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Opening Promo

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Welcome to my world. For those who don't know me, I am your newest idol, the next legend in HeldDOWN, Axel. For 3 years I have been waiting in the dark abyss for my opportunity. Now I have stepped out of the shadows and I am ready to wreak havoc on the first person that steps in my way. I am making my start, and I will not be denied.


All my life I have been persecuted for the way I am. I am 6 feet 2, 235 pounds, and I have power that you could only dream of. I have the technical skills of a veteran, the power of a hoss and the mind of a great. Mark my words, I will be champion.


They say that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing Humankind that he didn't exsist. Well, I do exsist. I will show you all that I exsist. But unlike the devil, I will not take peoples souls, just their minds.


When it is all said and done, all of you that cross my path, will feel the pain, taste the pain, and I will make you like the damn pain.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Nice. Although, I think you should either make an opening vid for show, or place this in the TOAOZMT instead of smack dab on the board.


Meh. That's just me though.

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