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Guest Ray

Top 10 Triple H matches

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Guest Ray

In honor of the greatest professional wrestler alive today, literally a god amongst men, I decided to start a topic dedicated to listing his top 10 matches ever.


What are they?



Triple H vs. Cactus Jack - Royal Rumble 2000

Triple H vs. The Rock vs. Kurt Angle - Summerslam 2000

Triple H vs. Chris Jericho - Fully Loaded 2000

Triple H vs. Steve Austin - No Way Out 2001

Triple H & Steve Austin vs. Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit - Raw May 2001





Heh, I could only think of five. ;)

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

In no particular order:


HHH vs. Rock - Iron Man Judgment Day 2000

HHH vs. Rock - Ladder Summerslam 1998

HHH vs. Rock - Backlash 2000

HHH vs. Jericho - Last Man Standing Fully Loaded 2000

HHH vs. Austin - 2/3 Falls No Way Out 2001

HHH vs. Foley - Streetfight Royal Rumble 2000

HHH vs. Foley - Hell in a Cell No Way Out 2000

HHH vs. Benoit - No Mercy 2000

HHH/Austin vs. Benoit/Jericho - Raw 2001

HHH/Radicalz vs. Rock/Foley/Rikishi/Too Cool - Raw 2000

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Guest kane3212321

I also like the Marc Mero vs. HHH match from Beware of Dog. That match gets overlooked alot by most people.

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Guest Aero

(No specific order)

HHH vs. Steve Austin (No Way Out 2001)

HHH vs. Cactus Jack (Royal Rumble 2000)

HHH vs. Cactus Jack (No Way Out 2000)

HHH vs. The Rock (Summerslam 1998)

HHH vs. The Rock (Judgment Day 2000)

HHH vs. Jericho (Fully Loaded 2000)

HHH vs. Marc Mero (IYH: Beware of Dog)

HHH & Austin vs. Jericho & Benoit (RAW, 5/21/01)

HHH vs. Benoit (No Mercy 2000)

HHH vs. Shawn Michaels (Summerslam 2002)


Notice how 7/10 of them all take place right before the quad tear.

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Guest wildpegasus

1)HHH vs Ultimate Warrior Wrestlemania No description can do this match justice. It had epic selling, a fantastic story, super pace, unreal stiffness and a legendary feel


2)HHH vs Benoit No Mercy-Some people have various opinions on this match but I think it's far and away HHH's best match as a face.HHH uses various Benoit trademark moves here.


3)HHH vs Jericho Last Man Standing


4)HHH/Austin vs Benoit/Jericho-Raw tag


5)HHH vs Jericho- I forget when this was but I really think this list could be filled out with Jericho matches

6)HHH vs Marc Mero-All of these guys matches were worth watching

7)HHH vs Taka

8)HHH vs Marc Mero Mr. Perfect interferes-This was a match from Raw where Henning betrays Mero and sides with Helmsley. I don't care what Foley says. Mero's matches are underrated and they're often better than Foley's

9)HHH vs Michaels-Years ago on the main event of a Raw. I really think the HHH/Michaels matches of today are extreamly overrated. I did enjoy this match though

10)HHH vs Booker T From the rescent Raw

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Guest Monday Night Jericho

No order:


RAW 2001 w/ Austin vs. Benoit/Jericho

FL 2000 vs. Jericho LMS

RR 2000 vs. Cactua Jack

NWO 2001 vs. Austin

NWO 2000 vs. Cactus Jack


Hmm that's all I can think of now.

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Guest Austin3164life

HHH vs. Rock (JD)

HHH vs. Rock (SS98)

HHH vs. Austin (NWO)

HHH vs. Benoit (No Mercy)

HHH vs. Shawn Michaels (SS 02)

HHH vs. Chris Jericho (Fully Loaded)

HHH/Austin vs. Jericho/Benoit (Raw is Quad)

HHH vs. Mankind (SS97)

HHH vs. Owen Hart (WM 14)


This is all I could really think of. I'm amazed that in each of his matches with Angle, they were both overbooked to hell.

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HHH vs. Cactus (Hell in a Cell)

HHH vs. Shawn Michaels (Summerslam '02)

HHH vs. The Rock (Iron Man)

HHH vs. Jericho (Last Man Standing)

Austin/HHH vs. Jericho/Benoit (Quad Tear one)

HHH vs. The Rock (Ladder Match, Summerslam '98)

HHH vs. TAKA Michinoku

HHH vs. Cactus Jack (Street Fight, Rumble)

And, for comedic relief, Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. The Ultimate Warrior (Mania)


THIS is my 1000th post? I was hoping it would be more meaningful.

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Guest Kane Fan

Vs Cactus - Royal Rumble (one of my favourite matches)

Vs. Cactus - No Way Out

Vs. Austin - No Way Out

Vs. Jericho - Fully Loaded


I'd also add his match with Kane to see if Kane could become #1 contender on Smackdown - but it's hardly a good match...

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HHH vs Cactus - No Holds Barred Raw 1997

HHH vs Cactus - Street Fight RR2000

HHH vs Rock - Backlash 2000

HHH vs Rock - Ironman Judgment Day 2000

HHH vs Jericho FL2000

HHH & Austin vs CVC - Raw 2001

HHH vs Austin - 3 stages of Hell NWO2001

HHH vs Cactus - HIAC NWO 2000

HHH vs Rock - Ladder SS1998

HHH vs Benoit - No Mercy 2000

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Guest two_tuff_toddy

"1)HHH vs Ultimate Warrior Wrestlemania No description can do this match justice. It had epic selling, a fantastic story, super pace, unreal stiffness and a legendary feel"


Thanks for reminding me how great this match was. To think I almost forgot about it. I'm going to get off here and go watch it right now to revel in it's perfection.

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Guest JaKyL25

#1--HHH vs. Cactus Jack, Royal Rumble 2000


DESPITE all the great stuff later from Angle, Benoit, Eddie, etc., to me this is STILL the best match of the '00s.


#2--HHH vs. Jericho, Fully Loaded 2000


Yes, I'm a sucker for brutal HHH brawls with a heated storyline and a mega-likeable face. See #1.


#3--HHH vs. Rock, Judgment Day 2000


Still Rocky's best match ever, IMO slightly better than HBK vs. Bret.


#4--HHH vs. Austin, No Way Out 2001


Doesn't hold up as well as I thought it would, but still well-booked. Plus, this match was the catalyst for Austin's heel turn, which is a big plus. :D


#5--HHH vs. Benoit, No Mercy 2000


I question how strong the argument for HHH's legwork being done to neutralize the Crossface is, but if you look at it that way it's a really good match.


#6--HHH vs. Chris Jericho, Raw, April 2000


Markout value alone. I've only marked out this hard once since then, when ECW "joined" the Invasion. Both moments were crushed later in the night, but I have my memories, darn it!


#7--HHH/Austin vs. Jericho/Benoit


Gotta give the man some props for working with a torn quad. Good match with a SUPREMELY satisfying ending that would be nullified less than a month later.


#8--HHH vs. HBK, Summerslam '02


Better than I thought it was upon first viewing, but still overrated.


#9--HHH vs. Cactus Jack, No Way Out 2000


I'm torn as to whether this or Taker vs. Lesnar is the second-best HitC match after HBK/Taker.


#10--HHH vs. TAKA, Raw, April 2000


He made us believe that TAKA MICHINOKU of all people was going to win the WWF Championship. Very nice.

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