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Guest Slapnuts00

Matches for 6/4 show

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Guest Slapnuts00

-Jeff Jarrett vs. Glenn Gilberti for the NWA Title

-AJ Styles vs. D-Lo Brown for #1 Contendership

-Chris Harris/? vs. BG James/Konnan - Asylum Alliance Semis -(Harris must choose Storm or Sabin)

-Don Harris/Ron Killings vs. David Young/Tracy - Asylum Alliance Semis

-CM Punk, Frankie Kazarian, Matt Stryker vs. Kid Romeo, Damien, Johnny Swinger

-Another Hard 10 Match (Participants TBA)

-Also scheduled to appear are NWA World Tag Team Champions Triple X, Sonny Siaki, Sandman, Kid Kash, Trinity, and Erik Watts.


Hmmm seems like a pretty good show. NWA Title match means an automatic order (NWA seriously needs to put on NWA or X title matches every week to make every show seem important). Style vs. Brown should be good and the 6 man match should be wild (although I've never seen 4 out of the 6). And I'll admit it, I'm curious to see what Russo has to say too, even though I don't want him around).

The flip side is the pathetic Asylum Alliance and Hard 10 tournaments. They need to realize that they were bad ideas because they are seriously dragging down the shows.

Looks like I'll end my 3 week non-ordering streak.

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Guest tpww7

I've lost faith in TNA once again after the last 2 weeks. I'll be passing.

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The 6 man looks good but I want my London/Sabin already. Guess I'll wait til London's back from Japan.


Good news about the Asylum matches...it's almost over.

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I kinda like the Asylum Alliance stuff. I have a feeling Harris/Sabin will win the whole thing and maybe even the titles.


Hard 10, on the other hand, sucks. The 6-Man and AJ/D'Lo makes it worth my.. uh, 2.50...

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Guest tpww7

I've gotten shows for 2.99 some times because the cable company messed up and listed it as so.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Atleast Kid Romeo is back. He rules and should be on every week.

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Guest RedJed

To me the tag battlebowl matches can only be justified at the end if this AMW angle is ended and they end up together and then get the belts back again. Otherwise the other options suck to me. If Harris turns, picks Sabin as his partner, and they win the thing, they wont get the shot against XXX since its all SEX talent.


As for the hard 10, I dont know what can be made from it. They still havent said what the purpose of those matches are, its weird. I dont know if they are going to crown a HC champ or something, who knows.


Card looks ok, if Jarrett can carry Gilberti I will be surprised!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Here's my preview:


Click me


Unlike my usual ones...I'd actually like some feedback since I took a stance and made an argument this time.



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Guest BoboBrazil

Damien is 1/2 of Mexico's Most Wanted that came in for Konnan in that tag match.

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Guest Slapnuts00

bps, everyone is entitled to their opinion but I don't want anymore worked shoot crap, but in a promotion with Vince Russo it looks like you can't avoid it. In 2000 in WCW he tried the exact thing you were talking about and it featured bizzare sit down "shoot" interviews, Goldberg walking out of matches with Tony yelling about how "this is not part of the script" the overbearing and annoying "powers that be" that control everything on the show using "creative control" (the Harris Twins), people lying down for 3 counts because they "didn't want to job", etc. It was all just so contradicting and horrible.

When I watch wrestling, I watch it to be entertained and forget at least for 2 hours that what I'm watching is fake, and let myself be able to enjoy an exciting exhibition.

The reason I enjoyed TNA so much in the beginning was the emphasis on an old school aproach where titles are emphasized and title shots are earned (not mandated by some crazy deus ex machina).

I can see where you're coming from, and I myself greatly enjoyed the Nitro "reset" from Nitro in April 2000 where Bischoff and Russo just went off and shot on everyone in the promotion. It was something never seen before, but no longer is it a new concept.

Jarret needs to either be the heroic babyface, or if the fans are turning on him he needs to turn on the merits of acting like a heel (turning on the fans, attacking fan favorites, etc.) not just because he's "the booker".

The whole reason stuff like that is so confusing (like in WCW 2000) is it contradicts itself to the point of headache. If Jarret is the booker, that means he's controlling what's happening. So...isn't he just WRITING in what he's saying? And isn't he WRITING what all the other charaters are doing to? And if the whole storyline is that he will never lose because he'll never WRITE himself to lose...well than when someone beats him, what's the point of getting behind the victor, since he only won because Jarret ALLOWED him to win.

Russo philosophy and contradiction: Everything on this program that you are watching is fake, except what you are watching RIGHT NOW which is real.

It doesn't work. There's been a formula that's worked for years. If anything, today's fans are burnt out of crash TV-worked shoots-smut from WWF 1998 and WCW 2000, rather than vice versa.

My suggestion for TNA is to take more of their early approach and move towards more what Ring Of Honor is doing. A simple show, based on wrestling with simple, emotional angles to get behind (Im thinking Lynn/Styles and Truth/Steamboat here), and drop all the crap with SEX (the nWo has been rehashed 4000 times, factions taking over promotions are way old now) and bizzare and complicated stuff with Hard 10 tournaments and Alliance Asylum. How about a one night round robin X division tournament?

Anyway, I kinda went off on a tangent there, sorry. Just sort of my thoughts...

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Guest RedJed

I totally agree that some of the Russo WCW stuff got overly worked shoot to a point where it was just weird (near his booking run for sure, those last few months were fucked up!) but as far as this Jarrett thing goes, I think some may be looking too deeply into the angle. Moreless its just that Jarrett is trying to hold down talent by not giving them opportunities, thats all. Nobody is going to acknowledge that he's part of the writing or anything, but it works on two levels. For the smart marks like us, it plays into the real behind the scenes stuff, and for the casual viewers, its just that he, as champion, is not giving everyone their fair shake at a shot. I dont know how to explain it more simply than that.


For what its worth, I think Russo has realized what line shouldnt be crossed with the worked shoots, at least the Jarretts do and they edit it appropriately.

Edited by RedJed

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and i think the triple j thing can be done right. he can go off and say "why are you booing me? you need to boo that ric flair carbon copy up north. he has only dropped the belt once to his buddy. at least i put on good matches." and then marks will flock to see what else jarrett will say about hhh and stuff like that. the stuff russo did in wcw was with the whole promotion. so far in tna, its just one guy. in wcw people would say "this show made no sense" but with tna they could say "what was that? oh well, i got the red/low ki match to look forward to" or something.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Um, TNA has made made plenty of direct and indirect references to WWE pretty much every show. It hasn't exactly made marks "flock" to see the shows...

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Guest eirejmcmahon

Why in the name of fuck would anyone pay 10 bucks to watch JJ waffle on about HHH ?


If nothing else, it'll be interesting to see if Russo is capable of reining himgself in or will we see some of the sillier aspects of his WCW stint (as mentioned by slapnuts) start to creep into the product.


They're fucked to buggery if we see (1) a worker do the pin me-pay me bullshit or (2) the commentators go off about "this not being in the script".

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Guest bob_barron

If Triple H was a face- I could understand Jarrett's promo but since HHH is a heel- that makes absolutely no sucks.


I HATE it when TNA brings up other promotions- fix your own promotions problems and then you can go ragging on other promotions

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slapnuts, they have never said anything directly. they are always hidden references. the only thing close to being direct would be james doing his jr impression. and killings claiming racism. if they went off on how bad the product was and why jarrett is no where near as bad as triple h, which fans seem to think, the fans would call jarrett a liar and still boo him, but some would cheer him also.


Why in the name of fuck would anyone pay 10 bucks to watch JJ waffle on about HHH ?


did you pay 30 dollars to see bischoff fight vince at slamboree 98? did you pay 30 dollars for invasion? besides, no one is gonna make a purchase based on one thing. they will ask about the matches and shit like that, and if they like the matches, they will keep buying.

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Guest bob_barron
did you pay 30 dollars to see bischoff fight vince at slamboree 98?




did you pay 30 dollars for invasion




They've mentioned WWE and WCW millions of times. Remember a couple weeks ago with the Coach?

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Guest Slapnuts00

Seriously they mention WWE stuff all the time. And what good will "calling them out" do? Don't you realize how insignificant TNA is compared to WWE? And if they DO piss them off, well all Vince has to do is sign an Amazing Red here, an AJ Styles there and really fuck with them.

As said, they should focus on making their own product better. Step one would be to drive Russo off a cliff...

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Guest EN090
Seriously they mention WWE stuff all the time. And what good will "calling them out" do? Don't you realize how insignificant TNA is compared to WWE? And if they DO piss them off, well all Vince has to do is sign an Amazing Red here, an AJ Styles there and really fuck with them.

As said, they should focus on making their own product better. Step one would be to drive Russo off a cliff...


OMG do you ever get tired of the Russo bashing? Russo this, Russo that. Any little thing that bothers you about TNA you bitch at Russo right away. Give it a rest already!

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ive been saying that forever EN0. they are quick to jump on russo for his faults, but never say "wow, russo put together a great show". but noone does that anywhere for anybody.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

Completely unrelated, but I hear that the Heel Section will be showing Sammy Sosa love tonight.

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Guest Slapnuts00

I don't like Russo, everything other than WWF 1998 (which he had editing from Mcmahon) I have hated of his. He has a completely different view of wrestling than me (he had admited to hating it). All I know is before he became actively involved in TNA I enjoyed the product, it had long matches and simple storylines. There have been many hit and miss shows (as a result of the joint writing by Russo and Jarret). Lately there has been a lot I haven't enjoyed, and Russo's reputation precedes him in a promotion where he is head booker.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Before Russo they had midgets, gay guys, an incestuous tag team, 2 guys dressed up as dicks, and guys dressed up like Elvis impersonators.

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