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Guest BoboBrazil

AJ Styles vs D'lo on Wednesday

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Guest BoboBrazil

This should be a great match. Interesting to see where Raven fits in the #1 contender scene if this match is for the belt. I'm guessing they do a 4 way at the anniversary show with Raven vs AJ vs D'lo vs Jarrett.

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Guest Space_Cowboy
Is it just me, or isn't Glen Gilberti the #1 contender????

Gilberti's getting his shot at the NWA Title this week i believe.


And AJ vs D'Lo should be very good, i'm certianly looking forward to it.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

AJ vs. D'Lo vs. Raven vs. Jarrett, or AJ vs. Jarrett and D'Lo vs. Raven or AJ vs. Raven and D'Lo vs. Jarrett would all rule on the anniversary show.




I'm thinking AJ going over here though, to set up AJ vs. Jarrett, since AJ has been with TNA since Week 1.

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I wouldn't mind, for the anniversary show, to have a 4 man tournement.


AJ vs. D'lo


Jarrett vs. Raven


and then, most likely AJ vs. Jarrett as the main event.

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Guest Slapnuts00

4 way elimination, Jarret vs. Raven are the final 2 and Raven goes over...

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Honestly if gilberti is gonna main event a ppv, it better be a stacked card. Also any of the people named in the 4 way above would be better contenders than Gilberti

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Guest acnx

I would like to see a four-way elimination match at the anniversary show with Styles going over. It would be a great way to get the Raven/Styles fued back on track, and then you have D'Lo/Styles which would be great if they kept the mutual respect thing going on. You could also bring guys like Lynn in the title picture to fued with Styles...I think it would work beautifully.


Plus Styles busts his ass out there every week, he's earned the right to carry the strap. You put it on Styles, and imagine what all the possibilities for Raven's character. Being denied his destiny by some punk from the X-Division?

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Too bad the title can't change hands unless the NWA Council says it can, eh?


Fucking NWA Council...

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Well, they made Ken Shamrock champ, why not Styles?


And it's cool that the NWA board makes those decisions...we won't see Russo or Arquette as champs.

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Guest Nanks

Just give Raven the belt for Christ's sake. The crowd loves him, he makes the main event so much more interesting than Jarrett. His character has endless possibilities to feud with anyone

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The thing about the NWA is that they'll pretty much agree to anyone at this point. Mike Rapada was an NWA Champion in the post WCW, pre TNA years.


Mike Rapada.


If K-Kwick can get the green light...Styles surely can as well.


It just protects us from stuff like: Vince Russo NWA World Champion.

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I would like to see a 4 way elimination, the same formula AJ vs D'Lo vs Raven vs Jarret. I would be up for anyone to win that bar Jarret, i think it would be great if they had Jarret eliminated first, how loud would the crowd be after that because they knew they were going to see a new champion crowned.

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Just as long as one of the other three (AJ, D'Lo, Raven) gets the belt, I'll be happy.

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