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Guest sean pyro

TNA's Preview For June 11th

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Guest Kotzenjunge

This is their anniversary show? Figured they'd be more stacked if it were.

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I think Jarrett will retain and drop it next week on the anniversary show myself.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

No I mean I thought it was Storm and Kazarian. Or maybe Storm is the Wonder Kid?

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Guest The Son of Sting

Will anyone stop watching if JJ doesnt drop the belt in the next two shows?

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Guest hebtheeagle

I am going to suggest Malice (AKA the Wall) as the surprise entrant.

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Guest Slapnuts00
Will anyone stop watching if JJ doesnt drop the belt in the next two shows?

No. I'm fully confident he'll drop it within the next 2 weeks, and besides I actually like Jarret and think he's a good world champion (as long as he defends it every week like he's doing now).

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It'll be Smiley, Knobs, or Crowbar. I'm going with Smiley.

You never know....


It COULD be Meng/Haku


Or hell, Evan Kurageaus for that matter (remember when 3 Count held the WCW Hardcore Title as a group?)

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Guest BoboBrazil

Dave Sherer says that the hard 10 opponent is someone the hardcore internet fans should enjoy, plus he says there is another surprise in the booking that should make this a must see show.

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Guest sean pyro
I am going to suggest Malice (AKA the Wall) as the surprise entrant.

We've already been over the fact that Malice never won the hardcore title.

Wasn't he A-Wall/AWOL in wCw? because I googled up wCw's hardcore title holders and he was on the list but he only held the title for like 10 minutes or so then a commissioner took it away from him or something like that.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

Is Johnny Storm not the biggest dork? And I'm not just saying that because he blows more spots than a hooker at a 7-up convention.

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