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Guest Zack Malibu

One and Only 6/4/03 TNA Thread

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Guest bob_barron

Lowki is hurt currently Mole.


He's had a bum shoulder I believe

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

What the heck was D-lo drinking tonight? Springboard moonsault? Frog Splash on the floor?


I'm so glad WWE cut him.

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Guest bob_barron

I thought the show was pretty decent even though I didn't pay too much attention.


I don't understand why they're blowing the three way next week though

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Guest RedJed
He tore his shoulder up or something. Out for a couple months.


To me...since we'll compare based on prices...


The question isn't whether one week of TNA is better than a WWE ppv...since that's a 3.5/1 comparison.


The question is whether or not a month of TNA + 5 dollars is better than a WWE ppv.

If we're going to do that comparison there is no contest if you ask me. TNA wins hands down, not just because of more wrestling total, but its more entertaining on average than any WWE ppv in a long time with Mania as the exception.

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Guest RedJed
I thought the show was pretty decent even though I didn't pay too much attention.


I don't understand why they're blowing the three way next week though

I dont either......makes me think swerve or something, leading to a rematch the next week, or maybe the match doesnt even happen next week at all, I dont know. But it could lead to two singles matches for the Anniversary show that mean more anyway in Raven-Jarrett and Styles-DLo, either one for the title, or maybe even a mini-tourney that night based on some schmoz next week.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I could see D-Lo costing Raven the win next week leading to D-Lo vs. Raven and a straight Styles vs. Jarrett match on the anniversary show. Throw XXX vs. AMW and maybe Sabin vs. someone...and I'm there.


Well...I'm there anyway...but you know...

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I see Raven vs Jarrett at the anniversary show. Fans want it and hopefully TNA won't be stupid and not give them what they want.


If they wanna further the Triple J angle, just have Truth be added to the mix saying ever since JJ's win over him for the title, he has been dropped to midcard. Let's hope that now he's out of the tourney, he can focus on the heavyweight scene.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



I think that we can all agree that Raven vs. Styles vs. Jarrett would have made a fine main event for the one year anniversary show...


so if they're doing it next week...they'd better have something even better then next.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid


I think that we can all agree that Raven vs. Styles vs. Jarrett would have made a fine main event for the one year anniversary show...


so if they're doing it next week...they'd better have something even better then next.

I prefer a 1 on 1 match for the main event of the biggest show.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

So do I...but I know alot of people have been wanting (or at least predicting) a 4 way with these guys +D-Lo.


Actually...that could still happen I guess.

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Guest RedJed


I think that we can all agree that Raven vs. Styles vs. Jarrett would have made a fine main event for the one year anniversary show...


so if they're doing it next week...they'd better have something even better then next.

Like I said, I think a Jarrett-Raven and DLo-Styles double main event with the winners taking each other for the title would be cool. Or even those two on their own with one of them being a title match would work for me for the 6/18 show. I think from the way they are positioning things, they are making it that if they dont do a singles Raven v. Jarrett match soon they will be shooting themselves in the foot.

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Guest Nathan_Avara

I think they are gona have Sabin vs. Paul London next week too. I haven't ordered since Raven vs. Jarrett 'cause it pissed me off. NWA:TNA is slowly turning into a circus, I saw potential in this company, but lately it's been WAY too much Russo BS.

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