they ridicule people for their small-mindedness concerning puro, they also exhibit the same qualities in reverse. Definitely not a blanket statement, though. It's probabaly only a minority, or a very small majority.

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I'm sure puro guys are nice behind their posting alter-egos. Look at DA, he is as good of a guy 'round these parts as anyone. Jubuki, Tim Cooke, and a few others are the ones who give them all a bad name. I hear nothing but good things about Baisden and other guys who could be consiered 'puro elistists'.

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Guest Black Tiger

My personall feelings on "puro elitists" can be summed up in two simple words "fuck them". Nobody has any reason to go around telling other folks that their opinions are wrong.


If I'm unsure about buying a tape I'll ask someone who I think may have seen the tape (usually Baisden). When I do a tape review and somone questions my rating of a certain match, I'll give my reasons as to why I liked the match. Simple as that.


The problem with that folder is that it's getting to the point where one is actually EXPECTED to go through and read the pinned threads before asking anything. I started two of those threads and now their looking pretty long. I can understand now wanting to go through and read five pages worth of stuff just to make sure posting a question is okay.


The thread DA brought up with the famous tag match. I gave the guy a link to a thread I had started on that match asking questions about it, and later on I tried to give him some help, but after going through the whole thread. The guy would have been better off if he'd just taken the criticism and tried to learn more about the match. In defense of the guy though, Coffin Surfer did go pretty hard on him, in between all his insults and such he did offer him some very good pieces of info (one of which is my review of that match :) )

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OK, this may be unpopular opinion, but what was the point of Tiffani's post?


It added nothing to the discussion, and as such could be labelled trollin, as Ernest's was. Just pointing that out.

My point was clearly made. I noticed Ernest acting stupid, and spoke out against it. I kept my message short, and even admitted I was straying from the topic. I do not consider myself a troll, and I do not think any of the people I've begun to talk with here would label me as such.



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Guest HungryJack

well, that's obvious. But at any rate, why not just pm a mod with your complaint, or start a new thread, because the 'point' of your post, however valid, added nothing to the discussion of the thread, and had Ernest not posted, I doubt you'd have had reason to post.


Also, I fail to seee a reason to post, as Dames had obviously made his position on the matter known, unl;ess of course you're the type of person that simply likes making themselves heard. That said, I've no problem with you. None at all.


Also, if we're gonna be seeing some new rules enforced around here, are we gonna enforce them equally on everyone, or just those we don't know, and can easily label trolls?

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Apparently no one is allowed to have any fun around here. Oh she's trolling wah wah wah. She's just having a good time. Whats the difference between her and the other trolls of late? She's not trying aggrevate everyone around here. Tiffani is a guest of mine, and I'd appreciate if others start treating her with some respect. I told her this place, or more specifically this folder, is a cool place to post and unwind. But you uptight doggy twats have to insult her because she's different than the rest of you. Typical fucking behavior. And you wanna know what else. She is my actual girlfriend away from this computer. If you act fucking ignorant to her, you are acting fucking ingorant to me. So do yourselves favor, pick on me. Call me the fucking troll, tell me I am the fucking waste of this joint - because I am her. Her? She's an innocent bystander just joking around.


Fucking savages....do you have hearts? Or did your cyber girlfriends break them in two.

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Guest Downhome
well, that's obvious. But at any rate, why not just pm a mod with your complaint, or start a new thread, because the 'point' of your post, however valid, added nothing to the discussion of the thread, and had Ernest not posted, I doubt you'd have had reason to post.


Also, I fail to seee a reason to post, as Dames had obviously made his position on the matter known, unl;ess of course you're the type of person that simply likes making themselves heard. That said, I've no problem with you. None at all.


Also, if we're gonna be seeing some new rules enforced around here, are we gonna enforce them equally on everyone, or just those we don't know, and can easily label trolls?

If you consider Tiffani Malibu trolling, then you my friend are doing much worse by continuing this shit, just stop and let the topic continue...damn.


I'm ok with the puro guys, especially how they think of "their" forum. I'd hate for a bunch of non-WWE fans come strutting into the WWE forum and begin asking the most BASIC of questions over and over again, I'm sure it would be a hell of a headache.

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Guest MrRant
Apparently no one is allowed to have any fun around here. Oh she's trolling wah wah wah. She's just having a good time. Whats the difference between her and the other trolls of late? She's not trying aggrevate everyone around here. Tiffani is a guest of mine, and I'd appreciate if others start treating her with some respect. I told her this place, or more specifically this folder, is a cool place to post and unwind. But you uptight doggy twats have to insult her because she's different than the rest of you. Typical fucking behavior. And you wanna know what else. She is my actual girlfriend away from this computer. If you act fucking ignorant to her, you are acting fucking ingorant to me. So do yourselves favor, pick on me. Call me the fucking troll, tell me I am the fucking waste of this joint - because I am her. Her? She's an innocent bystander just joking around.


Fucking savages....do you have hearts? Or did your cyber girlfriends break them in two.

Was Ernest T Bass just having fun.... seemed like it to me... irrating sure... but so is she.

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Apparently no one is allowed to have any fun around here.  Oh she's trolling wah wah wah.  She's just having a good time.  Whats the difference between her and the other trolls of late? She's not trying aggrevate everyone around here.  Tiffani is a guest of mine, and I'd appreciate if others start treating her with some respect.  I told her this place, or more specifically this folder, is a cool place to post and unwind.  But you uptight doggy twats have to insult her because she's different than the rest of you.  Typical fucking behavior.  And you wanna know what else. She is my actual girlfriend away from this computer.  If you act fucking ignorant to her, you are acting fucking ingorant to me.  So do yourselves favor, pick on me.  Call me the fucking troll, tell me I am the fucking waste of this joint - because I am her.  Her? She's an innocent bystander just joking around.


Fucking savages....do you have hearts? Or did your cyber girlfriends break them in two.

Was Ernest T Bass just having fun.... seemed like it to me... irrating sure... but so is she.

Ernest wanted to piss everyone off. She doesn't.

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Guest Black Tiger
I'm ok with the puro guys, especially how they think of "their" forum. I'd hate for a bunch of non-WWE fans come strutting into the WWE forum and begin asking the most BASIC of questions over and over again, I'm sure it would be a hell of a headache.

I can see what your saying but it's not quite the same, 99.99999% of the wrestling fans are familiar with WWE, so some dude asking about how good is Kurt Angle or why does HHH always win would be a flamer's wet dream (that didn't sound good did it?) with Puroresu, the forum regulars are more used to those not familar, and wanting to get into puroresu popping in and asking questions.

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Guest MrRant

She pisses me off. Supposedly you are allowed to flame anyone.... why the special treatment?

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Jubuki, Tim Cooke, and a few others are the ones who give them all a bad name. I hear nothing but good things about Baisden and other guys who could be consiered 'puro elistists'.

Personally, I think Tim doesn't belong in that group, Banky. The guy's pretty damn smart and has never really come off as prickish as Jubuki did.

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Guest Downhome
Jubuki, Tim Cooke, and a few others are the ones who give them all a bad name.  I hear nothing but good things about Baisden and other guys who could be consiered 'puro elistists'.

Personally, I think Tim doesn't belong in that group, Banky. The guy's pretty damn smart and has never really come off as prickish as Jubuki did.

I would like to say, once again, that I've never head a problem with ANY of them, not even Jubuki. I think the entire "puro" issue here is just way overboard and exagerated.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

To be honest I don't care if I'm stereotyped on a message board, that sort of thing only bothers me in the real world, but out of respect to Dangerous A , I'll throw in my quick, worthless opinion:


Puro is just wrestling that happens to be in Japan, duh. Pretty much all Puro fans(though I could be wrong) at one point were fans of American wrestling, and might still be. It just happens, that some of us found wrestling over seas to be better than alot of the stuff that's going on over here.


I never quit liking the NWA that I was raised on, or stopped liking Bret Hart and Stone Cold who kept me a casual fan throughout most of the 90s. It just so happens that after seeing a great deal of All Japan Heavies and New Japan juniors, and after comparing and contrasting, I think they are better than my old heroes in the NWA or Bret Hart and Stone Cold.


Is Wrestling something that can be ranked with a system? I don't know and I don't care, I'll leave the answer to more brilliant minds than myself. I do think though that alot of people fail to take into account that alot of puro fans have seen far more than your average american wrestling fan who is limited to television, and because of some puro fans more experience I tend to trust their opinion more.


Of course if somebodies can say Kawada/Muta is a brilliant ***** match, someone who's seen Kawada in 93 is gonna say, Hey now, wait a minute! Sure it's all opinion, but I trust the opinion of the guy who's seen Kawada in both his prime and broken down shell of his former self than the guy who's simply seen the later.


This is the same as a guy going on the WWE board and proclaiming that HHH/Flair on Raw was a ***** match. Of course somebody is gonna say, you dumbass, they've had tons of better matches than that peice of shit. Have you seen Flair/Steamboat? Than the guy goes, well I think HHH/Flair is ***** because that's my opinion, the psychology is incredible. After that nonsense, you wonder why people lose thier patience and start flaming. Than you get called an elitist because you think your opinion is better than the HHH/Flair fanboy.


That's basically how I see it, and that's all I'm contributing here.

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