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Guest sean pyro

TNA's Preview For June 11th

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Guest sean pyro


Jeff Jarrett puts his NWA World Heavyweight Title on the line this Wednesday night against the two men who have given him his toughest battles in recent months. Jarrett will face off against Raven and AJ Styles in a three way match with the NWA World Heavyweight Title up for grabs.


AJ Styles nearly captured the belt on February 19 in his only match with Jarrett, and defeated D-LO Brown last week in a match to determine the #1 contender.


Raven lost to Jarrett last month in a controversial battle and is looking for another chance to get his hands on Jarrett's belt.


Three men have their eyes on the prize this Wednesday. One will try to keep it. The other two will be out to do anything it takes to win it.




The winner of this match gets a title shot on TNA's Anniversary Show June 18 against current NWA World Tag Team Champions Triple X.


After weeks of bickering back and forth, Chris Harris and James Storm appear to be finally on the same page and focused on getting back their tag titles. To get a shot at the belts, they'll not only have to beat David Young and Tracy...but they will have to deal with Triple X and the rest of the SEX lockerroom, who will be trying to make sure Young and Tracy win this match. Nurse Veronica and Desire will also be at ringside and will be keeping their eyes on Tracy.




D-LO Brown believes he would have been the #1 contender if not for Julio Dinero's interference last week. Brown had AJ Styles pinned after a top rope powerbomb, but Dinero pulled the referee out of the ring before he could make the three count. This week D-LO will be out for revenge against Dinero.




This one has been building up for several weeks. Ron & Don Harris have made it no secret...they don't like Truth and Konnan. After being on the wrong end of the Harris' "H Bomb" the last couple of weeks, Truth & Konnan are out for blood.




These former ECW Champions came to blows a couple of weeks ago resulting in a wild pull apart brawl. This week, they will be on the hot seat and will answer tough questions from Mike Tenay and Don West.




Glenn Gilberti came very close to shocking the world last week in his title match against Jeff Jarrett, but in the end he was betrayed by his supposed good friend Vince Russo. This week Gilberti plans on finding out why Russo turned his back on Sports Entertainment Xtreme.


Kid Kash finally got what was coming to him last week when Erik Watts demolished him after Kash had put his hands on Goldylocks. Kash has a score to settle with Watts and will be looking to do that on this week's broadcast.


Chris Sabin has held the X Division title since May 14, but hasn't had a title defense yet. Paul London became the #1 contender for the title on May 21, but commitments in Japan have kept him from being able to challenge for the belt. TNA officials have demanded that Sabin put the belt on the line this week, and Sabin has agreed to do so.


The Hard 10 Tournament continues this week with Sandman facing off against a former WCW Hardcore Champion.


Looks like "it's a total debacle".

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Guest bob_barron

Since I have nothing better to do-


Here's a list of WCW Hardcore Champions-


Norman Smiley- Has appeared in TNA before- always over

Brian Knobbs- Hmmm- I know he did the XWF PPVs but has he done anything else? Or is he retired?

Bam Bam- Another possibility since the guy still works indies.

Evan Karagias- Will anyone know who he is?

Shane Helms- Nope

Shannon Moore- Nope

Terry Funk- Why bring him in just to job one match to Sandman?

Eric Bischoff- Nope

Big Vito- Again- Will anyone know or care who he is?

Lance Storm- Nope

Carl Outlette- Does he still wrestle?

Reno- What happened to him?

Crowbar- Didn't he used to work for TNA?

Meng- I think he's retired

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Norman Smiley - maybe

Brian Knobs - doubt it

Bam Bam Bigelow - possible

3 Count - wwf

Terry Funk - my pick

Eric Bischoff - wwf

Big Vito - wwf?

Lance Storm - wwf

Carl Oulette - hell no

Reno - doubt it

Crowbar - hope not. but he might be returning and continuing the extreme revolution vs the new church feud

Meng - working at a toyota dealership in florida


i say bam bam, funk or crowbar.

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Guest bob_barron

Vito isn't in WWE syxx.


I believe he works the occasional indy

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Guest Sandman9000

Smiley, Knobs, and Bigelow are the most realistic choices out of the three.


Since Knobs has the least amount of talent in that group, I'll say him.

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Guest bob_barron

Does Brian Knobbs still wrestle?


This sounds like a one match show and I'm afraid that one match is going to have a screwjob ending.


They should do another match like the indy 6-man tag

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Guest sean pyro

Yeah, when I first read that I thought Funk.. Smiley.. Vito or Crowbar..


But watch.. it will end up being someone like Reno <_<

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Guest bob_barron

I don't think they would pay Funk all that money to come in and job to Sandman.


I do hope they bring him in one day- He could really help put the promotion over

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Guest sean pyro

Crowbar and Smiley are the MOST likely, both have worked for TNA and Crowbar can be with Evil which doesn't like Team ECW.


I thought Bam Bam retired? because I remember that one 1W post saying so not too long ago.

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Guest bob_barron



Bam Bam has been working some 3PW shows-I don't know if he ended up retiring

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Guest Nanks

Yeah, The Beast From The East has retired from professional wrestling. My immediate reaction was Crowbar because he's been working for WWA and they seem to be sharing a bit of talent these days. eg. the four-way from last week was a match taken straight from the WWA tour, (I saw the match at a house show, it was awesome). My money's on Crowbar. How very unexciting.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

Actually, the best Julio Dinero match I ever saw (i.e. the only good one) was vs D'lo on Shotgun, so maybe that will be good.


And hopefully there will be a basically meaningless but still good X Division match.

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Guest Nathan_Avara

Sgt A-WALL AKA Malice held the hardcore title, and that's my pick. The rest just seem like it would be a squash, it could also be Bigelow, but then why not say, 'A former ECW Champion'. It's probably someone who's greatest accomplishment is the WCW Hardcore title. Hell, it could be Evan Karagias.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

They put the preview up already?


They usually don't do it until Tuesday!

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Maybe they're taking some advice, putting out the previews earlier....wish they had better matches this week though.


Finally Sabin will defend the X title, and I'm sure that will be a good match. I hope Smiley is the Hard 10 participant-he's always entertaining to me and will make the match watchable. And let's hope that the Truth/Konnan match with the Harris Bros will end the angle, thus abling Truth to move back where he belongs, in the title picture.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm starting to get the feeling that the only people left who care about Ron Killing's future all post here in this folder.




I still say all someone needs to do is walk up to Killings and say something like "What the hell happened to you? At one time, not that long ago, you were the top dog...and now you're nothing. Whatever happened to the Truth?"


Then put him on a title chase and print money!


Well...not a lot of money...but no less than usual.

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Guest Devin
I'm starting to get the feeling that the only people left who care about Ron Killing's future all post here in this folder.




I still say all someone needs to do is walk up to Killings and say something like "What the hell happened to you? At one time, not that long ago, you were the top dog...and now you're nothing. Whatever happened to the Truth?"


Then put him on a title chase and print money!


Well...not a lot of money...but no less than usual.

Naah, he still gets huge pops despite the constant misuse of him. They could put him in the title scene at the snap of a finger and no one would question it. Although, if they keep things going the way they are, he's going to lose the crowd.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

honestly I think it will either be Funk or Smiley......

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Guest The Notorious CRD

Interesting lineup this week. I think the main event will be interesting from a storyline standpoint if nothing else. D-Lo vs. Julio and Sabin vs. London could also deliver if given enough time.


As for who's coming in to participate in the Hard 10 tournament, my money's on Norman Smiley. He's probably the most (in)famous WCW Hardcore champion and he's worked with TNA in the past.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Sabin won't be wrestling London this week.


The preview says that London is the #1 contender...but commitments elswhere are keeping him from his shot and Sabin must defend against someone else this week.

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Sounds like a good card at the moment, damn i need that all wrestling channel over here in the UK so i can watch NWA TNA.

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Guest BoboBrazil

You know it will be crappy ass Norman Smiley returning to put over Sandman. I have a feeling it will be Sandman vs New Jack in the finals.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

I wouldn't mind seeing CM Punk vs. Sabin


BTW has Jimmy Rave ever appeared on TNA? He'd fit in greatly in the X Division

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

Yeah Rave's been there a few times, most recently in the X Division 4-way that Sabin won to become #1 contender.

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Guest ShooterJay

My bet is on Frankie Kazarian challenging Sabin for the X title this week. They're both nicknamed "the Future" you know. Oooohh, INSTA-FEUD~!

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I'm extremely tempted to get this show just for the title match at the top of the card. I just feel like I'll get my hopes up for Styles again and get burned again. I mean, come on, Jarrett and Raven can keep fighting without the title...


(remembers Raven's "destiny" talk)



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Guest ShooterJay

Don't worry Kotz, I'm 100% sure that after the 1 Year show Styles will have the title.


He's Southern, athletic, has classic wrestler attitude, and has very strong ties to the NWA.


Raven is none of those things, which is why I think he didn't get the belt- he doesn't fit JJ's perception of what an NWA champion should be.

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