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Guest Mole

Men hitting women...

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Guest Mole

Okay, before you start flaming me, I don't believe hitting women is good. I don't think hitting people in general is good, I have never been in a fight.


Woman want equal rights which they deserve. Women are people just like men, they deserve everything men have. They should be paid the same, treated the same, etc.


However, how come it is worse for a man to hit a woman? Is it just the way our society works? Or is it because woman are generally smaller than men?


It is just a simple question, so don't get all heated for what I said. I don't condone it, I believe fighting in general is horrible.


I was just watching Baby Boy, and Jodi hits his girlfriend after she hits him a few times. It wasn't a big deal when she hit him, but it is when he hits her. So I was just questioning how our society works, that is all.



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Guest Jack Tunney

The idea is that you arent supposed to hit someone smaller and weaker than you.Not to be sexist,but women are usually smaller and physically weaker than men.

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Guest EricMM

I agree, no need to retread old ground (and well covered at that)


And while it may not have any fk teale posts to warrent it a spot in the classic posts thread, it's a classic in my own heart. It had the "sappy" (drunk) EricMM proclaiming the purity of sexual intercourse between lovers, and the devils advocate Chris v. Marney thing that I TRIED to copy for the whole vegitarian thread a while ago.


A fun thread, and we sincerely DID cover whether or not men should hit women, and circumstances, etc.

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Guest Cancer Marney

This was my favourite line by you, Eric, bemoaning the evils of both parties:

arg arg arg whats a tree hugger to do.
It was so cute. <g> I wanted to pick you up and pat you on the head and kiss your cheek and tell you Mummy would make it all better. awww, poor little treehugger...


What vegetarian thread, by the way? Was this while I was on my sabbatical?

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Guest JMA

Should men hit women? Only in defense. The same applies for men hitting men. I myself am for strict equal rights. I believe women should be allowed to serve on the front line as well.

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Guest SP-1

I'll put it this way.


If a man ever hits a woman in my presence, it was a good idea for him to have calculated that he has to spin around and hit me too within five seconds. Otherwise, I will have crushed his face.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

If she's willing to fight then by all means. If she is defenseless then no. Of course I feel the same way in fights between two men or two women too.

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Guest MaxPower27

No. I watched my dad beat the shit out of my mom on a consistant basis when I was too young to kick his ass. Like SP, any man that hits ANY woman and I am nearby will answer to me.

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Guest Anglesault

If a man hits a woman in my presence, he fucking better be able to run for his life.


And if he DARES, DARES to hit a child, I'm not sure that I'd be able to stop myself.

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Guest MaxPower27

I'm the same with kids, AS. They had better be able to run REALLY fast.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
If a man hits a woman in my presence, he fucking better be able to run for his life.


And if he DARES, DARES to hit a child, I'm not sure that I'd be able to stop myself.

Define "hit." If a father slaps his kid on the wrist, it's no big deal. If he won't cooperate, even a slap on the cheek and a stern word is okay. (But only after being civil with the kid.)

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Guest EricMM

The veggie argument I decided to embark on is contained in this thread. I am not particularly veggie by any means, but I can certainly understand the benefits of a veggie society.


Anyways. Mole, we know you didn't know there was a thread, thats why it was prompty pointed out.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

if a man hits a woman when i'm around he'll be visiting the hospital.


i've seen it too many times start off with a push or a shove and devolop into serious abuse.


i had a friend whose dad used to beat her and noone did anything about it. she's dead now. he came home one night after getting drunk and beat her to death.


any man who hits a woman or a child is asking for a serious asskicking.

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Guest Cancer Marney
I am not particularly veggie by any means, but I can certainly understand the benefits of a veggie society.

Huh. Just read it; you did a much better job than any of your opponents.

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Guest CanadianChick

No one who is defenceless should get hit. I don't care the age or gender. And if I see anybody ever hitting a kid, man or woman, I'd step in. I might not be able to do much if it's a man, but you better believe I'll try.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

This thread gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "I'd hit it."

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

For all you who say "If a man hits a woman in my presence etc etc" what about "If a normal sized man hits a man who is 5'2" and weighs 98 pounds in my prence..."


The smaller man in this example is probably physically as weak as or weaker than most women. If you consider hitting a woman who may be better equipped than this man to defend herself to be a worse offense, then I question your motives, which possibly dip into the "I gotta look good for the girls so I can get laid" end of the spectrum and hence of questionable moral validity.


Otherwise, kudos.

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Guest Jack Tunney

When I was younger a kid on my street actually hit a kid in a wheelchair.I wanted to do something but the kid was much bigger than me despite being the same age as me.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
For all you who say "If a man hits a woman in my presence etc etc" what about "If a normal sized man hits a man who is 5'2" and weighs 98 pounds in my prence..."


The smaller man in this example is probably physically as weak as or weaker than most women. If you consider hitting a woman who may be better equipped than this man to defend herself to be a worse offense, then I question your motives, which possibly dip into the "I gotta look good for the girls so I can get laid" end of the spectrum and hence of questionable moral validity.


Otherwise, kudos.

I'm sure they'd go right up to that bastard scoundrel and say "Remove your hands from her, you cad!" Then lay him out with one punch and become king of the beach, instead of just looking on and wishing they could do something about it.

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Guest SP-1

I don't care if the guy in question is four feet tall and a hundred pounds soaking wet. You do not hit women. If you do, I crush your face. The two fates are joined, there's really not much that can be done about it.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

But can you explain the morality behind this? What makes them more protected than a weaker man who hasn't done anything to provoke anyone?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

fuck it. if it's sexist than i'm sexist but no one is hurting a woman when i'm around. and if a weaker guy is getting the crap beat out of him i'll step in if it's going to far.

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Guest Mole

Like AS said, if someone hits a child, I will beat them.


If someone hits a woman, I am not sure what I will do. I don't like fighting, but I might just have to lay the smackdown.


Now if I found out one of my friends got raped, that is a completley different story. I will beat that guy until near death, then jam a golf club up his ass to show how it feels to be raped.

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Guest SP-1

Explain the morality?


YOU DON'T HIT WOMEN. You just don't. It's not right.


Now, if it's a lil' guy, I might not crush his face. I might just kick him in the balls and dare him to touch another woman in such a manner. You're not much of a man if you'll go about hitting women. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

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Guest SP-1

And like Mole said . . . any guy that traumatizes or sexually abuses a female friend?


I'd probably black out and come to later on with no reccollection of stomping a mudhole in his face and walking it dry.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Now if I found out one of my friends got raped, that is a completley different story. I will beat that guy until near death, then jam a golf club up his ass to show how it feels to be raped.

careful about that. don't make threats before you do it. that's how i got sent to youth jail.


*long story*

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Guest SP-1

Threats are overrated. I prefer to stay stony and silent to lull my prey into a false sense of security. Then when I snap and rip their jugular out with my bare teeth, they had no inkling that it was coming.

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