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NWA:TNA has brought in long time Spanish wrestling announcer Armando Quintero. Konnan is expected to do the color commentary on the Spanish broadcast when not involved in a segment.


Jeff Jarrett had a meeting backstage at the May 14th show, urging the heels to go over stronger and be more menacing in the ring.


Ed Ferrera was backstage at a recent event trying to get his job back. He quit the company early on when financial problems caused TNA to ask him to take a paycut.


credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Ed Ferrara knocking Jeremy "Kermit" Borash the fuck out back on Week 8 was a thing of beauty, though...as was his spear on Bill Behrens from Week 5 (?) during the striptease segment.



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i wouldn't mind him back on commentary. but i wouldn't take him back after he left cause he thought they were gonna crumble. im tired of the two face announcers. they need a person to cheer for the face, and one to cheer for the heel.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I like commentary the way it is.


Tenay knows how to call a match, but he lacks enthusiasm.


Bringing in a heel announcer is just a waste of time.


I like Don West, dammit.


He bring excitement to commentary that Tenay doesn't.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Fuck Ed, bring in RANDY SAVAGE!


Tenay: Awesome move by Kid Kash!


Savage: That was the best move that there has been ever seen so no doubt Kash is cool, dig it?!


sure, it'd suck, but i mark for Savage. A heel Joey Styles would be interesting too

Edited by The Decadent Slacker

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Savage as an announcer...


**somebody flies off with an elbow drop**


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Guest Mindless_Aggression

If you must bring in anyone...bring in the Dream.


It gets no better than the fuckin Dream.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

I think between Dream & West i'd go on a killing spree. But a thrid guy who's a fucking character, thats what they need. what's Slick doing now? yeah, minister, right. although it would be a fun/tasteless angle if they brought DiBiase in: DiBiase & friends vs New Church!

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

The hilarious thing about Savage is that he sounded like he was doing an impression of himself. He'd say stuff like "That doesn't fee-yull goo-ud, not even a leetle bee-it, oh yeah!!"

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

If there must be a heel commentator than I think Father Mitchell is the obvious answer.


He's always in promo mode anyway.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid
True dat, true dat.


Or even MORTY~!

MP3 is gone :/

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

I know: SID! He's not doing much. doesn't have a leg to stand on. he's perfect. Yes, that joke blew more than Tommy Rich, but hell, i need to at least try sometimes.


Savage rules. i love the guy. i always thought his commentary skills were better than people say. i mean, he always had an enthusiasm. but i'd love Tenay/West/Savage. Mitchell is good, but his gimmick wouldn't allow much room for development. now someone like, say, HEEL ALFRED HAYES would rule. Joey Styles is just a far off pipedream to me

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