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Guest edge007

I wanna see Bad Blood

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Guest edge007

I'm taking a less Smark-like approach to this show.


I think that it will be interesting and very entertaining. :)


1. I wanna see the Hell in a Cell match

2. I wanna see just how much Jericho can carry a match

3. I wanna see Jericho win (that won't happen, oh well)

4. IC match, I'm interested to see who wins

5. HBK vs Flair should be good

6. And more...


Call me crazy, but... ;)


I think that it is worth seeing this show, as bad as it may look and seem, to some of you guys.


I know I'm going to get a toweling for this post! B-)

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Guest bob_barron

Why do you want to see the HIAC match? Do you enjoy watching two cripples hobble around and cut themselves with a blade in an attempt to make a bad match an epic?

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Guest MaxPower27

Not ordering. I can think of more entertaining things to do with my Sunday night. Like stare at the wall for a few hours.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I won't be ordering it...


but I don't think it's a bad thing to want to see this show.


The Flair/HBK buildup has been better than pretty much anything else they've tried building in a long time.


Also...Jericho/Goldberg is interesting to see if Jericho can drag anything out of Goldberg.


Booker/Christian should be bad either.


That's 3 more reasons than I had to look forward to the last two pay per views.

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Guest edge007
Why do you want to see the HIAC match? Do you enjoy watching two cripples hobble around and cut themselves with a blade in an attempt to make a bad match an epic?


I really wanna see how good or bad these two can make Hell in a Cell.

I'm interested to see what they're gonna pull out.


And if Foley is ref, that should be good also. :P

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Guest bob_barron
I won't be ordering it...


but I don't think it's a bad thing to want to see this show.


The Flair/HBK buildup has been better than pretty much anything else they've tried building in a long time.


Also...Jericho/Goldberg is interesting to see if Jericho can drag anything out of Goldberg.


Booker/Christian should be bad either.


That's 3 more reasons than I had to look forward to the last two pay per views.


It's a bad thing if you want to see HIAC though.


What will Mick Foley as ref do? He can't bump anymore. He'll get a big pop when he comes out but he will add nothing to the match.


Remember HHH v. Angle when Foley was the ref? What did he do then?

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Guest Polish_Rifle

The buildup for most of the matches have been very good compared to the buildup in recent PPVs, especially from top to bottom. The only thing that seems out of place is the tag match and the women's match(I'm sure they'll add one on Monday). However, I'm not really interested or excited about any of the matches so this will be another PPV that I will pass.

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Guest Just call me Dan

I'm excited because I'll be there. I have never seen the cell live, so maybe I can marvel at the structure and foget who's in the ring. Seeing Shawn/Ric live should be awesome, and Goldberg/Jericho will be solid as well as Booker Chirstian. I'm hoping something goes down with Kane and, believe it or not, I can't wait to see what Steiner and Test pull out. If Test busts his ass, I think this one can even be pretty good. Austin wilol keep us entertained, and, all in all, I'm looking forward to it.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Yeah, see, I would, but there's this thing called a "Pride 26: Bad to the Bone" on Friday that I think I'll use that $30 on instead... so yeah.. I won't be watching this uber-crappy PPV.


Is there any good reason for any of these matches?


Why is Nash and HHH fighting?


Why is Flair and HBK fighting?


Why is Le Res and RVD/Kane fighting?


Why is Jericho and Goldberg fighting?


Why is Booker and Christian fighting?


Why is Bischoff and Austin doing their stupid lil shitfest?



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Guest Blue Bacchus

I'm ordering it because:


1)I didn't think that HHH vs Nash I was that horrible. Yes the brawl on RAW and everything else leading up to it was bad but that match wasn't unwatchable.

2) Goldberg vs Jericho - this is a dream match for me. This whole fued is based on past events in WCW. And for me I mark when history/continuity plays a big part in current angles.

3) Foley is coming back.

4) The PPV has been built up pretty well. I actually want to see every match on the card. Sure most of it will suck, but they've got me sold on seeing Test get "killed" by Steiner.


Hey Dan, HIAC live is the shit! I saw last years HIAC at Judgment Day, you're in a for treat.

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Guest Anglesault

Flair/Michaels has me sold on this show.


And if I didn't have better things to do, I would order it.

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Guest Anglesault
I can't wait to see what Steiner and Test pull out. If Test busts his ass, I think this one can even be pretty good.

:huh: :huh: :huh:

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Well, i'm more interested in this PPV than the last two, but even if i could order i still probably wouldn't.

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Guest CanadianChick
Is there any good reason for any of these matches?

I'll try to give an explaination..this might be hard.


Why is Nash and HHH fighting?

BEcause Nash got screwed last month. Why they feuded last month, I'll never know. BUt thats the explaination for this match.


Why is Flair and HBK fighting?

So each can prove to each other who the best ever was. Something like that.


Why is Le Res and RVD/Kane fighting?

Hmm. Kinda got me there. La Res didn't earn a title shot, but since RVD and Kane are such patriots (*ahem*), they are fighting them. Yeah, that was weak.


Why is Jericho and Goldberg fighting?

They've hated each other since WCW and have never fought. I think that's reason enough.


Why is Booker and Christian fighting?

Booker was screwed out of the IC title. He wants it. Christian has it and cheated to orginally win it. Simple enough.


Why is Bischoff and Austin doing their stupid lil shitfest?

Um, I don't even have an answer for that. Oh well.

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Guest JRE
Is there any good reason for any of these matches?

I thought of at least a reason for everyone of those matches- and I think my reasons for all but the Tag Title Match and the Redneck Triathalon were pretty good....and even those have something behind them.


Anyways, with relatives in the military- it doesn't matter if the show will be good or not...it'll be free AND legal for me. I'm looking forward to Berg/Jericho, Flair/HBK, and....there's always a sort of mood that surround HIAC for me, it was even there for Bossman/Taker, it's weird.


And I'm curious about the Tag Title match, the whole deal with Kane. WIll RVD have a partner? Will he have to choose a new one?

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Guest wwF1587

i will be buying it





on DVD in a few months... if its any good... yes it has been better built up than the last few ppvs which were made out on the show(s) a week before the ppv.. yes in some ways i want to see it (and that scares me considering i was one of many that shot down the idea of this ppv) but once again it comes to principals.. and i simply refuse to shell out 35 dollars (i checked directv.com.. its 35 bucks) for HHH/Nash and to see how they ruin HIAC

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Guest Nanks
Is there any good reason for any of these matches?


Yes, there are plenty of good reasons, unlike most PPVs this one has a little bit of buildup.


Why is Nash and HHH fighting?


HHH stole Nash's conditioner, he must have revenge. Oh, and there's some kind of belt thing they both want.


Why is Flair and HBK fighting?


Flair turned on HBK and sided with HHH, they are fighting to determine who is the greater legend/who has the most stroke.


Why is Le Res and RVD/Kane fighting?


Because RVD/Kane are defending their country against those scum Frenchies. Apparently there are belts involved here too.


Why is Jericho and Goldberg fighting?


All jokes aside, this does have some buildup, it's a bit silly to suggest otherwise. They're doing a worked shoot on Goldberg deeming Jericho unworthy in WCW, an argument which apparently spilled over into a backstage incident. I realise you were just trying to be smarkish and clever asking this question, but I thought I'd just clear it up anyway, I'm bored.


Why is Booker and Christian fighting?


Well, that would be over the only belt that matters on RAW, and the whole Christian screwing Booker in the Battle Royale from Judgement Day.


Why is Bischoff and Austin doing their stupid lil shitfest?


Because two people sitting backstage drinking = ratings

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

BEcause Nash got screwed last month. Why they feuded last month, I'll never know. BUt thats the explaination for this match.


But that doesn't explain this match. These two guys supposedly "hate" each other and the cell is a manifestation of that hate - but there's no reason as to why they hate each other.


So each can prove to each other who the best ever was. Something like that.


Doesn't make sense. Why didn't they have this match before? They've been in the same promotion for a year - are we to believe that all of a sudden these feelings just started to bloom? Both men are clearly past their prime and a shells of their former selves, yet I hear this word "torch" being thrown around like it means something.


They've hated each other since WCW and have never fought. I think that's reason enough.


Goldberg has been with the company for 2 or 3 months, if this was such a intense hatred why didn't Jericho a)mention it before, and b)take out Goldberg in his first show there.


Why is Booker and Christian fighting?


Booker was screwed out of the IC title. He wants it. Christian has it and cheated to orginally win it. Simple enough.


Why does Booker want the IC title when he was in contention (and still is) for the World Title?

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Guest CanadianChick
BEcause Nash got screwed last month. Why they feuded last month, I'll never know. BUt thats the explaination for this match.


But that doesn't explain this match. These two guys supposedly "hate" each other and the cell is a manifestation of that hate - but there's no reason as to why they hate each other.


So each can prove to each other who the best ever was. Something like that.


Doesn't make sense. Why didn't they have this match before? They've been in the same promotion for a year - are we to believe that all of a sudden these feelings just started to bloom? Both men are clearly past their prime and a shells of their former selves, yet I hear this word "torch" being thrown around like it means something.


They've hated each other since WCW and have never fought. I think that's reason enough.


Goldberg has been with the company for 2 or 3 months, if this was such a intense hatred why didn't Jericho a)mention it before, and b)take out Goldberg in his first show there.


Why is Booker and Christian fighting?


Booker was screwed out of the IC title. He wants it. Christian has it and cheated to orginally win it. Simple enough.


Why does Booker want the IC title when he was in contention (and still is) for the World Title?

I didn't say they were all GOOD reasons. I'm trying here, give a girl a break. :P

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Guest undisputedjericho

I don't know if I'm gonna go see it or watch Rocky III on ESPN Classic.

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Guest Celtic Jobber

Well, I'm sure some people would like to see a Pauly Shore comeback as well, but I'm not one of them. :bonk:


(Although "Bio-Dome 2" sounds better than a Raw-only PPV...)

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Guest Just call me Dan
I can't wait to see what Steiner and Test pull out.  If Test busts his ass, I think this one can even be pretty good.

:huh: :huh: :huh:

I meant in a sense of it being a spotfest short Raw type match that is overbookeed and fun live. Test has a great moveset if he uses them all (top rope elbow is great) and if he is kept in a short match, he can keep it fast for 8 minutes. It could be fun, IMO.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

You were just the first person to respond CC, nothin personal, I had my mind made up already - there isn't a single match on that card that makes sense... except maybe Test/Steiner... Yeah, you know a build sucks when THAT is the best built match on the card.

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Guest Anglesault
I can't wait to see what Steiner and Test pull out.  If Test busts his ass, I think this one can even be pretty good.

:huh: :huh: :huh:

I meant in a sense of it being a spotfest short Raw type match that is overbookeed and fun live. Test has a great moveset if he uses them all (top rope elbow is great) and if he is kept in a short match, he can keep it fast for 8 minutes. It could be fun, IMO.

:huh: :huh: :huh:


Kane/Test was close to eight.

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Guest CanadianChick
I can't wait to see what Steiner and Test pull out.  If Test busts his ass, I think this one can even be pretty good.

:huh: :huh: :huh:

I meant in a sense of it being a spotfest short Raw type match that is overbookeed and fun live. Test has a great moveset if he uses them all (top rope elbow is great) and if he is kept in a short match, he can keep it fast for 8 minutes. It could be fun, IMO.

:huh: :huh: :huh:


Kane/Test was close to eight.

AS, I think you are way too obsessed with that match. Seriously, find another match. Find another dead horse to beat.

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Guest Anglesault
I can't wait to see what Steiner and Test pull out.  If Test busts his ass, I think this one can even be pretty good.

:huh: :huh: :huh:

I meant in a sense of it being a spotfest short Raw type match that is overbookeed and fun live. Test has a great moveset if he uses them all (top rope elbow is great) and if he is kept in a short match, he can keep it fast for 8 minutes. It could be fun, IMO.

:huh: :huh: :huh:


Kane/Test was close to eight.

AS, I think you are way too obsessed with that match. Seriously, find another match. Find another dead horse to beat.

Find me a match that bad that isn't universally panned.

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Guest Mole

Triple-Juice vs Kevin Nash - I'd rather watch my pubic hair grow.


Jericho vs Goldberg - How can this match be good? Goldberg has 4 moves, Jericho is the king, but he won't be able to carry him to a good match. And who is going to get blammed if this match is bad? Jericho.


Ric Flair vs HBK - This will be good


Christian vs Booker T - This has potential, but it will end up lasting 7 minutes so HIAC can have more time.


La French vs RVD/Kane - La French is so bad, Benoit/Angle would have a hard time getting a good match out of them. And watch La French win too.


SCSA vs Bischoff - Ahhh, no


Steiner vs Test - I'd rather watch Nash/Juice than this.


Basically, this card isn't that good. There is going to be one good match, maybe two with Booker/Christian. However, one match never gets me to buy a $34.95 PPV.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

I may order it...lets look at the number of matches that have potential to provide complete and utter travesty:

-Obviously Nash/HHH is a trainwreck waiting to happen.

-Test/Steiner's most entertaining

moment will probably be Test still trying to slap his leg for added effect on the boot despite the lack of leather pants.

- La Resistance/Kane and RVD features a piece of shit, 2 guys who are green as fuck and a spot machine who stopped caring 3 months ago.

-Ric Flair/HBK has been built up great but as far as quality, it is hit or miss. It could be great or could be complete shit. I'm getting the feeling there may be no in between, it will either rock or disgust millions.

- Goldberg/Jericho will feature Jericho holding Goldberg's hand to a good match and then getting treated liek a jobber and POSSIBLY put in a wheelchair.


So yes, basically, Christian/Booker is the only thing that doesn't completely horrify me. I'll skip this one.

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