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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Strange storyline/angle ideas:

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

I was thinking that this could be an intresting angle;


You have a match (I would create a random PPV match for this) and wrestler A kind of looks shaky, like he's not too intrested in the match and loses with barely any offense.


Anyway a week later rumors pop up that he "tanked" the match (Its rarely kayfabed that the matches are pre-arranged, and even so it adds to the realism of the match, that he tanked a match he was supposed to win) and it turns out he was paid off to lose the match (gambling debts, or whatever, or he bet on himself to lose the match) and he gets suspended for a time period but is reinstated when the opponent demands another shot at him at the next PPV


Sure its good for about a month. I didn't say it'd be a long lasting program (though the idea of a "dirty wrestler" does have appeal as a heel gimmick, that you don't know if the match is on the level or not) I just said that it'd be an interesting program



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Guest WrestlingDeacon

I think everyone would see that as a work a mile away.


Here's an idea, a guy called "Your Mother." So you can have witty calls from JR like "Triple H just bitch slapped Your Mother." "Chris Jericho is really taking it to Your Mother."

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Guest BorneAgain

A series of mysterious attacks start to occur on Raw by a masked man. What makes these attacks unique is that they're all similar to attacks made by Ric Flair in the past, (baseball bat to the ankle, rubbing someone's nose in the concrete, that sort of thing) Flair claims that he's innocent, though no one, not even Triple H believes him. Finally when Raw has a show in Charlotte, Ric comes out to a thunderous ovation and says again that he's not responsible for these attacks. Then the lights go out for about 15 seconds or so, and when they come back on we see the same masked man beating the living hell out of Flair. The man unmasks and reveals himself to the crowd. He tells them that he perpetrated those assaults and beat up Flair to prove a point. He says that Ric Flair has done some terrible things in his career and yet still gets treated like a legend. He explains that he commited those "copycat" crimes to show how brutal Flair was to other wrestlers throughout his life. He ends his speil by vowing to rid the WWE and the wrestling of Ric Flair for good. "Its time for the dirtiest player in the game to face judgement" he finishes. This would kick off a months long angle with Flair that would turn him face against this guy and provide a great deal of promos, with Flair admitting he did a few things he regretted, but still feels he doesn't deserve this punishment, while this other character would repeatedly bring up all the people Flair has hurt. "How many careers did you try to end in your quest to remain World Champion Ric?" he would taunt. Now I can't think of someone to be this character but he would definitely need to be someone with some great mic skills. Any suggestions?

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

do you meant a guy from Flair's past like a Black Scorpion thing or just anybody?


From Flair's past you'd have to go with Savage, Funk, Windham or even Steamboat; that would be a neat twist.

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Guest BorneAgain
do you meant a guy from Flair's past like a Black Scorpion thing or just anybody?


From Flair's past you'd have to go with Savage, Funk, Windham or even Steamboat; that would be a neat twist.

Though a guy from his past would be best, it could essentialy be anybody. It could just be someone who is completly disgusted with how people view Flair as some great legend who could do no wrong. Its a shame that neither Savage, Funk, Windham, or Steamboat have sons that wrestle, because otherwise, he could just come in and say something like "Even though my father suffered injuries at the hands of Ric Flair that cripple him to this day, people still praise his name and I for one am damn tired of it." Man that would be sweet.

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Guest tank_abbott

My idea back in 98 for ending the Taker/Kane fued was to have Bearer and Kane rebuild the "Death House" from Mark and Glen's childhood... Complete with Mortuary in the basement... Taker and Kane are locked into the cellar and the house is started ablaze... the only way to survive is to escape... Cheesy..elaborate... Expensive...and Dangerous.... I'm surprised Russo didn't do it...


(Remember Russo tried paying off a fire marshall while he was in WCW, and he wanted to burn an arena down as the ultimate publicity stunt?) BS I'm sure, but interesting!

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Guest Dynamite Kido

guys, please leave the bad booking to the WWE creative department.

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Guest BorneAgain
guys, please leave the bad booking to the WWE creative department.

Hey, my booking is lame, not bad, and besides why should the creative department have all the fun?

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A series of mysterious attacks start to occur on Raw by a masked man. What makes these attacks unique is that they're all similar to attacks made by Ric Flair in the past, (baseball bat to the ankle, rubbing someone's nose in the concrete, that sort of thing) Flair claims that he's innocent, though no one, not even Triple H believes him. Finally when Raw has a show in Charlotte, Ric comes out to a thunderous ovation and says again that he's not responsible for these attacks. Then the lights go out for about 15 seconds or so, and when they come back on we see the same masked man beating the living hell out of Flair. The man unmasks and reveals himself to the crowd. He tells them that he perpetrated those assaults and beat up Flair to prove a point. He says that Ric Flair has done some terrible things in his career and yet still gets treated like a legend. He explains that he commited those "copycat" crimes to show how brutal Flair was to other wrestlers throughout his life. He ends his speil by vowing to rid the WWE and the wrestling of Ric Flair for good. "Its time for the dirtiest player in the game to face judgement" he finishes. This would kick off a months long angle with Flair that would turn him face against this guy and provide a great deal of promos, with Flair admitting he did a few things he regretted, but still feels he doesn't deserve this punishment, while this other character would repeatedly bring up all the people Flair has hurt. "How many careers did you try to end in your quest to remain World Champion Ric?" he would taunt. Now I can't think of someone to be this character but he would definitely need to be someone with some great mic skills. Any suggestions?

Have Arn Anderson play the role. He was there for all the trademark Flair attacks and he could say somethign about Flair never giving him a shot.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

It should be Dustin. He's the most logical choice, historically speaking. You could even have interviews with Dusty, saying that while Flair was an evil asshole, he doesn't support his son in doing the same thing Flair did.

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Guest CED Ordonez

A masked jobber that looks like a complete and utter joke (think along the lines of Gobbledegooker absurd) comes into the WWE and jobs in a few squash matches.


One week, the heel champion, fresh off a title defense, gloats about having finding some superb competition for a non-title match to "entertain the fans". Who is this superb athlete? Yes, the masked jobber. The announcers sell it as a blatant ego booster as the champion wipes the ring with masked jobber. But the unthinkable happens and the masked jobber gets a flash pin after a long delayed finisher counter to upset the champion. Throughout the night, the locker room can't help but laugh at the champion as he fumes.


The next week, the champion demands a non-title rematch to prove that last week was just a fluke. They go at it later in the night and have a spectacular match ending with the masked jobber winning again. After the match, the champion is simply stunned that he lost to a complete joke as the masked jobber rolls out of the ring and slings the champion's belt over his shoulder. He goes back into the ring and removes his mask in front of the champion. The champion is in complete shock when he reveals himself to be none other than (a superstar that was injured and not heard from in a few months/a former associate of the heel champion/a legendary wrestler/SOMEBODY the fans can identify).


Cue the chase until the title match at the big PPV event.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Ced, that masked jobber angle is pretty much Horowitz/Candido in the build, except for the payoff of course. Great way to get a guy over.

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Guest The Czech Republic
A masked jobber that looks like a complete and utter joke (think along the lines of Gobbledegooker absurd) comes into the WWE and jobs in a few squash matches.


One week, the heel champion, fresh off a title defense, gloats about having finding some superb competition for a non-title match to "entertain the fans". Who is this superb athlete? Yes, the masked jobber. The announcers sell it as a blatant ego booster as the champion wipes the ring with masked jobber. But the unthinkable happens and the masked jobber gets a flash pin after a long delayed finisher counter to upset the champion. Throughout the night, the locker room can't help but laugh at the champion as he fumes.


The next week, the champion demands a non-title rematch to prove that last week was just a fluke. They go at it later in the night and have a spectacular match ending with the masked jobber winning again. After the match, the champion is simply stunned that he lost to a complete joke as the masked jobber rolls out of the ring and slings the champion's belt over his shoulder. He goes back into the ring and removes his mask in front of the champion. The champion is in complete shock when he reveals himself to be none other than (a superstar that was injured and not heard from in a few months/a former associate of the heel champion/a legendary wrestler/SOMEBODY the fans can identify).


Cue the chase until the title match at the big PPV event.

Shark Boy!!


He wrestled at the Milwaukee show in April and he got a few "Let's Go Shark Boy" chants going.

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Guest BorneAgain
It should be Dustin. He's the most logical choice, historically speaking. You could even have interviews with Dusty, saying that while Flair was an evil asshole, he doesn't support his son in doing the same thing Flair did.

Dustin could work very well, especially considering that he's not doing anything as Goldust. Have him talk about how often he saw his father come home bruised and bloddied thanks to Ric Flair and the Horsemen. You could even break him away from Booker by having Book be one of the people attacked by Dustin when he was wearing the mask. Dustin can play it up by saying that he can't let friendship get in the way of justice or something akin to that.

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Guest JMA
It should be Dustin. He's the most logical choice, historically speaking. You could even have interviews with Dusty, saying that while Flair was an evil asshole, he doesn't support his son in doing the same thing Flair did.

I agree. But Dustin should lose the Goldust gimmick first. I'd have him rename himself "Stardust" (after his father). This angle shows a lot of promise. The best thing is that it wouldn't be a typical "good guy" vs. "bad guy" scenario.

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Guest BorneAgain
It should be Dustin. He's the most logical choice, historically speaking. You could even have interviews with Dusty, saying that while Flair was an evil asshole, he doesn't support his son in doing the same thing Flair did.

I agree. But Dustin should lose the Goldust gimmick first. I'd have him rename himself "Stardust" (after his father). This angle shows a lot of promise. The best thing is that it wouldn't be a typical "good guy" vs. "bad guy" scenario.

Good name, JMA and I can totally see him using it. I'm also glad you noticed that this wasn't a typical heel vs face feud and is in fact is between one legendary figure who's done some terrible things in the past vs a man who commits some atrocious acts but has a method to his madness. The announcers can also totally play it up by condemming Stardust, but also admitting that Flair is indeed the dirtiest player in the game and should in some way make reparations for what he has done.

Edited by BorneAgain

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Rediscovered this going through the archives.


Eh, not to toot my horn too much, but I still think this could be an intriguing angle if done well.


In fact if Ric were to retire soon, this would be a good angle to go out on.


Here's a potential voice-over for the promos.


"Ric Flair is a legend. He's fought for his titles, his pride, and even his very name. Now he fights for the most important thing of all. His own legacy."



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Guest wayzing

Hahaha, BorneAgain. Apart from Pat Tanaka you're the best little bumper in the business.


But yes, it is an ace angle all the way through.

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Guest The Ultimate Fantasy

You know what be more amazing? If the guy who was stalking Ric Flair took off his mask and reavled himself to be RIC FLAIR. Clone have never been done in wrestling.

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Guest thatdude21601

Benoit, in a wolverine suit(not the xman)...he attacks backstage sets, grunts more than usaul, and humps Divas.


Rico turns into a smark "Ugg, that match just so lacks the workrate Charles".


Cena vs Funaki, in a US title Dance off. Gold I say.


Also, I'de like to see a male Bolshoi Kid ripoff(high flying Doink).

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You know what be more amazing? If the guy who was stalking Ric Flair took off his mask and reavled himself to be RIC FLAIR. Clone have never been done in wrestling.

If there was a match between Flair and Flair, it would get INFINITY BILLION stars!~~~~

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Thought of another one the other day.


Basically its a Mr. Champion gimmick. It would involve a comedic heel who starts wearing old, discontinued belts from old promotions and then claims he's the repective champion even though all of them are long dead. When asked how precisely he got these championships he claims that:


A) He won it in a tournement, even though there was no one who witnessed it, nor was it taped.


B) He won it in a battle royale, despite the fact he can't name any other wrestlers who were in it.


Or C) He was the number one contender for the title when the previous champion vacated it and it was awarded to him, but wasn't in the promotion the title was in, nor did the last champion even vacate it.


It gets to the point where he's carrying 8 or so dead titles to the ring, forcing the ring announcer to name him the champion of each one, and taking a ridiculous amount of time taking the belts off and putting them back on.


The backstage segments would be great.


Wrestler A: Man, would you stop it with this title nonsense, people think you're a damn joke.


Mr. Champion: Oh I see, you're just jealous that you're not the AWA Television, FTW, WCCW, Million Dollar, SMW, USWA Southern, WCW Six-Man champion; (whipping out a trophy) and winner of the Crockett cup.


Whenever he loses a match, he quickly gets on the mic and explains that none of his titles were on the line. He eventually does end up losing all of them in one match to a confused face, who claims that he doesn't want any of them.


The heel meanwhile then challenges the him to a winner take all match, because he (the heel) does have one title to put on the line. That's right, the WCW Women's Cruiserweight Championship! When asked how he can hold it even though he's not a woman nor a crusierweight, he shrugs: "Champion's perogative."

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That sounds a bit like Tommy Rich in ECW.


Edit: He'd say that the FBI had defeated the Von Erichs for the World 6 Man Championship in Dallas Texas.He also mentioned the FBI beating the Koloffs and Freebirds as well.

Edited by deancoles411

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Guest JJW

For entertainment purposes i'd love to see a match where the stip would be the winner gets to throw Lemon Pies at the loser for 45 minutes backstage and then throughout the show they can cut back to it.....Now you couldn't do this all the time maybe 3 times a month tops, but right now where I sit it's the only viable way to get back the old fans and increase ratings.



I need to get a company to back me....They can give me millions and i'll make them Hundreds.


Anybody with me?

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For entertainment purposes i'd love to see a match where the stip would be the winner gets to throw Lemon Pies at the loser for 45 minutes backstage and then throughout the show they can cut back to it.....Now you couldn't do this all the time maybe 3 times a month tops, but right now where I sit it's the only viable way to get back the old fans and increase ratings.



I need to get a company to back me....They can give me millions and i'll make them Hundreds.


Anybody with me?

this would rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I just thought of one today, Bastion Booger returns and challenges HHH for the world title..................in a "Pull My Finger" Match



or as someone in the wrestling dream folder dreamt of HHH vs Benoit in a Dance Dance Revolution Game


and something not wrestling related



I just thought that Barry Bonds should get a tv variety show called "Barry Bonds Disco Hour" where he dresses up in a disco suit and disco dances to songs about HGH and Steroids, guests could include Jason Giambi, Jose Canseco, and Mark McGwire

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You know what be more amazing? If the guy who was stalking Ric Flair took off his mask and reavled himself to be RIC FLAIR. Clone have never been done in wrestling.

If there was a match between Flair and Flair, it would get INFINITY BILLION stars!~~~~

At least from Meltzer it would.

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