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Guest Si82

WWE Judgment Day 2002

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Guest Si82

Video Review

WWE Judgment Day 2002

By Simon Mulvaney

June 9, 2003


Looking back at some of my previous reviews got me in the mood to write more of them. So we start with the first "WWE" PPV. By the way, if anybody has a review request then just let me know and I'll see what I can do.


- Live from Nashville, TN.


- Your hosts are Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross.


- WWE Intercontinental Championship Match: WWE Intercontinental Champion Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam - A bit of trash talking starts things off and end up with RVD getting a headlock and then a shoulder tackle for two. RVD hits a clothesline for another two count, followed up by a powerslam and then Eddie makes a sharp exit from the ring. The crowd starts up an "RVD" chant which quickly dies. Kinda odd, but never mind. Back in they lockup and Eddie takes control in the corner with some uppercuts. Eddie whips RVD into the corner but ends up eating boot followed by a moonsault. RVD follows up with a backdrop and then a legdrop for two. RVD gets a backbreaker for two and then stomps away on Eddie. RVD goes for the Mexican Surfboard. Eddie tries to block it but RVD hits a elbow drop and then gets the move anyway. RVD actually gets a two count from this and then fires Eddie into the air. That looked really cool. RVD hits a standing moonsault for two. Eddie comes back with a right hand and then stomps away. Eddie continues to hammer on Rob for a bit. RVD tries to make a comeback but Eddie stops that. They continue to trade the advantage for a bit until RVD hits a monkey flip, a hotshot and then the Rolling Thunder for a two count. Rob goes for a suplex but Eddie reverses it into a pin for two but RVD hits a spinning heel kick to take him down. RVD goes up for the Five Star Frog Splash but Eddie puts a stop to that and then hits a powerbomb from the turnbuckles. Eddie heads up, making sure to note that he feels froggy, and misses his Frog Splash. RVD hits Eddie with a kick to take him down and then heads up and miss his Frog Splash. I sense a pattern beginning to develop here. They do a criss-cross and RVD gets a crossbody out of it for two. Eddie hits an uppercut but Rob gets a backslide for two. Eddie gets his own backslide and uses the ropes for the pin at 10:59. Winner: Eddie Guerrero. A good little opener, it should have been given more time though. ***1/2


- Backstage Reverend D-Von leads Deacon Batista, Stacy Keblier and Vince McMahon in prayer. Boy that gimmick didn't really go anywhere did it?


- A "WWE - Get The "F" Out" promo is shown.


- WWE Women's Championship Match: WWE Women's Champion Trish Status vs. Stacy Keblier - Reverend D-Von & Deacon Batista are in Stacy's corner and Bubba Ray Dudley is in Trish's corner. Trish attacks Stacy to start but Stacy hits a crappy looking kick for two. Stacy gets a backdrop and that also gets two. Trish regains control and slaps on a Boston Crab which leads to a couple of near falls for both women. Trish gets a neckbreaker for two and then knocks Stacy out of the ring with a kick. Bubba makes sure to mock Stacy on the outside and gets a slap for his trouble. The referee is distracted by the outside goings ons and Batista slams Trish behind his back. That gets two for Stacy. This is just crap. Trish gets a kick, and then we get a botched spot with Batista which leads to the worst ever Bulldog, no contact folks!, for the pin at 2:54. Winner: Trish Stratus. Pointless crap. DUD After the match D-Von and Batista put Bubba through a table.


- Backstage Arn Anderson & Ric Flair kiss and make up with Vince McMahon.


- Hardy Boyz vs. Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman - The Hardyz attack Brock on the outside before the bell and then go after Heyman. Brock comes to the rescue and the match stars with Brock and Jeff. Brock hammers on Jeff in the corner. He whips Jeff to the corner but eats boot. Jeff comes off the turnbuckles but Brock catches him and blasts him with overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Matt tags in he hammers on Brock for a bit. Brock regains control and beats on Brock in the corner while the crowd chant "Goldberg". Brock hits a powerslam and then a backdrop. Brock hammers Matt with a backbreaker and then beats on Matt in the corner again. Matt manages to come back with a tornado DDT and then tags in Jeff. He manages to get a corkscrew moonsault and then the Hardyz follow it up with a double legdrop. The most annoying thing about this match in JR's commentary and the way he continually insults Paul Heyman. For crying out Jim give it a friggin' rest will ya? Matt clotheslines Brock out of the ring and they go after Heyman. They beat on him for a little bit until Lesnar comes back and hammers them. Brock hits the F-5 on Jeff and the tags in Heyman who gets the pin at 4:48. Winners: Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman. Nothing more than an extended squash to put Brock over. 1/2*


- "WWE Live" and "Divas: Tropical Pleasures" promos are shown.


- Backstage Marc Lloyd interviews Booker T and asks him his thoughts on joining the nWo but Booker gets distracted by a ringrat and gets her hotel room key.


- A video package of the Stone Cold Steve Austin/Ric Flair/Big Show feud is shown.


- Big Show & Ric Flair vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin - Austin hammers on both men to start things off. The match starts off properly with Austin and Show. Austin slaps on a figure-four leglock on Show but Flair breaks that so Austin puts one on Flair instead. Austin goes outside and grabs a chair but the referee takes it off him so he gets another and then gives the ref the finger. Finally, Flair and Austin start things off with Austin knocking down Flair and then hammering away. Flair rolls out of the ring while Austin stops for a beer. Is this match ever going to start? Flair gets a headlock and knocks down Austin but he comes back with a back bodydrop. Flair regains control with a poke to the eye and then lays in with the chops in the corner. Austin comes back with chops of his own and then we get the Flair Flop. Austin gets another back bodydrop and then Austin hammers on him the corner and takes him down with a clothesline. Flair tags in Show and he hammers on Austin in the corner. They lockup and more hammering ensues. Austin manages to regain control but Show knocks him down with a boot. Flair tags in and gives Austin a low blow. Big Show laughs away in the corner while Flair stops to take time out to insult some fans at ringside. He's such a class act. They get in to an exchange of chops with the fans whooing and whating all the way. Flair heads up top and gets slammed off, as usual, by Austin. Austin stomps a mudhole in Flair in the corner. Show comes in and hits Austin with a powerslam. That gets two for Flair. Flair stomps away on Austin and unloads with more chops. This is turning into a chopfest. How about a few more moves guys? Flair begins to work on the legs of Austin and then tags in Show who continues to work on the legs of Austin. Flair tags in and goes for the figure-four leglock but Austin reverses it into a cradle for two. Flair goes right back to the legs again and then finally gets the figure-four on Austin. Austin reverses the move but Show comes in and breaks it up. Austin gets a backslide for two. More chops are exchanged and Austin hits a weak looking spinebuster. Austin goes for a figure-four of his own but Show breaks it up. This should be Big Show's role in life. The tag partner who waits on the apron for the tag and breaks up moves. It would be better than his endless main event pushes. Shows makes the tag but gets booted in the face a couple of times and then beaten down by Austin. Flair comes in and he gets hammered too. Austin hits another crappy spinebuster for two. X-Pac heads down to the ring while Austin gives Big Show the Stone Cold Stunner. X-Pac gets one for his trouble and so does Flair to finish the match at 15:36. Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin. Amazing, a decent Big Show match. All thanks to Austin and Flair. ***


- Lawler and Ross shill the Global Warning Tour of Australia.


- A video package of the Kurt Angle/Edge feud is shown.


- Hair vs. Hair Match: Kurt Angle vs. Edge - The loser of the match will have his head shaved bald, in case you didn't know. Anyway, to the match. Lockup to start and Angle takes Edge to the corner but it gets broken up. Another lockup and Angle gets a front facelock followed by shoulderblock to take Edge down. Edge comes back with a rollup for two. Angle regains control and hammers on Edge. Edge comes back and throws Angle to the outside. Edge knocks Angle down with a baseball slide and then throws him back in the ring. Angle regains control by stomping on Edge as he gets back in the ring. Edge comes back with a back bodydrop. Edge ties Angle up in the ropes and hits him with a spear. He goes for another one but Angle catches him and suplexs him out of the ring. Nice move. Back in, Angle beats on Edge for a bit in the corner. The crowd start up an "Angle Sucks" chant. Philistines. Edge comes back with some chops in the corner but Angle puts a stop to that with a spinebuster for two. Angle chokes Edge out in the ropes and then stomps away. Angle continues to beat on Edge for a bit and then hits a DDT for two. Angle slaps on a chinlock. Edge break out of it but Angle comes back with a suplex for a two count. Angle goes for a front facelock. Edge powers out of and hits an overhead belly to belly suplex and both men are down. They both get back up and Edge hits a flying forearm, a clothesline, a leg lariat, and then the Edge-O-Matic for two. Angle comes back with an overhead belly to belly suplex but Edge comes back and knock Angle to the outside. Edge goes out after him with a crossbody and both men are down. Back in, Edge comes off the top with a missile dropkick for a two count. Angle comes back with a suplex and both men are down again. The crowd are really getting into the match at this point. Angle goes for a suplex but it's reversed into a rollup for two. Edge heads up to the top but Angle superplexs him off. That's always a cool spot. It gets a very close two count for Angle. Edge kicks Angle into the corner and gets a tornado DDT for two. Angle throws Edge into the ropes and Edge goes for the spear coming off but hits the referee instead. Angle gets a dodgy looking suplex and then grabs a chair from the outside. Edge gets the spear before Angle can hit him and goes for the cover but the ref is still down. Edge goes for another spear but Angle kicks him to stop that. Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Edge gets another spear for two instead. Edge goes for the Edgecution but Angle gets out of it and hits a spear of his own. Angle hits Edge with the Angle Slam but it only gets a two. Angle is pissed and slaps on the Anglelock but Edge breaks free with an ensugri. Angle goes for another Anglelock but Edge breaks free again and gets a cradle for the pin at 15:27. Winner: Edge. That was an entertaining match. A little slow to start but it really picked up steam halfway through and the crowd really started to get into. ***3/4 After the match Angle beats on Edge until he gets Edgecutioned. Edge drags Angle to the barber, located next to the set, but he manages to escape the chop, for now...


- Meanwhile Booker T and the ringrat look to be getting it on at the hotel until Booker finds out Goldust is also in the bed. So Booker storms out of the hotel room.


- A WWEShopzone.com promo is shown.


- A video package of the Triple H/Chris Jericho feud is shown.


- Hell In A Cell Match: Chris Jericho vs. Triple H - Both men talk some trash to start until a slugfest breaks out with Jericho gaining the upperhand until Triple H takes him down with a kneelift. Triple H hammers on Jericho in the corner for a bit and then throws him out of the ring. The brawl outside of the ring and then Jericho gains control back in with a flying forearm. Jericho lays in with chops in the corner until Triple H reverses that and Jericho ends up running into the ringpost. Two minutes in and Jericho is already taking a pasting, poor guy. Triple H goes to the outside and rams Jericho into the side of the cell a few times. Back in, Triple H continues the beating with a couple of clotheslines and a suplex for two. Jericho regain control by knocking Triple H out of the ring and the beats on him for a bit. Jericho tries to throw Triple H into the cage but it's reversed and Jericho eats stairs. Triple H looks to piledrive Jericho on the stairs but Jericho fights out and catapults Triple H into the side of the cell. Jericho grabs a ladder, of all things, from under the ring and charges at Triple H with it. Jericho starts to grate Triple H's face against the cell and then belts him with the ladder again, in the ring this time. Jericho throws Triple H into the ladder and then he falls to the outside, hitting the steps on the down. Triple H is busted open at this point. In fact, he was probably bleeding after the first hit with the ladder. Anyway, Jericho slaps Triple H about on the outside and then throws him into the cage again. Jericho puts the ladder in the ring and then throws Triple H in as well. Jericho runs at Triple H with the ladder but Triple H stops it with a chair shot. Where the Hell did that chair come from? Triple H gives Jericho another chair shot but Jericho fights back and bulldogs Triple H into the ladder. Jericho grabs the steps from outside but Triple H uses a drop toe hold to ram Jericho, face first, into the steps. Triple H gets a facebuster on Jericho and then throws the stairs at him. I think Jericho is busted up now, I'm not sure thought. Outside, Triple H throws Jericho into the cell and then they head back in. Triple H tosses Jericho into the ropes but he hits referee Tim White and he goes sailing into the side of the cage. Meanwhile, Jericho nails Triple H with the chair and goes for the cover but the White is still out. So Jericho, being the good soul that he is, goes out to check on the ref and then throws him into the side of the cafe and he's busted open. Well, if the ref can't do his job then he deserves to be beaten up. Jericho stomps on Tim White and then gets back in the ring and spinebusted by Triple H. More referees open up the cage door with some boltcutters and they get White out of the cell. Meanwhile, Triple H goes for his trusty "Fisher Price Sledgehammer of Doom™" and nails Jericho with it. He goes for the cover but the refs are more concerned with Tim White. Triple H has words with the other referees while Jericho crawls out of the cell. Triple H follows but Jericho smashes him in the face with door to gain control. They brawl around the outside of the cage and then Jericho starts to throw pieces of Spanish announce table at Triple H. Jericho sets Triple H up for a Pedigree on the Spanish announce table but it's reversed into a DDT instead. Triple H finds an extremely handy barbed-wire 2x4 so Jericho climbs the cell to avoid a beating. Triple H follows him up, 2X4 and all but Jericho grabs it and nails Triple H in the back with it. Jericho gets the Walls of Jericho on the top of the cell while a ref makes his way up. Triple H breaks free, hits a lowblow, and then goes for the Pedigree. Jericho backdrops out it. Triple H belts Jericho in the head with the 2x4 and then hits the Pedigree on top of the cell for the pin at 24:35. Winner: Triple H. Another good match that picked up steam as it went along. In the long run it was totally pointless but still entertaining. ***1/2


- Backstage Kurt Angle hides from Edge.


- Another "WWE - Get The "F" Out" promo is shown.


- Meanwhile, at The World, Maven and Torrie Wilson are on a date.


- WWE Tag Team Championship Match: WWE Tag Team Champions Billy & Chuck vs. Rico & Rikishi - Rico was managing Billy & Chuck at the time and had been chosen by Vince McMahon as Rikishi's tag team partner for this match. Yes, it really is as lame as it sounds. Billy and Rico start things off with Billy getting the upperhand to start but Rikishi comes back. Chuck comes in and the champs flapjack Rikishi. Billy misses a dropkick and goes for a tag but Rico is busy arguing with some fans in the front row. Billy hits a neckbreaker and then tags in Chuck. Chuck hammers on Rikishi in the corner for a bit and then suplexs him for two. Billy tags in and get a Fameasser for a two count. Chuck tags in and he beats on Rikishi for a bit. Rikishi comes back and gets a suplex for two. Rikishi gets a back bodydrop, a Samoan drop, and then a buttdrop for another two count. Chuck gets a dropkick and this match descends into an utter mess. Rico comes in and nails Chuck with a kick, by accident of course, and the Rikishi takes him out. Rikishi gets the cover and the pin at 3:51. Winners and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions: Rico & Rikishi. That was just mess and a pointless one at that. DUD


- Backstage Edge catches up with Kurt Angle but Angle gets the upperhand and drags Edge out to the barber. Edge comes back, puts Angle out with a sleeper, and Angle finally has his head shaved.


- Lawler and Ross shill the next PPV, King Of The Ring. Which turned out to be the last one.


- A video package of the "dire" Hollywood Hulk Hogan/Undertaker feud is shown.


- WWE Undisputed Championship Match: WWE Undisputed Champion Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs. Undertaker - I am not looking forward to watching this again. I need booze to get through this. Taker and Hogan trade belt shots before the match starts. The match starts properly with a very weak looking slugfest, and I would like to put emphasis on the term "slug", then Hogan hammers on Taker in the corner. Hogan chokes Taker and gives him a back bodydrop and clotheslines him out of the ring. Why the Hell do people cheer when Hulk rips his shirt off? It's not like it's some huge feat of strength of anything. They brawl outside the ring and Taker gets thrown into the stairs. I wonder if this being performed in slow motion. It would seem that way. Back in, Taker get control and works on the arm of Hogan. Taker goes for the Old School (walkrope) but gets crotched instead. Hogan gets a superplex for two. Hogan hammers on Taker with more slow motion punches. I get it now, it's bullet time and this whole match is just a digital effect. I wish. Hogan goes for a clothesline but Taker ducks and chopblocks Hogan's leg. Taker begins to work over the leg of Hogan now. First the arm and now the leg. What next? This match is just so dull, I have nothing of interest to say about it, other than insults of course. Plenty of those. Hogan makes a comeback with some crappy punches but Taker uppercuts him to stop that. Hogan comes back again and hits the big boot but Taker blocks the legdrop and slaps on a half crab instead. Hogan makes the ropes and Taker works over Hogan in the corner. Taker goes for a big boot himself but Hogan ducks and he gets crotched on the top rope. Hogan goes for a clothesline but misses and Taker hits "The World's Worst Chokeslam™" for a two count. God that was bad. Hulk starts to "Hulk Up" and the usual crap follows topped off with the big boot/legdrop combo. It only gets two though. That's it, Hulk's screwed now. Taker gets his usual dire looking DDT for two. Vince McMahon makes his way out and distracts the referee while Hogan goes for the pin. Hogan brings McMahon into the ring and gives him a legdrop. Meanwhile, Taker blasts Hogan with a chair from behind and gets a chokeslam to finish this rubbish at 11:21. Winner and NEW WWE Undisputed Champion: Undertaker. Utter shit. DUD After the match Taker beats on Hogan with a chair.


- Overall: A bunch of good matches smattering the card make this one to watch. Just avoid the crap and stop watching after the Hell In A Cell match. Unless you enjoy watching two old guys beat each other up in slow motion that is. Recommended.


Feedback Apreciated!

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Guest Si82
Great rant.

Thanks very much.


It's always nice to see positive feedback.


I might try and get another one up sometime this week, if I have time.

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Guest kingkamala

Do you have any WCW from 95- early 96(Pre NWO)? SK has reviews of them but they're either really old (AKA they suck) or he does them half assed.

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Guest Si82
Do you have any WCW from 95- early 96(Pre NWO)? SK has reviews of them but they're either really old (AKA they suck) or he does them half assed.

I've only got Halloween Havoc '95 from that time period.


It's a bit harder to get old WCW stuff here in the UK as a lot of it, including that period, was never released over here.


But I can cover Halloween Havoc for you if you want.

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Guest kingkamala

That'd be cool. Also another suggested review is In Your House: It's Time(The one where HBK calls Sid luggage and has the main event of Bret Hart Vs Sid). Scott Keith's review on that is really bad.

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Guest Si82
That'd be cool. Also another suggested review is In Your House: It's Time(The one where HBK calls Sid luggage and has the main event of Bret Hart Vs Sid). Scott Keith's review on that is really bad.

I haven't got that In Your House. Sorry.


But I'll probably start on Halloween Havoc later today and hopefully finish it before the end of the week.

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