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Guest MrRant

Do you have any sympathy for the WWE Writers?

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Guest MrRant

The reason I ask is while I sometimes want to shotgun each and everyone of them you have to wonder if there aren't great ideas being presented that don't see the light of day because of Vince (or anyone you happen to blame today).


I have to think that the writers can't all be talentless hacks personally.

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Guest JHawk

I'd like to agree with that, but at the same time, Vince McMahon is the guy who made Vince Russo's shit look like it didn't suck.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

They're getting paid (probably not that much) to say "Yes, Vince, right away, sir." and "What a great idea Stephanie, I'll get right on it!" then they can just slap new names on the same script they've been using over and over and over again for the last three years. No work at all. What's to feel sorry about? Save your sympathy for the people still watching.

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Guest The Rising Star

i think the bookers AND the writers should be given 100% free hands, so the McMahon family won't come with their shitty ideas.

Honestly, Kevin Nash doesn't deserve any kind of push (well, maybe a push up the ramp!).

Hehe, funny! No? Oh well...

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Guest the holy grail

Its quite simple really there ideas have come to a halt, using old ideas will just make people turn their noses up, its like any certain product, its exciting and fun for a time, then once your used to it and the product dosn't have the same purpose that it once had, you get easily bored. I wouldn't want to be a writer at the moment because its gonna take one hell of a job to stop the rut.

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Guest Nanks

In some ways yes, in others, no. It'd suck having whatever creativity these guys might have effectively squashed and ignored, but I suppose once your spirit has been crushed it wouldn't be so bad to just sit back into, what I would assume to be, a pretty well paid job where you basically just stroke rich peoples' egos

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Guest Downhome

I don't know about all of you guys, but I blame Vince McMahon, and ONLY Vince for various reasons...


1) He obviously has various restrictions placed on the writing team and the talent, stuff like not allowing them to "go against the grain" and everything like that.


2) The ideas are ran across Vince, so what we see on TV is eventually "ok'd" by the man himself.


3) He owns the company, he should be the one who takes it by the balls and does something about everything.


...in the end, we don't know what the writers do or come up with. What we DO know is that Vince is the head of all of this, he owns the company, and he is to blame in my eyes, and after him comes Steph. Still though, she goes through him, soooooooo...

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Guest razazteca

I would like to believe in the "Shut Up and Wrestle" theory. Please no more adventures of the drunken GM and no more concerts.

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Guest Gary Busey

I blame Vince mostly.


Remember that insider article on Moodspins or whatever that was around not too long ago that detailed some of the struggles of the writing team? It was along the lines of that if they don't write what he likes specifically, then they get fired. Vince is also apparently as big an asshole in real life as he is on screen-- he apparently likes to tell the teams that they "will eat shit and like it."


Vince is the bottom line, and the problem with the company since he is the end all be all of the WWE. Steph and HHH aren't good for it either, but that's another story.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

I too blame Vince and Vince alone for the WWE's current problems. Even if Vince is out of touch with his audience (which I think he is) he should hire people who are not and give them the opportunity to do what they are payed to do. Coming of the biggest boom in wrestling history Vince feels he is invincible, and the only way the WWE is going to turn around is when Vince admits to himself that he is not.

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Guest edotherocket

Yeah I'm with the Vince blame on this one.


If I was writer and had all the unwritten WWE rules imposed on me (Nash must main event twice in a row etc) I don't think I could come up with much better.

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Guest The Rising Star

The writers should lock Vince in a room and never let him out.

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Guest Kid Kablam

Aparently there's an "agree or be fired" mentality I blame Vince and his fragile ego.

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Guest deadbeater

There are ways to subvert and let creativity come through. The writers have to be creative enough to figure out how to cover Vince's talking points and transcend them.


If they treat what Vince is asking for as say poetic form requests, or story outlines, or a set of destination from which they must create a path, they can go all out with the extras needed that makes the fans pop, as long as Vince gets what he wants.


Take for example the plot The Warriors. A gang has to go home by whatever means in order to escape revenge of a murder of which they were framed. A simple story right? Now, add to it a DJ doing the Greek chorus part; the colorful gangs blocking their way at different levels of brutality, from wimpish to bat and knife-wielding; an ambush seduction; fight scenes including a wild one in a bathroom; and "Warriors...come out and plaaaaay!!!" What you get is a surreal, compelling movie.


Let's take another look at a failed angle: Chris Nowinski's attempt to deflower Molly Holly. Why did it fail? It was not necessarily because of a balking of a planned ending in which Chris was successful. That can be rearranged. The problem was oversaturation. Do we really need to be told about it and only about it when the two were on the air?


The angle would be much more successfully developed had the announcers expressed slight unease over Chris' quest, and made a more concerted effort to not talk about it. That is, just let Chris's tell of his plans and let us see if they were successful. Then we slowly figure out Molly's part in all this, what she will demand of Chris before they get intimate. The other wrestlers make small talk about it, and let it build up slowly, for about a few months. Chris saves her a few more times (contrived of course), and gets to talk to Molly some more. Will Molly be turned off or be fascinated by his frat style? Will it become eventually a one-nighter, or will Molly and Chris have a serious and deep relationship? Very rare for 2 heels to have one. Open-ended with many possibile outcomes, and interest is generated.

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Guest Nathan_Avara

In the perfect wrestling world, there would be no need for a whole writing team. There should be a ranking system, to make wins and losses important again. Did you know A-Train has the best record on Smackdown next to Brock Lesnar right now? They're feeding him jobbers, and if the wins meant a damn he would be the number one contender (scary thought). So set up a system like this:


Title win: 3 pts

Win or Title Defense: 2 pts

DQ Win: 1 pt

Loss: -1 Pt


Have matches make storylines, not storylines make matches! I would have much rather seen Ric Flair work his way up the ranks, and then have that angle with HHH on Raw. So, I think the WWE writers (except Mr. Heyman) can go to hell.

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Do not leave Stephanie blameless in this crap. As head writer something tells me she has something to do with Huntie-poo winning thousands upon thousands of matches he doesn't deserve.

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Guest cynicalprofit

I have ZERO sympathy for those whoe arent wrestling fans.

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Guest AndrewTS

I feel sorry for the WWE writers for having access to Vince McMahon and not being allowed to kill him. That's all.

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Guest HellSpawn

How about this...


1) They "listen" to the smarks and try with Eddie vs Benoit at Armageddon in a #1 contender match... And the crowd (F'n Florida People) is bored. You clearly can see this guys pumped for A-Train vs Edge or Big Show vs Angle, damn, i think they were pumped for the Women, but a Wrestling Match? one guy at the back was almost sleeping.


Then you have to face Vince and tell him... you know Boss, that people is WRONG !!


2) How can you try to (again) listen to some fans when, EVERYONE (but a few) wants his/her/their Heat right back.


Writer: Hey Taker, you have to lose clean to this guy Cena and make him strong for Backlash..


Taker: NO


Writer: But..


Taker: NO


Writer: ok


Vince: Great, now we all agree.


2.1) Writer: Hey Mr. Austin, I think you should lose vs the NWO, that way you will get a HUGE Heel group and...


Austin: NO


Writer: But, ok, how about this, they beat you at Raw AND SmackDown! before the PPV and in no way out you could get a major win.


Austin: NO. I think they could beat me while Im not looking at raw and then I'll beat ALL OF THEM *ALONE* on SD! preview to no way out.


Writer: but..


Vince: OK, I think we all agree, Austin beat the NWO twice.




Austin: I think I should beat all this guys in WM. And, Why Im Not in the Main Event ?


Writer: Well, we agreed before that Rock - Hogan and Jericho - HHH should be the MAIN EVENT


Austin: NO, I dont like that.


Writer: But..


Austin: NO, I dont like that.


Vince: Austin, I think you should win in a screwy match vs Hall and later you will get your payback soon.


Austin: Hmph.


Raw Post-WM


Vince's cell phone ring.


Vince: Yeah, What happen?


Writer: Umm, Mr. McMahon, Austin called and he IS NOT COMING TO RAW.


Vince: What? (Irony? :) )


Writer: Yeah, In fact, mr Ross talked with him and it looks like he dont want to come back.


Vince: Hmph.


After that, the whole Eddie, Benoit, Flair's "Brush with greatness" ended.


3) Im sorry but I think this is True, USA (1st market for WWE) loves sillnes.


Thats why Lesbian angles and Hosses are getting heat.


I mean, Last year we got great matches at SD! and I think that wasnt enough for SD! to get a good rating, or am I wrong?

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