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Guest croweater

Invasion take 2

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Guest croweater

Ok... The first time, the angle to end all angles was..... well crap.

This was for a couple of main reasons.

1. Steph was at the booking helm

2. a majority of WCW superstars sat out their contracts with Time/Warner instead of signing with WWE.

3. Stone Cold (a WWE superstar) lead WCW...... that does not make sense.

4. Rock was the WCW Champ ...... that does not make sense.

5. All WCW superstars were buried


But now, with Booker T, Goldberg, Steiner... perhaps Sting, Rey Jr, Ultimo Dragon, Jericho, Benoit, Nash, Gurerro........ and countless other former WCW superstars on the roster an invasion begining now would have some strength behind it....... They could use the old "Taking time out after "Invasion" (the PPV) to regroup and then come back even stronger." Shane O'Mac could be at the front once again, being bitter about his one and only venture going down the drain and turn into a psycho son of a bitch ( as oposed to a whiney little bitch) determined to take the WWE down.


I think it would be cool, and may be something that could get WWE back up to where they used to be.

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Guest Damn You Helmsley

The idea of re-hashing the Invasion doesn't appeal to me. I don't see what it would accomplish. But if they were to do it, I'd much rather have Bischoff at the front than any McMahon.

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Guest croweater

I'd like to see it done because it was fucked up so badly the first time.

Bichoff would be obviously the best choice for the leader of the faction (why I didn't think of him before I don't know). But even if it was more "stable" like it would at least be an angle they could build on and center feuds and wrestling around.

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Guest Alcohol Fueled

Pitiful idea. How the hell are they gonna do a better job when they had a perfect opportunity to do it the first time. The creative team is full og fucking idiots. I hop they don't attempt it.

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Guest Adrian 3:16

One of the number one rules of wrestling is never repeat the spot. This should hold true for storylines too. What good does it do for them to come out and say "InVasion sucked, so we're going to do it over and this time it'll be better, we promise!" :bonk:


And why do you complain about Stephanie (not that I disagree on that one) and Stone Cold leading the Invasion last time but have no problem with Shane? Shane is one of the most annoying characters ever to set foot on my screen, if I ever see him back in any capacity it'll be too soon.

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Guest Just call me Dan

There would be no one salivating for it. Now, in ten years, if there is another company to hit mainstream and gives great competition with marketable stars and a big fanbase, mayb then we can go for take 2. All of these guys already have their established roles and it would be rather predictable as to who would win, and we've probably seen half the matches they would throw at us. There are no dream matches waiting to happen with an invasion storyline.

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Guest Kid Kablam

Well, it's one of those things where, I would like to see it done right, but if they fucked up AGAIN....well, I don't even want to think of what state that would put the company in. I think it would be best to allow the angle lie in its grave, move on, and let the fantasy bookers have endless arguments over how it should have been done. After all, isn't that kinda fun. Also, one of the major gripes with the angle was that WCW had no star power. People asked "Where are Hogan, Nash, goldberg, Big Poppa Pump, and Sting? Well, with the exception of sting, they're all there, and they've all been exposed as broken down, overbooked pussies. So the WCW squad would consist of the Jobbers that the original group consisted of, and a bunch of exposed has beens. Yeah, THAT would go over well. The only solution would be to reunite the likes of Jericho, Benoit, and any other WCW refugee to lead the force. But why would Benoit have any sympathees with WCW, didn't he leave cause he was mistreated? And what of the ECW stars? Well, there's Rhyno, and.... Rhyno.... and.... Dreamer.... and..... well, you get the picture. So let's just let the Invasion join the New blood angle as a failed and misused angle that should stay dead.

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Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy

It would get me to watch again.


Have Bischoff lead Hogan, Goldberg, Steiner, Nash, Mysterio, and others against Rock, Triple H, Michaels, Jericho, Lesnar, Angle


Consider me in.

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Guest BobBacklundRules

I think it would work again, I've been thinking about this. Instead of spliting into two factions and then doing the "brand split" with one wwe and one alliance, it would be the other way around, with the brand split completed and then having one brand becoming the alliance federation.


It would be easy, Biscoff goes over Austin as 100% owner of raw and rehashes the alliance because the first one failed. Austin leaves raw with all other WWF wrestlers to smackdown and all alliance members move over to bisch's raw. But this will never happen.

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Guest Vyce
Bret Hart is coming to led the invasion.

It's true! I saw it on 1wrestling.com.


2. a majority of WCW superstars sat out their contracts with Time/Warner instead of signing with WWE.


And now, hindsight being 20 / 20, what a smart move this was.


A) They didn't have to become job boys like the rest of the WCW guys, and


B) They just sign with the WWE later on for big bucks anyway.


C) In the mean time, they collect those fat Time / Warner checks.

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Guest godthedog

would never work. the whole appeal of the invasion was the novelty value of having wcw stars on a wwf show. the novelty's already worn off, no one would care.

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Guest C-Bacon
would never work.  the whole appeal of the invasion was the novelty value of having wcw stars on a wwf show.  the novelty's already worn off, no one would care.

...Unless they made WCW a seperate brand complete with old school Nitro theme music, website and Shiavone (sp?) commentating, completelty seperate from the WWE

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Guest AndrewTS
would never work.  the whole appeal of the invasion was the novelty value of having wcw stars on a wwf show.  the novelty's already worn off, no one would care.

...Unless they made WCW a seperate brand complete with old school Nitro theme music, website and Shiavone (sp?) commentating, completelty seperate from the WWE

The whole promotion is WCW in everything but name only and production values.


Hardly anyone would give a shit.

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Guest JMA

Who would lead this WCW? Goldberg? Hogan? Nash? Steiner? Yeah right. Goldberg is just a squash machine and the other three are broken down has beens. WWE missed their oppurtunity. They ruined the greatest angle EVER.

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Guest razazteca

Please no more invasions unless it is a MMA one with Bob Sapp, Tito Ortiz, and some UFC or Pride workers.


This will be the angle to end all angles.

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Guest wwF1587

to me it would still be just WWE VS WWE.... face it, its been what.. two years now since the invasion and they fucked it up REAL badly.. yeah they didnt have nash, goldberg, hogan, or bischoff at the time but it still shouldnt have been the disaster it was...i get real depressed when i think what could of been from it...had WCW and ECW been built up properly.. it could of been AWESOME...WWE VS WCW VS ECW would have ruled all for a few months.. then it could of gone to the point where they team up on WWE but they had to team WCW an ECW first night.. (dumbasses).. a few more months and WWE could of gotten the upper hand after getting their asses handed to them for a while when the nWo would show up forcing the two entities to resolve their differences and put an end to the NWO.. that could of gone on for a while and then they could all just be WWE right now.. ok thats just my idea but ANYway InVasion II wouldnt work...its all WWE now :angry:

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Guest kane3212321

The problem with the Invasion was, it wasn't really an Invasion at all. It should have been fight fight fight, WCW with their own production truck getting people to hijack the signal to show their own matches, promos during the commercials etc..... WWF should have been trying to keep WCW out etc....

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To be honest, I would like them to do another one because it can't be any worse than the god-awful product their torturing us with now.


But the fact is we saw the "invasion" storyline 5 years earlier in wcw and it was done a hell of a lot better.


If i want to watch an invasion again i just break out the old nitro tapes.

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Guest Army Eye

Wish I had Nitro tapes. I didn't have the foresight that that was as good as it was going to get in wrestling

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