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Guest Thunder Rising!!!

A-Train Is Not Crap

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Guest Thunder Rising!!!

I know I'm gonna get shit :gas: for this, but this is just my humble opinion.


I would like say that A-Train is not as bad as what many at TSM believe. Yes he is no wrestling god but neither does he suck big cock like the Big Show :lol: (no pun intended).


Firstly, he has a pretty cool moveset which he developed after his return as the A-Train although a awesome moveset does not make u great. But at least he is TRYING unlike other hosses which go GROWL~~, punch :boxing: , GROWL~~, sideslam, GROWL~~, punch :boxing: , GROWL~~, chokeslam or powerbomb, GROWL~~the entire match. I sincerely believe he is trying to make an effort to out do the typical big man.


Next, his ring game consists of working the opponents back to set up that backbreaker finisher of his(is it the derailer or is the derailer the Baldo Bomb??). Most of his moves consist of working the bag, like the cool looking reverse half nelson like submission he does.


Although he has no mic charisma, IMO he is one of the better hosses around the WWE much better than Nathan Jones, Big Show, Kevin Nash, etc...


Well who do you guys think is the greatest big man that has ever graced erm I mean been in the business.


IMO The Man Vader which probably will be the same for most of you guys, but who else other than Vader is good?


Cheers... :cheers:

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Easy on the smilies, buddy :lol:


I don't mind A-Train. He's big and agressive and sells reasonably well. For a man his size, he has good stamina and is a decent wrestler. Good luck to the guy.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Much of the hate isn't so much for his in-ring ability, but due to the fact the WWE deems it neccessary to try and shove him down our throats time and time again. He's gotten push after push despite the fact he's shown few signs of getting over, other than cheap heat like 'Shave Your Back' chants, while people who are genuinely over get buried and misused in favor of Big Bully Hoss Push #23523456.

Edited by Space_Cowboy

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Much of the hate isn't so much for his in-ring ability, but due to the fact the WWE deems it neccessary to try and shove him down our throats time and time again. He's gotten push after push despite the fact he's shown few signs of getting over, other than cheap heat like 'Shave Your Back' chants, while people who are genuinely over get buried and misused in favor of Big Bully Hoss Push #23523456.


How many PPv main-events has he been in? Exactly. He's getting reactions, get over it. Climb off this bandwagon that is being led by all these people who hate anyone over 225 pounds. It will stunt your enjoyment of wrestling. I don't mind A Train, he;s not my favourite but if he's put in with decent workers, he can learn more. He is eager.

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Guest OnlyMe

He's getting reactions, get over it.


Yeah... "Fuck off" reactions. And not because he's a heel.

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Guest OnlyMe

Seriously, tell me one good match that Albert has had. And tell me when he's been a truly over heel.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

"How many PPv main-events has he been in?"


None. But every so often they bring him back on the big two shows and have him play moderate-sized roles, despite not being over enough to deserve it in the least.


"He's getting reactions, get over it."


Yeah, "Shave Your Back." And that is ALL he gets.


"Seriously, tell me one good match that Albert has had."


Erm, that match with Benoit on SmackDown.


In which Albert busted out the muscle buster and the inverted full nelson for (I think) the first time. That's it though, and I think it's pretty clear that it was only good because Benoit bumped big for him all the way and carried him through.


So at the very least, he's carryable. And as I've said before, that still makes him better than O'Haire. Yes, I said it again Vyce.


"And tell me when he's been a truly over heel."




EDIT: I neglected to mention. Until Train starts having more matches above the "Eh." level, then he is still crap. As of now, he's crap with potential. Though being that crap is never good, right now let's call him the kind of crap that typically requires minimal wiping.

Edited by KingOfOldSchool

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Guest OnlyMe
Erm, that match with Benoit on SmackDown.


Okay, I'd forgotten about that. So Albert isn't 100% worthless. Only about 95%.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

The fact that the only good match he's had was with Chris Benoit doesn't say much for him, if it takes the very best in the WWE to get him into decent match territory you aren't very good.

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Guest Goodear

Train is not as bad as most people make him out to be but he's still not what anyone should term good. The guy is basically so damn ugly and ill dressed that it actually takes away from his match ratings.


None. But every so often they bring him back on the big two shows and have him play moderate-sized roles, despite not being over enough to deserve it in the least.


Come now, the guy is over enough to actually be on SmackDown as a midcard heel. It's not as though he ever gets pushed any higher than flunky anyway since his only major wins since the push were against Rey Mysterio. Everyone else pretty much went over the guy every time before he got sent back to Velocity main events. Is he any less over than The FBI (who I actually like) or Jamie Noble?


Yeah, "Shave Your Back." And that is ALL he gets.


Meh, a chant is a chant. Considering Train's complete lack of a character I don't see what else he's supposed to be drawing. I also don't think its X-Pac heat either (which is basically smark code for 'I don't like the guy and don't want to admit anything good about the guy').


In which Albert busted out the muscle buster and the inverted full nelson for (I think) the first time. That's it though, and I think it's pretty clear that it was only good because Benoit bumped big for him all the way and carried him through.


Hey Benoit didn't have to sell anything in that match since the moves actually worked, I mean, like how do you no sell that inverted full nelson drop? Train was the one that was doing the interesting things in those matches anyway while Benoit didn't do a whole lot different than he always does. There were two of these matches as well both of which were okay.


So at the very least, he's carryable. And as I've said before, that still makes him better than O'Haire. Yes, I said it again Vyce.


Yeah, he's better than O'Haire. Which doesn't say a lot, but its still true.


EDIT: I neglected to mention. Until Train starts having more matches above the "Eh." level, then he is still crap. As of now, he's crap with potential. Though being that crap is never good, right now let's call him the kind of crap that typically requires minimal wiping.


Yeah, Train is eh. But eh is a lot better than 'sucks'. I at least get the impression that Train actually works at his inring work and is miles better than he was when he first came in with Droz. He's got to overcome quite a few things to be termed an actual success but he's no Nash or Nathan Jones at least.

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Guest wildpegasus

Look at it this way. Benoit vs A-Train was considerably better than Benoit vs Matt Hardy (their last encounter, not their previous) Stamboli, and O'Haire. It was also better than Benoit vs Haas which was a pretty good match.


I too believe that A-Train is underrated. He had a watchable to good match against Brock Lesnar and probably had Undertapper's best match in quite a while. Not everyone can be the best but A-Train tries. You need people on the roster that are good but not the best since if everyone had Angle, Misawa, Hokuto, Benoit and Steamboat abilities people would become jaded and not appreciate the top talent as much. In conclusion here, I'd like to say that A-Train just doesn't deserve the critism that he sometimes gets.

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Guest nikowwf

A-Train gets a bigger push than his talent deserves. He has negative charisma, and his matches are in the watchable territory only when his opponent is totally busting ass...nothing to do with him.



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Guest Goodear
A-Train gets a bigger push than his talent deserves. He has negative charisma, and his matches are in the watchable territory only when his opponent is totally busting ass...nothing to do with him.



What push are you actually talking about? A-Train has not actually beat anyone of consequence in months and hasn't even been active on Smackdown in like three weeks now. And why can't people actually articulate their problems with A-Train's ring work in anything more than a 'he sucks' way? Tell me why he sucks and what he does wrong that you think he needs to improve on.

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Guest razazteca
Firstly, he has a pretty cool moveset which he developed after his return as the A-Train although a awesome moveset does not make u great. But at least he is TRYING unlike other hosses which go GROWL~~, punch  , GROWL~~, sideslam, GROWL~~, punch  , GROWL~~, chokeslam or powerbomb, GROWL~~the entire match. I sincerely believe he is trying to make an effort to out do the typical big man

Sounds like Kane minus the GROWL~ the only face that can do that is Goldberg.


I do not like A-Train because he squashes the cruiserweights, and poor Rey Rey. Animal-Train might be a good big man but comparing him to Nathan Jones or Nash will make anybody look good.

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Guest OnlyMe

Let's face it, if the best defence for Albert is that he was carried by Benoit, he doesn't have a lot going for him.


I don't blame Albert for this, but Cruiserweight squashes are unforgivable.

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Guest nikowwf

ok, what could A-Train do better...hmm..


-not be tired two minutes into the match

-develop some charisma

-learn to sell besides yelling AHH and taking a step backwards

-learn how to work a match better so its not clothesline, powerbomb, resthold for 5 minutes, repeat


and he does get pushed, hes been in a bunch of smackdown main events, hes done run ins in the main event at a ppv, and has been put over all the cruisers including Rey whose 1,000 times more over than him and who the crowd wants to see 1,000 times more.



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Guest Goodear

-not be tired two minutes into the match


I'm not seeing this. I don't think I have ever seen A-Train just get completely winded and take a break in a match without slapping on a hold that was at least psychologically sound. Taking a chinlock when you're working the neck should not be considered a bad thing.


-develop some charisma




-learn to sell besides yelling AHH and taking a step backwards


Train bumps well for anyone that can actually lift him from Benoit to Brock and was actually willing to go down for Funaki and Tajiri during the tag match with The Big Show. He doesn't do a great job at long term selling, but he usually doesn't get worked over due to his heel status and midcard position.


-learn how to work a match better so its not clothesline, powerbomb, resthold for 5 minutes, repeat


You're starting to make it sound like you've actually seen an A-Train match since he doesn't work that way at all. Train is actually one of the few people in WWE who actually changes his moveset fairly often and tries new things constantly. I could write you a list of moves I've seen the guy do that he doesn't use on a regular basis anymore ... so I will


Giant Swing

Torture Rack Neckbreaker

Gorrila Press Michinoku Driver

Delayed Butterfly Suplex

Last Ride Powerbomb

Vader bomb


And that's not even counting one off moves that he did once and never did again.

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For a 325 pounder, Albert is agile, fit and has a decent moevset. His image needs tweaking, but he shows a nice mean streak in the ring and bumps well for a man his size.


So he's no Vader, but you guys have just turned me into a fully fledged A-Train mark.


Whoo - Derailer!

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Guest wildpegasus

Welcome aboard the band train Murming Beast. Even the A-Train haters have to admit that A-Train's doing a good job. His job is to have the fans hate him and there's enough of that going on here.

For those dissing on A-Train here how do you explain his matches against Benoit (which were very good) Undertapper, Kane, and Lesnar? A-Train's even the heel in these matches meaning that a good portion of the match quality depends on him.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Big Show isn't as bad as people say either. He has charisma and he isn't as bad in the ring as guys like Nash, Steiner or Test.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Wanna know how good A-Train is??? When was the last time that he wrestled someone other than Benoit, Mysterio, etc. and made his opponent look good in the ring? NEVER, because he is mediocre in the ring. Now, i'm not bashing the guy totally. I think he has talent. He just has yet to prove if it has peeked or not.

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Guest OnlyMe

He has charisma and he isn't as bad in the ring as guys like Nash, Steiner or Test.


Yeah, but I'm not as bad in the ring as Nash, Steiner or Test. :D

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

A-Train really needs to ditch those tights and go back to wearing the pants he had before.

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Guest Goodear
A-Train really needs to ditch those tights and go back to wearing the pants he had before.

Oh dear lord yes. Big Show needs to put more clothes on as well.


Speaking of Show, I am starting to think the slower he moves the better his matches turn out which runs counter to just about everyone else in the business. Show hitting you once with a chop should be this ... hmmm... let us call it an event. He's one guy who should not be worried about hitting often, just hard. And I think that's what they are doign with the guy now, so I can find him tolerable but not a whole lot more than that.

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Guest Ghettoman

Is every hoss who gets a push no matter how small gonna be hated by the IWC for the rest of enternity?


He's solid, good size, decent look, no big problems in the ring other than how he's booked, bumps his ass off, and works hard.


I find him more useful then Lance Storm.

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