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Guest Vern Gagne

Best Movie Tweeners

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Guest Vern Gagne

We've seen Best Heroes and Villians. What about tweener roles. It was briefly discussed in another thread. Figured I'd start a thread about the topic. I'll be back with my choices a little later.

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The man in my sig. Admit it...


He's a bad guy, but you're rooting for him at the end of the movie. You don't WANT him to die and you marvel at his one man badassedness with his little friend.



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Guest TheMadmanGreg

I'm pretty sure ol' Scarface's heart should have exploded from snorting that much coke.


But, for my favorite tweener, I pick: Catwoman... or Paulie from Rocky... or Juror #12 from 12 Angry Men. Yeah, one of those 3.

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Guest TheMadmanGreg

Boba Fett is a bounty hunter. He was working for the empire because they paid him. If Luke had tossed a million spacebucks his way, Boba would've taken care of the Death Star for him.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I give it up for Godzilla, as the recent thread concerning him has reminded me.

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Guest Ravenbomb

Travis Bickle and the Boondock Saints both killed people, but thought they were doing the right thing


Tetsuo from AKIRA wasn't really evil or good

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Guest El Satanico

Boba Fett and Tony Montana were villians period. Being a "cool" villian that you love to hate doesn't mean he's a tweener. Maybe in wrestling, but this isn't wrestling. In movies you need a good and a bad side to be a tweener. Boba Fett nor Scarface showed a good side.


Charles Foster Kane is one of the top movie tweeners. Michael Corleone is another.

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Guest DawnBTVS

Sebastian in "Cruel Intentions". Was heel starting but sorta turned quasi-face at the end.

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Guest TheMadmanGreg
Boba Fett and Tony Montana were villians period. Being a "cool" villian that you love to hate doesn't mean he's a tweener. Maybe in wrestling, but this isn't wrestling.

Maybe I'm wrong here, but isn't the word "tweener" a wrestling word? So, what the hell else kind of meaning would we put to it?

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Guest El Satanico

The definition of the term in wrestling usage is meaningless when talking about movies.


A movie tweener is a character who has the traits of a villian and of a hero. There are no traits of a hero in Boba Fett or Tony Montana.

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Guest MrRant

The swashbuckling dude from The Princess Bride... I can't remember his name....

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

How can you NOT remember his name?



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Guest TheMadmanGreg
The definition of the term in wrestling usage is meaningless when talking about movies.


A movie tweener is a character who has the traits of a villian and of a hero. There are no traits of a hero in Boba Fett or Tony Montana.

Since it is a wrestling term, aren't you just making up its movie definition?


And, because I can:

Bravery, determination- traits of a hero... and also traits for Tony Montana and Boba Fett

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom
Boba Fett and Tony Montana were villians period. Being a "cool" villian that you love to hate doesn't mean he's a tweener. Maybe in wrestling, but this isn't wrestling. In movies you need a good and a bad side to be a tweener. Boba Fett nor Scarface showed a good side.

I don't love to hate them. I simply love them. Tony Montana has several characteristics that would apply to a modern day "hero," and is the protagonist of his story.


I've really always considered Travis Bickle a face, too.

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Guest SP-1

Ziedler from Moulin Rouge! is a good tweener. He gives in to greed through much of the film but he also displays heartfelt care for Satine, culminating in his saving their lives in the big number at the end.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Hamlet. Officially he's the hero, but he does do some very bad things.

Kane is another one I would consider a tweener.


Michael Corleone turns heel in the Godfather and turns back in Part III. At the height of his power, there is no doubt that he is a bad guy.

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Guest razazteca

I reckon Karl from Slingblade be a tweener.


Tyler Durden of Fight Club, the anti-establishment~ hero.

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Guest godthedog

jake la motta from 'raging bull' to me encompasses everything a "tweener" should be, just the right mix of being a horrible human being, being pathetic, and being a tad heroic. he starts out as a total shithead, fighting with his wife, beating on his little brother & cheating on his wife, but his intensity and sincerity make it almost impossible not to root for him a little when he fights cerdan. and towards the end, when he has to be punished for everything, it IS impossible not to feel his pain. a beautiful monstosity.

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Guest Riots bloodlust

Kiefer Sutherland in Phone Booth.


Michael Douglas in falling down is a great one too.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

The Fight Club thing is one big tweener situation...


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

The Narrator is the face...Tyler Durdan shows himself to be heel... the climax turns the whole movie into a big tweener situation...with one character actually portraying the face and the heel at the same time... with the ending showing that good triumphs over evil in one way...but evil still kinda gets the last laugh

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Guest SP-1

Anakin, Mole. Not Luke. Anakin's a mega-tweener in the long run, as he's slowly building to the heel turn that we all know is coming in Ep. III

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