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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Just seen a house show...

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

He is my hero. Not only does he get paid for doing very little, but tonight, he was in the main event at Nottingham (UK) and did not take a single bump!


How he can do that is amazing. I want to learn how to get paid a lot for not doing much (other than become a part of WWE Creative).

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

From 1wrestling.com (I can't be bothered to write results):


Sellout crowd of around 10,000 for the 'Road to InsurreXtion' in Nottingham, England.

The show started off with a segment in-ring involving Eric Bischoff, Steve Austin and then Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler.


Results as follows:


Hurricane beat Lance Storm


Maven beat Al Snow


Goldust beat Rico


Test (w/Stacy) beat Val Venis


Dudley Boys beat Christopher Nowinski & Rodney Mack (w/Theodore Long) after an assist from Spike Dudley


Christian beat Booker T to retain the IC Title. During the match, security ejected a fan who tried to get into the ring


Rob Van Dam & Kane beat La Resistence to retain their World Tag Team Titles


Jazz (w/Theodore Long) defeated Victoria and Trish Stratus in a Triple Threat match for the WWE Women's Title


Scott Steiner & Kevin Nash (w/HBK) defeated Triple H (w/Ric Flair) & Chris Jericho when Kevin Nash pinned Triple H


Crowd was super hot (as always in the UK). So no Goldberg, but Austin and Bischoff are here.


La Resistance have seemingly merged aspects from the past gimmicks of the Quebeccers, Rick Martel, and The Red Rooster.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Al Snow (first punch thrown in match), but after the match they did the best-buddies thing.

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Guest Dangerous A

Al Snow is one of the most underused and abused people on any roster.


They missed the boat with the TE thing and the fact he has charisma and can work a match well.


Sometimes I don't know about that writing team.

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Guest wildpegasus

Yeah, they completely wasted Al Snow. This guy could and can go. He has a very versatile moveset and wrestled some pretty good matches against Sabu and Benoit in front of about 30 people. That's when you can tell when a wrestler has heart.

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Guest wrestlingbs

There are cushier jobs than being Kevin Nash. I mean, the hair maintenence alone isn't worth the trouble.

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Guest AndrewTS

I like Al a lot, but I think Mick Foley exposed him as being far from the wittiest guy around...and Snow wasn't that good as a promo guy when he has had chances to cut them.


He makes a good lunatic, though.


Another thing--maybe someone in WWF/E saw Snow's shoot video, and decided that if they hired him back he wouldn't be going anywhere.

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Guest Steviekick

Teaming Rodney Mack with Chris Harvard made no sense at all. It makes no sense with his gimmick. But when has WWE really cared about making sure gimmicks are carried out correctly?


Silly WWE. Makes me mad...

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Guest evilhomer
Teaming Rodney Mack with Chris Harvard made no sense at all. It makes no sense with his gimmick. But when has WWE really cared about making sure gimmicks are carried out correctly?


Silly WWE. Makes me mad...

You have one guy who represents the snobby blueblood Harvard segment, and another who represents the black man held down by the man. Naturally this would be cause for a fued, but in WWE land, they team up because .... uhhh riiiiight.



Scott Steiner & Kevin Nash

The Meca of Suckitude. Another :huh: You have two guys that they are trying push down our throats as faces, but they just suck so much that they get booed, a natural pairing, by WWE logic.


Jericho has my sympathy for being put in with this mess. He must have been bouncing around like a ping pong ball, working his ass off trying to get a watchable match with those other three tree stumps in the ring.

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Guest croweater

I wonder if Jericho could actually carry a stump tp a good match.................... nah..... their selling would be too wooden.

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Guest Trivia247

Must be pretty said when a guy sells bumps worse than Scott Steiner without any reason too....


They bring Back Nash, and evidently Nash is Phobic about doing any serious wrestling anymore (the little he did Intially) So what are they gonna do, just park his ass in the corner in Tag matches till he gets the tag to be the closer? And they plan on making him the next World Champ.....God help us all.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Steiner and Nash?? I think I would have gone blind.


Al Snow is ridiculously wasted yes, as is Tommy Dreamer.

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Guest ManKinnd

So I say make a Snow/Dreamer feud! Have them bring back some of the hardcore stuff, and they can definately work well together. Promos would be good, and they can cycle through various gimmicks for PPV matches.

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Guest snuffbox
So I say make a Snow/Dreamer feud! Have them bring back some of the hardcore stuff, and they can definately work well together. Promos would be good, and they can cycle through various gimmicks for PPV matches.

Stop with your good ideas damnit!


~More Snake eyes! ;)

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

More PoochieBombs! More overhead belly-to-belly suplexes! AND MORE DEAD WEIGHT!


A Dreamer/Snow feud would be good...if given the proper time to develop. It won't, which means it'd suck.

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