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Stone Cold taunting Kane

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I thought the promo yesterday with Stone Cold trying to egg Kane on was pretty interesting to watch. The storyline they're playing off is that Kane has lost his mean streak and killer instinct so i was wondering what this isleading to?


Could we be seeing the return of the old, tortured soul, dark Kane soon?


Will we see Kane go on a losing streak or turn heel?



I personally have been dying for them to revert Kane back to his old character as this new, bondage look, fun loving Kane is NOT working one bit for him

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'd imagine it leads to a Kane push. Perhaps so that he can feud with Nash while Goldberg faces HHH. Kane would have to turn heel...but I dount anyone would notice.

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Guest HartFan86

I think it's going to make the return of the old, unstoppable Kane at Bad Blood. RVD will be in the losing fall to La Resitence, and Kane will snap and turn on RVD and turn heel.


I thought the promo made perfect sense. Austin bringing up Kane v. Austin @ KOTR 98 was perfect and Austin wants the return of the old Kane...not the Kane who loses like that. Kane's going to turn into the monster he once was that Austin wants for Raw and to be an unstoppable force.


At least that's how I interpet it.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Kane turning heel and facing Goldie sounds about right.

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Guest wwF1587

i have a bad feeling this will lead to kane turning on rvd and going on a non stop rampage till we get (gasp!) nash/kane fantasy match we all want.... (for the world title of course, assuming nash wins at bad blood) and leaving RVD with nothing as usual...

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Could we be seeing the return of the old, tortured soul, dark Kane soon?

I really hope so, i have lost any feelings i had for this character since he turned to this. I could get behind the old Kane but now i'm just completely Blah towards him.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Let's put it this way...


In 2001 McMahon wanted the "old stone cold" to come back to help fight the alliance. He wanted Austin to stunner him. Austin turned heel soon afterwards.

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McMahon: Austin...Austin.............Austin come back!!!.....Stone Cold............damnit.......Stone Cold, give me a stunner.


*Austin pauses for a second and keeps walking*


We pretty much saw the same thing with the only difference being that Austin got physical with Kane

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Guest Choken One

likely...This will be forgotten by next week...


This becomes a habit with Austin...He gets all pissed and stuns people...


setting up this dyanmic character of a man whom is afraid of becoming what he rebeled against for so long and refuses to do it but does anyways

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Hopefully it will lead to Kane returning to his roots and burning down his new residence....The Titan Towers. His adoptive parents Linda and Vince burn in the fire.....

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Could this be the start of…gasp…character development?


His character has been stagnant for years and his stock has plummeted after the first mention of Katie Vick.

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Guest RenegadeX28

That was some promo by Austin/Kane. Hopefully, that means that indeed the OLD Kane will return. I really hate this new, watered down version of Kane.

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Guest Choken One

Kane deserves a push for stucking it up for the Vick angle...

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Guest AndrewTS
Kane deserves a push for stucking it up for the Vick angle...

No, he still sucks.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Plus they've done this angle with Kane a buhzillion times already.

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To be honest if it leads to the return of old kane then im all for it. Old Kane > Corny Kane in my book. And if they wanted to give him a monster push with Old Kane then so be it. Nothing can be worse than Nash

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Another slow, boring, crappy wrestler in the ME. Whoopee!

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Guest razazteca
McMahon: Austin...Austin.............Austin come back!!!.....Stone Cold............damnit.......Stone Cold, give me a stunner.


*Austin pauses for a second and keeps walking*


We pretty much saw the same thing with the only difference being that Austin got physical with Kane

Does this mean that Kane will get a guitar and have his own concert as the main event? Will RVD get to wear that sweeet cowboy hat?


Unless Kane gets a new finisher and uses some new moves, I could careless about this character development. Kane has been boring forever, LOSE THE MASK. Its time to become Nu Diesil and challange Nash and Test to a Hoss gimmick match............who gets the rights to the Diesil name!

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I'm a lot more interested in what this means to Austin's character than Kane's character. It would be cool to see him become a redneck McMahon and be out to screw people just like Vince did to him.


Of course that would result in a 6 month HHH-Austin storyline where Austin tries every trick in the book but can't make HHH lose the title, then finally lose to HHH himself in a retirement match.



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Guest KJ Brackish

I don't care what they do with Kane, just for god sakes, don't give him any damn title (Heavyweight, Intercontinental) IMO



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Guest bradolson

I thought Austin was going to say something like "you suck... blah blah blah... no motivation ... blah blah blah ... therefore I'm trading you to Smackdown for <blank>" but I guess not.

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Guest razazteca

Kane & RVD need to drop the tag titles to somebody before the trade.

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

Kane/RVD has made me not care about RVD...theyve needed to drop the titles for about 2 months now. Oh and Razazteca, Jason kidd is gonna send the spurs fishing

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Guest razazteca

If anybody needs to go fishing it is Kane. If I am going to get excited by anything that he does in the ring or whatever he would have to do more than the chokeslam, top rope lariat, side slam. I find that to be boring a boring basic Hoss moveset. Maybe it is time to realize that the Kane gimmick has overdone its usefullness and not all cartoon characters should be comedians. Kane is a natural heel and should only be a heel. Now whether this will result in the old zombie monster heel or the cheat to win heel it does not matter because Kane desperately needs to change.

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I have this feeling they're doing some sort of Hulk tie in. Next week Kane will cut a promo with Austin, saying "Are you trying to make me angry? YOU WON'T LIKE ME WHEN I'M ANGRY" and then he goes all beserk.


Another feeling is they may turn this ANGRY = POWER deal into a gimmick for the RVD/Kane team, where RVD and Kane will be losing (since RVD dopes up Kane with the marijuana, thus making him cool and collected and no longer the angry monster he was), then RVD can do something to make Kane angry and they win. Something dumb like that.


Either way, I was interested in last night's promo, and that was probably the best Stunner sell Kane has done.

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I agree...keep Kane with the mask. We don't need any "Yankem" chants for Kane.


If anything, give him back his OLD mask. The less of Kane's face we see, the better, IMO.

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The thing is that the guy actually has a better moveset than we see. When he was isaac Yankem he was doing slingshot legdrops and dropkicks.

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Guest EN090

It would make sense for the mean Kane to return at Bad Blood seeing as how that's the PPV he made his debut on back in 97.

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