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Guest CanadianChick

Bad Blood match predictions

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Guest the holy grail

Thanks for the optimistic comments, Quirky i can see that happening, but i just really feel that the wrestlers must think to themselves, oh god i am crap and not having a good run, so why don't i pull out all the stops to have a good match just to prove i can do it.


Come on Kevin you know you can do it!

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Guest the holy grail

Well if the Undertaker and Kane were participating as well

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Guest Quik

Gotta love the ancient practice of no-selling. I remember one time when I was a kid my Dad smacked me cause I got in trouble at school, but I totally no-selled it and gave him 5 Flair-chops. Ah, memories.


Anyway, what are the odds of a big bump happening in this one?

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Guest CanadianChick
I can't believe no one has called it "No-sell In A Cell" yet.

Oh, but they will sell for each other. It's everybody else (with the exception of HBK and maybe Flair) they won't sell for.

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Guest the holy grail

Ah the good old five time, five time flair chops to the father, always a classic

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Guest Choken One
Gotta love the ancient practice of no-selling. I remember one time when I was a kid my Dad smacked me cause I got in trouble at school, but I totally no-selled it and gave him 5 Flair-chops. Ah, memories.


Anyway, what are the odds of a big bump happening in this one?

Oh don't worry we'll geta big bump...


Suddenly Flair will run around the ramp and the camera watches him while Kane and Jericho step onto the Cell and do Stunt Double Duty and they each fall about 25 feet down...and The real Hunter will pop up under the table right away and leave with just a trickle of blood...and Proclaim himself the winner...

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Guest Hartinator

I'm really, really, really, really, not looking forward to this ppv much. :(


But you know I'm gonna watch it anyway :bonk:

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Guest AndrewTS
I can't believe no one has called it "No-sell In A Cell" yet.

Oh, but they will sell for each other. It's everybody else (with the exception of HBK and maybe Flair) they won't sell for.

I like "Snails in a Cell" myself.


Hartinator: Welcome to the board! I love the signature, by the way.

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I'm really, really, really, really, not looking forward to this ppv much. :(


But you know I'm gonna watch it anyway :bonk:

Yeah...I know how that is...


If I could get PPVs for free I would be the same way.



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Guest edotherocket

Any word on when Molly comes back? Is she injured or just waiting for the writers to come up with something for her to do?

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Any word on when Molly comes back? Is she injured or just waiting for the writers to come up with something for her to do?

I think she's training women in OVW mostly...that's what I heard...

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Guest Choken One

Ya could enlist in the Marines real quick...take a shot of Shrapel in the ass just so you can watch Bad Blood cost free...

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Guest TheHulkster

HIAC, World title match: HHH vs. Nash (already announced)


This will probably be Hunter's attempt to be Shawn Michaels. Nash is 10 years older has suffered many injuries since his one good match. HHH will try, but the odds are against him. I'll be suprised if it's even decent since Nash is such a terrible wrestler. HHH takes this one.


Goldberg vs. Jericho (already announced)


Jericho has shined shit into gold before (see his **-*** matches with Hogan and Kane from last year). Goldberg is athletic enough to be carried to a decent match. Jericho may sandbag him out of spite. The winner isn't a question.


Tag Team Title match: La Resistance vs. RVD/Kane (already announced)


People (including me) say that Team Angle are green, but La Resistance make them look like the fucking Midnight Express. That is why Kane and RVD are winning.


Shawn Micheals vs. Ric Flair (already announced)


Tough one to pick. Shawn Michaels on gut reaction. Has the potential to be a classic.


Booker T vs. Christian (already announced, I think)


Booker takes this one to a rabid crowd in a fun 10 minute match.


Women's Title Match: Jacqueline vs. Jazz (I think they kinda started a feud last week on Heat)


Jazz in a squash if it happens. You'd be hardpressed to find someone on the active roster that the fans give less of a shit about than Jackie.


Trish vs. Victoria (I'm guessing since Trish was out commentating Victoria's match. It might mean something)


Victoria. They might bring in Gail Kim soon and they are lacking in Face women. She's going to need a heel challenger.


Hurricane vs. Lance Storm (just a random match I though of)

Hurricane. Lance is a sitting duck.

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Guest croweater
QUOTE (CanadianChick @ Jun 1 2003, 11:28 AM)

QUOTE (Quik @ Jun 1 2003, 09:05 AM)

I can't believe no one has called it "No-sell In A Cell" yet. 


Oh, but they will sell for each other. It's everybody else (with the exception of HBK and maybe Flair) they won't sell for. 


I like "Snails in a Cell" myself.


"Snails in a Cell" = "no shell in a cell" (you see because "no sell in a sell........ no shell.... cos they're snails) HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA :bonk:


ok, anywhom


HIAC, World title match: HHH vs. Nash (already announced)


Well, what can I say that hasn't allready be said.

This will be one of the matches of the year, an epic struggle between two of arguably the greatest wrestlers ever. The story told will be fantastic and expect Nash to take a massive fall 25 feet from the top of the cage and to the FLOOR on the outside..... totally shitting on Mick Foley's bump which had to go through a tabel (pussy) ........... HHH goes over in a fantastic match ****-*****


Goldberg vs. Jericho (already announced)

Well, with the current push Jericho is getting in WWE lately there is no doubt that he will go over in a squash. Goldberg is by far the more talented of the two...... but then when has the WWE ever pushed talent? Hopefully Goldberg will be able to salvage a good match from "Jerislow" **-***


:huh:............. :)


Tag Team Title match: La Resistance vs. RVD/Kane (already announced) RVD and Kane are over rated as singles competitors and should remain a tag team for as long as possible. They have a great tag team dynamic.

I love the whole "you hate me cos I'm French" gimmik and can really see it going places. La Resistance are talented and experienced and look set to become the greatest wrestling team the world has ever seen......... scince the Allied Powers era in 1995. Some great selling by RVD and Kane will propell this match to a **** classic.


Shawn Micheals vs. Ric Flair (already announced)

This could possible be the worst piece of shit match that the WWE has ever made........... well since Benoit vs. Angle at the Royal Rumble anyway.

:angry:.................... :)

This match will just be a spot fest with the guy most in need for the push winning.............. :huh: ..............

I hope this match doesn't go more than 5 minutes... but knowing the WWE, it will go for 30. DUD

:angry: :angry: ................. :)


Booker T vs. Christian (already announced, I think)

In this epic battle of the most OVERATED wrestlers in the WWE expect the Christian to pick up the win, as it is far more benificial for him to win in Booker's hime town. I can't believe that this match is even taking place..... I was so happy that the WWE chose to job Booker to Halleluia Halleluia Halleluia and then Christian to "my matches are pure GOLDberg" and I'd thought we'd seen the end of both of them.

Oh well............ I spose there has to be a negative star rating somewhere on the card. -**** / -*****


:angry:...... :huh: ...... :angry:

Women's Title Match: Jacqueline vs. Jazz

Jazz deserves this push more than anyone as she is massively over and can wrestle a great match. The lead up has been brilliantly done by the WWE. Expect Jackie to go over in a **** classic, and then fued with the greatest female wrestler around Stacy.


:angry: ;) :angry:




Hurricane vs. Lance Storm (just a random match I though of)

These two talentless competitors have no spot on this PPV and will just be a waste of time DUD

:firing: :spank:


Trish vs. Victoria (I'm guessing since Trish was out commentating Victoria's match. It might mean something)......................................................................


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Hey! I called it 'No Sell in the Cell' just before it was announced!


Anyway, onto my predictions:


The Most hanus crime against mankind (the race, and the wrestler):

The Shame for sure. Setting up a confrentation that absolutely no one cares about at SummerSlam.


The King of the World vs. Goldberg

Jericho will, like everyone else, put Goldberg over. Go home Bill, no one cares anymore.


Flair vs. Michaels

Would have been good 10 years ago, now it will just be mediocre. Flair for me, only because I've talked to the man himself.



Christian needs more than one month with the belt, and a screwjob victory over Booker in Books hometown would do his heel status no harm at all. Hopefully Christian keeps the belt.


RVD-Kane vs. Frogs Legs

Not sure on this one, would not be surprised if Frogs Legs went over Van Dam (again) and won the belts. They are still a little too green yet.


Jazz vs. Jaqueline

The only match that could challenge Cliq Galore for Worst of the night. Couldn't give a flying fruitloop.


Hurricane vs. Lance Storm

It will be good if it happens. Hurricane would go over though.

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Guest Anglesault

With the exception of the world and tag matches, this card doesn't look so terrible right now.




Even Goldberg/Y2J


will all hold my attention.


Maybe it's just because the card is fleshed out earlier than three days before the show.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

HIAC: Nash vs HHH: HHH, they can't be stupid enough to put the belt on Nash, right?....right?

Lets just hope for a career ending injury, cause at the moment its our only hope.


Goldberg vs Y2J: Once again Jericho will job to HHH's next opponent, Goldberg in a squash.


Flair vs HBK: HBK doesn't loose to anyone not named HHH, see WM19 precedent.


RVD/Kane vs The Frogs: The Frogs only to break up RVD/Kane, though I doubt this will happen, as the WWE hates us.


Christian vs Booker T: It is complete bullshit Booker is even in this match instead of defending the title in the main event, but he'll win this one to keep him away from the main event scene for a while.


I couldn't give a shit about the rest of this card.

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Guest TheArchiteck





I kinda want Flair to go over Annik...Shawn.

I miss the face Flair already....




Is anyone ordering this ppv?

I'm actually considering it.........

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Guest RedJed

Heres a prediction.........I wont bother watching this show unless I'm nice and wasted beforehand.

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