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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

WWE Apologists

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

All of you fucking shit heads are gay. I believe it's 2 straight quarters the WWE has run a loss and now they're cutting costs to the point of NOT PROVIDING THEIR WRITING STAFF TICKETS TO THE SHOW. Fucking plane tickets. In the context of a billion dollar corporation - that's the equivalent of counting your pennies in your pocketbook at the week's end.


I remember when posters would make valid points that the company was suffering a lot more than Linda was letting on and that change was needed NOW...or ELSE! Then you apologist bitches would open your cocksucking lips and say "BUT WWE JUST RAN A GAIN U R SO NEGATIVE U IDIOT THE SKY IS NOT FALLING U NEGATIVE MORON."


Well guess what, the sky's falling. WWE is down to it's core audience which it cannot afford to lose - and their main star viciously alienates them with the "U CANT CRITICIZE ME" line of shit. Vince is netting losses every quarter and the fact he's saving money on the "little things" shows he's desperate to plug holes on a sinking ship.


No sooner than you assholes uttered the "THEY JUST SHOWED PROFIT LAST QUARTER" excuse did WWE start to lose millions and millions. Wrestlemania bombed, Backlash probably lost them money and with the PPV split coming, I'm going to be one of the first to officially predict bankruptcy by summer 2005. They are creating no new stars, no new merchandise and they do not have WCW to force them to change shit. Even the new stars they try to create can't fucking work in the ring (even on a Hoganesque charisma/adrenaline-pop level). The company is fucking DYING and it's obvious to anyone who takes Vince's pubic hair out of their eyes. Vince has lost his touch, and Shane and Steph never had "it."


Please tell me your stupid ass excuses now so I can laugh in your faces again as I piss on this fucked up company's grave in 2 years.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

WWE should tap the gay market. If they played up wrestling's homoeroticism they could be the next Village People. They'd lose much of their core audience, but such such things are imperative in the dog eat dog world of big business.

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Guest Choken One

Why guys hatin on DH? I like seeing a guy still care about the product and doesn't try to give himself high expectations...


I dont agree with him but at least he is more pleasant then R.R.R whom is negative on everything for the sake of being negative.

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Guest Downhome
All of you fucking shit heads are gay.

Well, I was going to possibly share my views but, I don't think so. For one people can enjoy what the fuck they want to, period. Another...


...well, that comment right there that I quoted said all I needed to hear. I'm sorry, but I don't waste my time on anyone who must present their case with gay/sexual jokes, much less when it's the first fucking line. Perhaps once you grow up I'll engage in a discussion with you, or maybe when you learn a few more words, but untill then, no thanks. Hell, I'd rather talk to RRR or LOTC.


Sure this is NHB, but that doesn't exempt you from being a moron, sorry.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
WWE should tap the gay market. If they played up wrestling's homoeroticism they could be the next Village People. They'd lose much of their core audience, but such such things are imperative in the dog eat dog world of big business.

HHH with a big bushy moustache: now THAT I'd pay to see :D

Or HBK..........acting and dressing the same as...he does now.

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WWE should tap the gay market. If they played up wrestling's homoeroticism they could be the next Village People. They'd lose much of their core audience, but such such things are imperative in the dog eat dog world of big business.

HHH with a big bushy moustache: now THAT I'd pay to see :D

Or HBK..........acting and dressing the same as...he does now.

But without all the denial. Actually admitting he wants to buff Nash's muffins.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo
I like 2 month builds and I like the fact that it will force the company to push new guys to fill up the other half of the card.


-Me, on the separate brand PPVs.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Oh, and I don't think the WWE will fall by 2005...


I give them 3 years minimum and 7 years maximum before they die. My glass is a lil less half empty..

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Guest Downhome
Oh, and I don't think the WWE will fall by 2005...


I give them 3 years minimum and 7 years maximum before they die. My glass is a lil less half empty..

While this may come as a shock to you, I'll agree with you for the most part. Listen, I DO acknowledge that WWE is very poor for the most part right now, and HAS been for the past two years or so. I really doubt anyone could deny that, even I will not even try to do so. If WWE continues on their current path, and IF they fail to ever do anything about it, then I think they will ultimatly end. I just happen to think that eventually they'll turn it around.


If they stay "as is" for years, then I'll say they could be shut down in 7-10 years, I'll give them just a bit longer than you RRR.


The wrestling industry is crazy though. One week it could be very bad off with a horrible product, and then the next week something can all of a sudden "happen" that really impacts everything and then it'll be back on line over the next few months. You can never really tell, it's just a very wishy-washy business.


Once something, ANYTHING is done about HHH and the writing, things will improve, but not untill then.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

10 years is too long; in my view, the wrestling industry will recover in 10 years.


I can tell you a whole lot of times where one thing negatively impacted the company and that lasted for months, but I can't recall anything positive that came from a single incident that lasted for months.

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Guest Downhome
10 years is too long; in my view, the wrestling industry will recover in 10 years.


I can tell you a whole lot of times where one thing negatively impacted the company and that lasted for months, but I can't recall anything positive that came from a single incident that lasted for months.

Well we can't really say one way or another, a lot can change (for both the good and bad) in ten years.


You are right, there hasn't been a single positive thing that has happened that has truly helped anything for a lenghty ammount of time.


You see, I agree with you on MOST things, the issue simply comes down to my being such a hardcore fan, I watch even when it's shitty, heh.

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WWE hasn't been bugging me that much this year. They're putting out a more watchable product than last year....but then again Brand Exclusive PPV's are about to start.


But this could prove somewhat good if they use the two months of ppv build up wisely.

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Guest Downhome
WWE hasn't been bugging me that much this year. They're putting out a more watchable product than last year....but then again Brand Exclusive PPV's are about to start.


But this could prove somewhat good if they use the two months of ppv build up wisely.

I'm looking forward to the split-PPV's myself, I really am. It all comes down to the "if" factor, that is IF they use them correctly, but I'm still looking forward to them.


I've enjoyed the past few months of WWE more than I have much of the past two years.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I've put up with the WWE's shit before, I see no benefit to putting up with it again if the WWE will just forget about it in a few months.


A lot can happen in 10 years, yes. But the way I see it, the WWE will not get out of the funk on their own. If they haven't gotten the clue by now, they will not get the clue next year, or a year after that. In 10 years a promotion is bound to get started and get a local television deal, and then more promotions will, and soon enough one will get a national deal when networks see how successful the local TV is doing, and some smart promoter will get a chance to take the product nationally - plus there is the internet which can move info between fans very quickly - so this will help increase the chances. In 10 years the networks are bound to forget about the WWE (3 years after it's death) and take a chance.

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Guest Downhome

All of that is true, but it's just all opinion and circumstancial (sp?). Neither one of us really know what will happen in the next few weeks, months, or years. It's great to speculate, but that's all each of us can do really. What happens in the past and right now means next to nothing, because you never know what will happen tomorrow.


I'll just say that IF they stay on their current road, and NEVER change anything, they could very well be dead in seven years. I don't however see that happening, and I do think that eventually the "next big thing" will take place and heal Pro. Wrestling for a while once again.


There, that's the closest you'll get from me what you believe, heh.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

What happens in the past means next to nothing? Are ya sure?


The "next big thing" in pro wrestling came from WCW in the mid-90's. Hulkamania was born in the AWA... The two big booms that helped the WWE take off weren't even started in the WWE... but since you think what happens in the past means nothing for tomorrow, I guess that explains your optimism in the WWE's abilities to produce "the next big thing".

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I can see what RRR means. The WWF has never "made" the next big thing. They've "aquired" it. (And I'm not talking about Brock when I say "next big thing")


Unless the next big thing comes from an Indy Fed I don't know where WWE will get it.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo



That's my belief. The WWE's only chance is with Mixed Martial Arts - if that becomes big in NA the WWE is close enough to it to take the format and formula and expand on it.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The Indies are too weak, and the WWE will crush any company who gets anywhere near becoming successful and won't steal from any of them because they are smaller and therefore lesser... (such is the WWE Philosophy)

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I don't know about that. If you're talking of intergrating MMA stars into the WWE then most of the time it won't work cause they're not charismatic enough or good at wrestling.


If you're talking about totally changing the WWE to a MMA style with a little Sports Entertainment mixed in then I think that would alienate the fan base and probably do more harm than good.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Disagreed. MMA has many of the same elements as pro wrestling. The transition is very small for wrestling fans to make. I am a wrestling fan, part of what is in MMA appeals to the wrestling fan in me. Quinton "Rampage" Jacksons promos (Not charismatic enough? oh my), the natural storylines (Frye vs. Coleman, Ortiz vs. Shamrock, Ortiz vs. Liddell), the commentating (you don't get better than Quadros and Rutten), the natural stories that develop in a fight (Coleman vs. Smith, Tito vs. Frank, Frye vs. Takayama, Fedor vs. Nogueira, Nog vs. Sapp), and of course the moves performed (Jackson does slams and suplexes, Matsui does dropkicks) are very similar to professional wrestling, and at times are BETTER.


Pro Wrestling can successfully incorporate MMA style as well. For the 3rd time in 24 hours I bring up Toshiaki Kawada vs. Gary Albright - which successfully meld the UWF-i style into All Japan pacing and format. The influence of MMA in NA wrestling can be seen in American Dragon vs Low Ki from ROH. Hell, you see wrestlers like Bradshaw and Taker at UFC events. Right now Jeff Osbourne, former commentator for the UFC and current head of Hook n Shoot - the largest 'indy' in NA drawing 1000+ fans each show - is thinking about starting up a hybrid promotion like the UWF-i in North America.

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Guest Kid Kablam

My problem with WWE is that they're relying on the cyclical business argument. In other words they don't realize that in order for the upswing to start, you need to make fundamental changes that allow for the big break to occur. In other words, let's say that something like the Mike Tyson thing happens again, and WWE gets all sorts of positive exposure: The Product is too weak right now to support a boom. It's sort of like the dynastic cycle, which has a glory period (attitude era) followed by a period of horrible corruption (HHH, Steph etc) followed by anj awful falling out period (Now) which leads to a firing of the old gaurd (the usual gang of idiot) and other reforms (better storylines, better wrestling, better presentation of image) which leads to a sharp rise, and a golden age. The problem is that Vince doesn't realize that reforms have to be made, and that he needs to ceremonialy execute the dead wood old gaurd. Vince however assumes that the Golden age will come on its own and that he just has to weather the bad times.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Well shit, why don't you hit that nail on it's head a lil bit harder Kid?

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

Yawn, this was lame when Danndogg was doing it as the anti WWE-haters gimmick, and changing it to anti WWE-fans makes it no less retarded.


As for the split PPVS: I think Bad Blood is shaping up to be better than either Judgement Day or Backlash.

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Guest TheGame2705
WWE should tap the gay market. If they played up wrestling's homoeroticism they could be the next Village People. They'd lose much of their core audience, but such such things are imperative in the dog eat dog world of big business.

Funny but I watch sometimes just for Train and I'd mark the f00k out if Rick Steiner came back. I don't think they should make wrestling gay but I do think that in desperate times they should market some of the males like they do the divas. Look at all the fan boards and Yuna.

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Guest Kid Kablam
WWE should tap the gay market. If they played up wrestling's homoeroticism they could be the next Village People. They'd lose much of their core audience, but such such things are imperative in the dog eat dog world of big business.

Funny but I watch sometimes just for Train and I'd mark the f00k out if Rick Steiner came back. I don't think they should make wrestling gay but I do think that in desperate times they should market some of the males like they do the divas. Look at all the fan boards and Yuna.

WWE.COM could have it's own slash section!

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

I saw this picture, and this thread came to mind.



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Guest Mole

Do you guys really think WWE will die? Wresling has boom periods, and has down periods. Just look at the past, and history will show that.


WWE won't die anytime soon.

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