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DrVenkman PhD

Commentaries finished on WWE.com

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Don't know if everyone already knew this, but I just noticed today. Under "News" on WWE.com, where it would normally come down to say "Headlines / Commentary / Edge Column / Droz Column / WWE Corp", it got rid of Edge and Droz, and the Commentary page is now nothing but wrestlers and Tom Pritchard.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Just a case of limiting what employees are able to publically say. Not very nice, but understandable considering.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Say it with me




Fucking Edge aint going nowhere because he kisses HHH's arse every column

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Guest Goodear

Spell this ...




They can put whatever they want up.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Wweownsthesite? That's not a real word.


Seriously, though, that's pretty humorous, in a roll-your-eyes sort of way.

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SO no more Edgeucation and Droz's 2 Cents?

What I should have clarified is they were removed from the bar that comes down when you put a cursor over "News" and moved to the Commentary section, in place of the old non-wrestler writers.

Edited by DrVenkman

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The writers still probably write for WWE Magazine.

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The writers still probably write for WWE Magazine.

Yeah, but that's all feature story crap when it comes to Solomon. I'm REALLY going to miss his stuff, he was the only columnist I read on that site other than Edge, and I normally just read the posts here.

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Guest Kid Kablam

Yeah, but they moved that Mark Anthony Calli as well. It's just that they're redoing the site. If they only deleted Soloman than the censorship argument might old a drop of water. You know, not everything is done to appease HHH and the rest of his buddies. If WWE really didn't like SOlomon's comments, they wouldn't have posted his articles.

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Guest Kid Kablam
What exactly did Soloman say?

He admitted that Kevin Nash was getting boos. However, he did cover his ass by saying that Nash wouldn't be booed if he were allowed to be funny like the old days. In retrospect, it's not that shocking, but when I first read it, I was quite shocked, but now I realize that it wasn't THAT big of a deal.

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Guest Kid Kablam

He chalked it up to age, but yes, he admitted that Nash couldn't go, and even admitted that Nash wasn't right for Hell In A Cell

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Guest JMA
He chalked it up to age, but yes, he admitted that Nash couldn't go, and even admitted that Nash wasn't right for Hell In A Cell

Well, getting older isn't exactly helping Nash's workrate. He probably expected the net fans to "read between the lines."

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