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Guest wildpegasus

Benoit' future

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Guest wildpegasus

All right, what does everyone out there think is going to happen with Benoit?


1)Is he going to turn face or heel?


2)Will he remain titleless or will he capture the world or United States title?


3)When will he break out of his losing streak?


4)When will he be feuding with Lesnar or Angle?


5)How long before HHH comes over to Smackdown for his wedding and squashes Benoit?


Speculation/Ideas: RIght now I'm not sure whether they should turn Benoit heel or leave him as a face. Storyline wise it makes sense to keep him as a face but they have now obliberated Benoit for months and have completely forgotten the great story they had going of Benoit winning the title eventually as a face. His quest for the title hasn't been mentioned in a long time and there must now be a good portion of fans that have forgotten this giving him less heat. Since the WWE have screwed up with Benoit and Heyman's not there to look out for him anymore I think they're almost forced to make Benoit a heel. I have no faith in WWE promoting face Benoit anymore.

Benoit as a heel: I have a feeling the WWE is going to wimp out and promote Benoit as a heel citing his rescent losing streak as frustration for him turning although I have no dobut in my mind that this wasn't the WWE's original intention. The good thing is as a heel I believe Benoit's matches will be better. If they're going to go this route then they should bring back Heyman as his manager.(although I'd really mark for Anderson and Bret) Heyman needs someone to extract his revenge for Lesnar destroying him in their Smackdown cage match and Benoit now having snapped will do anything to get the title thus acquiring the services of Heyman. This could easily lead to Benoit getting the title off of Lesnar and enjoying a reign as champ. Benoit here should be built up well by constantly bragging how he just can't lose because he is the best techincal wrestler in the WWE winning his matches with all sorts of technical holds. This would make him look strong and give his opponents an underdog feel even though Benoit's often going to be smaller than his opponents.

If they want to keep Benoit as face than along with the great idea of him finally winning the title for himself and his family Benoit should get screwed often whenever he tries to get the title. Stephanie or whoever would put up seemingly unsurmountable odds in Benoit's way. The reason being that they don't want a "boring, uncharasmatic" wrestler as champion for the Smackdown brand. They could insult the crowd saying that the crowd is only smart enough to cheer for charasmatic entertainers and too stupid to cheer for wrestlers. This of course would have the opposite effect and automatically put over Benoit. Hey, as long as I'm booking I'd have Bret Hart show up (preferably in Alberta) and stop Vince, Stephanie or whoever from screwing Benoit in his big match where Benoit finally wins the title.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I really don't care. They've completely ruined him. Which was their whole objective, so congrats WWE!

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Guest Austin3164life

Ideas? How about a nice summer face vs. face feud against Lesnar for the title?

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Guest godthedog

i'm in the minority, but i prefer benoit as a face than a heel. i mean, his timing as a heel is good and all, & he's great at physically dismantling an opponent, but he's just not good at making people boo him. he works so much better when he's the hard-working underdog.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Benoit gets more reaction as a face than as a heel.

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Guest Thunder Rising!!!

IMO Benoit is a better as a heel as he can dish out his offense and just kick the face's ass so that the crowd will boo him.


But in the past even as a heel, people just want to cheer him because MOST of them know he is a great worker and it is his intensity in the ring that makes him a tweener.


He is getting great pops as a face now but i prefer him dising out punishment instead of being on the recieving end though he can really make his opponent look good when he sells.


My thoughts of Benoit's future is that he will make a good champion but not for the long term as he does not have the complete package that Vince wants like The Rock or Austin.


Right now he probably is going into a fued with his tag partner Rhyno but its not known whether he is a face or a heel yet. Between this 2, i prefer Rhyno as the heel as he can play such a bad ass heel. But only if the wwe allows him to.

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Guest godthedog

benoit's main problem as a heel is that his offense just looks too damn cool. did anyone watching summerslam want to boo him after the rolling hamerlock northern lights suplexes on rob van dam? of course not, cause it looked so damn cool. has anyone ever wanted to boo him for chopping the shit out of someone? i seriously doubt it, because it sounds so damn cool. even when he fought bret in the tribute match i wanted him to be on offense, & bret's my favorite wrestler ever.


heels are generally supposed to use more subtle & less flashy offense, so that when the babyface makes the big comeback with all the flashy moves the crowd instinctively gets more riled up. flair/steamboat is the perfect example of it, & benoit just doesn't tone it down very well. EDDIE~! has the same problem to a lesser extent, but he acts like a dick to the crowd in all the right places & a lot of times will choose a rest hold that looks kinda cool, instead of just going for the flashier move.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Benoit's future.


Job to Big Show

Job to Albert

Job to Taker

Job to the FBI

Job to Cena

Job to Crash


His win/loss record has been the shits the last couple months. Hate to see him wasted like this.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Benoit will get stuck in random tag teams for a while, and put over whoever Donkey Kong's challenger of the month is before every PPV.

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Guest Youth N Asia

That's the problem with a monster like Brock as a babyface champion...the only guy that looks like a threat to him is the friggin Big Show cause of the size deal.


They need to either have Benoit running people down or turn Brock heel for Benoit to be anywhere near the top.

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I agree that Benoit is a better face, but if I would have him heel since SD! is gonna need some, I'd have him feud with Angle, have Benoit align with Team Angle and say how Kurt may want it more since his neck surgery so Benoit had to get insurance. Hell, have him say that he took out Edge too, because he knew not everybody can come back from the neck injuries. Then you have a build-up for a feud in the future. On a related not if you were WWE wouldn't you film 4 or 5 different guys "attacking" guys in the back who are going to be out for awhile. That way if you're not sure, you can at least have an opponent for these guys when they come back.

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Guest Thunder Rising!!!
benoit's main problem as a heel is that his offense just looks too damn cool. did anyone watching summerslam want to boo him after the rolling hamerlock northern lights suplexes on rob van dam? of course not, cause it looked so damn cool. has anyone ever wanted to boo him for chopping the shit out of someone? i seriously doubt it, because it sounds so damn cool. even when he fought bret in the tribute match i wanted him to be on offense, & bret's my favorite wrestler ever.


heels are generally supposed to use more subtle & less flashy offense, so that when the babyface makes the big comeback with all the flashy moves the crowd instinctively gets more riled up. flair/steamboat is the perfect example of it, & benoit just doesn't tone it down very well. EDDIE~! has the same problem to a lesser extent, but he acts like a dick to the crowd in all the right places & a lot of times will choose a rest hold that looks kinda cool, instead of just going for the flashier move.

Made a great point there.

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Guest croweater

Benoit obviously has a lot of respect from Angle and hence most, if not all of the locker room. He puts on great matches, and the crowd really enjoys his PPV matches. He's going through a Bret Hart post 1994 Survivor series slump (crappy feuds featuring not over wrestlers) but could be buitl back up to the title in an instant because put him in a match with one person, give it 20 minutes and the man will get himself over. I predict for Benoit to WIN the title this year, probably at RR or maybe a bit after or before. It's only a matter of time before he becomes champion. I still have faith in the whole benoit scenario because he is just that fucking good. Bret Hart is my favourite wrestler of all time, and Benoit has all the abilities that Bret had, and then intensity tenfold to go with it. I can almost see them pulling out a frustration angle ala 1997 Bret HArt, and I think it would suit his character perfectly. A fued b/w Rhyno and him will get them both over. The WWE can not look at Benoit for soooo long, see his talent, see his support and not give him the title.

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Guest Ray
I really don't care. They've completely ruined him. Which was their whole objective, so congrats WWE!

Do you really think they were actively trying to ruin him?



I think it comes down to two things-


#1. They're stupid and don't know how to use him.

#2. They dont have faith in him, because, a) He's small and, b) He can't cut a promo.


I don't think they were trying to fuck him over, they're just stupid.




Benoit is not COMPLETELY buried yet. There is still a chance they could do something good with him.


I do smell a US title reign.....and that really wouldn't be too bad. He certainly would make the new title look great.

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Guest gansobomber

Benoit will never be completely buried until he retires as he can always get the crowd behind him

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Guest caboose

Personally I believe Benoit should be kept face. As godthedog pointed out, his ring work is starting to be really appreciated by even the marks. He was turned from tweener to a big time face because of his work with Angle earlier in the year. If the fans are starting to respect him, you really have to push him as a real silent killer. The promo thing doesn't hurt Benoit as much as did now simply because the fans know Benoit is all about the wrestling. Somewhere down the line there has to be a clash with Brock.

On a sidenote, trading Benoit to RAW would be the best solution, but alas it won't happen.

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Benoit WILL be the heel to beat Lesnar, possibly with interference from Heyman.

Lesnar has to lose sooner or later to keep the fans interested. The next match he's gonna have against a top line heel is against Angle at WMXX. That means he either keeps the belt for a whol year, or loses it to a heel, who then loses it to Angle who then turns setting up WMXX. At the moment, it looks like Angle and Lesnar will be feuding with Rhyno, Benoit or both later down the line. I think Benoit will get the belt before Rhyno does, therefore Benoit gets the belt.

The only alternative is have Lesnar job to Angle at Vengance and have Angle lose to Benoit.

Either way, Benoit will be champion by the end of the year.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Well you know I thought they were doing stuff with Benoit earlier this year. Him and Angle were the focal point of SD! Even during the Lesnar/UT feud and Lesnar/Big Show feud Benoit/Angle were showcased more.

Then there title feud was a big deal to. And now he isn't doing jack shit.

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Guest Goodear

With Angle back as a face, they simply have to turn Benoit and probably Rhyno as well due to a lack of credible challengers to Brock and Angle. There is no way the WWE can expect The Big Show, John Cena and Team *Insert Name Here* to carry the load as the top heals any longer than they already have. It would be crazy (which of course makes it entirely possible). Hopefully all the jobbing will lead to Benoit breaking out the fist of rage or something nice and hateful so we can get some actuall emotion in the main events.

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Guest it-lenny
I really don't care. They've completely ruined him. Which was their whole objective, so congrats WWE!

Benoit is going through a period where hes puting over talent. Some jobs are good, some are bad. Im sure, by the end of summer, he will get in another good feud and carry a strap.


It is frustrating to see him lose from a fan stanpoint but seeing a vet put over talent warms my heart :wub:


Much respect to the Crippler

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Putting over talent is one thing. Jobbing out to everyone is another.


He loses to Cena... who loses to Brock.

He loses to Ohaire... who loses to Hogan.

He loses to the Basham Bros... who loses to Guerrero/Tajiri

He loses to Angle... who loses to Brock.


He's not only losing, but he's losing to losers!

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Guest Youth N Asia

Benoit's jobs don't mean shit now. I don't mind that he put over Cena, since he was getting a ppv push. But there's no excuse for jobbing to the Bashem Bros and The FBI.


Although Benoit is kinda like Jericho, where you can hold him down forever and still seem to kinda stay at main event level.


But shit like this is why the shows are so bad now.

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Guest Rob Edwards

It's not like he's jobbing convincingley though, 90% of the time he's getting screwed over and keeping his heat with the crowd, anyway I'd like to see Benoit get a transitional reign with the belt as he obviously deserves it but at the end of the day as long as he gets 20-30 minutes to work with per show I couldn't give a fuck where he is on the card or what belt he's wrestling for

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Yeah but doing a bunch of tainted jobs is just as bad as doing a few clean ones. It could hurt him in the long run.

Hell all the screwjob losses are bad for Booker T. to.

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Guest Rob Edwards

Don't get me wrong it's still not good but it's not as bad as it could be


"I'm tired of being screwed over" is a lot easier angle to get the fans behind you with than "I'm tired of losing"

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The fans are associating "Benoit" with "loser" now... that's not good at all.

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Guest Rob Edwards

there's still ways out of it as it stands though, an "I'm going to play as dirty as them" angle for instance

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