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Guest Zack Malibu

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Guest Zack Malibu

One of our best shows to date. Everyone put in a hell of an effort this week, as we had a few debuts, and some nice, competitive matchups, along with OMG SWERVES all around.


Awesome show. Let's see how we do in the ratings ;).

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Guest MillenniumMan831

Another nice HD episode. I'm loving the TE/Machines duel! Excellent stuff!

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Guest Zack Malibu
Kinda channelling DJ Jeff with the credits weren't you Zack?

I didn't rap or rhyme? How is that channeling DJ Jazzy Jeff?


Oh...THAT DJ Jeff?


Nuts to you, 'boose, lol.

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Guest What?

YAY!! Black Label pick up the victory! WE R = GODZ!~!



Awesome show. Everything flowed perfectly together. Great work everyone.



and Zack, you wrote the Black Label/Mad Malibu match, correct? I would just like to say, you portrayed us EXACTLY the way I pictured it. Awesome work.

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Guest Kingpk

That was a long ass shower I took.


Anyway, great stuff all around. I'd like to know how people are digging my stuff. I just wanted to build my character up some since I didn't really do it that much since I've started.


For those who want in, there's now a post-HD ISketch room up. Under "User Created" of course. Wordlist: US.

Edited by Kingpk

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Loved the episode, the first one that I have read. Can't wait fro GAB.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

great show, but its a bit long


reminds me of the old shows before we split...

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
*I* was the Blacker Scorpion?! What the hell!?!?!?

you are so dead supershit

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Guest SP-1

Slacker, I apologize for the short Widow/Choko match. I'm starting to think that I'm best suited to just writing PPV matches these days with how little time I have.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

It was great.


Of course I wasn't expecting to win but I love that what Popick did to Rando will work great with an idea i have had...


...and may help me jump to the main event level later down the line when I begin to blame him for said idea

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Guest Anglesault



What in the name of Holy Fuck gave someone the impression that I'm from Philly?

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Guest CanadianChick


What in the name of Holy Fuck gave someone the impression that I'm from Philly?

Um, whoops?



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Guest Lightning Flik

Alright~! Now that I'm back, let's see what I have to say about feedback for this past hD. Feedback is what I thought at the time.


Nice opening segment via the Black Scorpion (or should I say, Supes) against Agnes. A little shorter than I would've liked, but it does help the storyline going along. As in longer, just would've liked more of a confrontation before the mask got pulled. But then again, that's my opinion.


The vid pack(?) of the Dream Machines and Totally Endorsed, as it shows of the team being total polar opposites to each other. Should be a good clash at GAB. One thing though, is Slacker even apart of Totally Endorsed or no? As he's continually shifted out of any TE segment unless it needs a goof off, but then again, that's my own fault I guess, so no biggy. Just curious.


Man... Really sorry about not being able to get my stuff in SP. That segment would've set up what I had nicely. Oh well. Still, nice little tidbit.


WTF? We go from you choosing between Candie and I to Colvid? Ok. Hm... Wow... Uh, short... Uh... Really short. I wasn't expecting an epic, but ... short. Ok. Good for what it was, but still. Short. I mean, I understand that grabing Colvid's leg WOULD help for the pin, but still. Short.


...did I mention the match of Colvid vs Parka was short?


Hex vs Caboose~! Let's see how this plays out. Hm, nice beginning, good build as my anticipation is growing, and damn~! Nice finish as it continues the storyline from the previous week(s) and really was well done. Good job.


Paul and Foshi and ??? segment was interesting, and nicely played. Curious though as to who it is (I've been skimming shows for a couple now, so I'm a little hazy on the storylines).


I knew there something was up when I hadn't seen Mad Matt's match yet (I was assuming sometime soon, but hey, he's going PRIME TIME) and nice hookup thanks to Malibu (and that's Zack, not Tiff). Again, Zack is only thinking about the lowercarders of the OAOAST. Also not to be outdone in the goodness, nice confrontation of Crystal and Brock. Definitely wanting to see a little more of the "attraction" of these two in a match.


...what the fuck... :( Dreams, you bastard. Now I really have to get my ass into gear and pull an amazing promo out. Great promo Shattered Dreams. You saved this whole feud. I was wondering why this feud was even going (he and I booked it on the fly, what do you expect?). Well, I'll have a response for that next week thanks to that. Nicely done Dreams, as you seemingly are kinda teasing at a turn, and also keeping the interest in this feud. Although Malibu vs Dreams will definitely have the tandum of Choko and Slacker at ringside. You will get screwed out of the title if those two have anything to say.


Choko vs Widow was short, but wasn't short like Colvid vs Parka. It had build and some feel to it, and thusly, I can't really be mad at Spider Poet for that. Besides, there's always the rematch for better and longer things. You know, with all these gals in OAOAST (or at least the hD side) we should get a Woman's Championship for them to battle over.


Brock and Anglesault vs Crystal and Some Guy. OH MAH GAWD~! WE'VE GOT A BLOWN SPOT IN THE MATCH BY THE ANNOUNCER~! ...oh, this automatically kills any expectations for this match that I had. ;) I was kidding. And as we start, well... We get a spotfest to start. Literially a lot of moves hit in a matter of moments on Brock at the moment. Meh. I'll let it slide, not really a complaint. Nice build as I'm expecting more to this match and then we get the finish that does the justice needed. Nice.


Trinty vs Toy Machines was nice. Nice build, both teams looked strong and that's all you can ask for really. Not too much to complain at, but gotta admit that the Rando getting killed thingy was nice for the imagination.


Oh my... Crystal almost sneaks away the 24/7 title from Parka. Funny stuff. Loved it. The 24/7 gets segments like that and it'll keep it's entertainment value as a title.


THE MAINF'NEVENT IS HERE~! And it's starts off as all tag matches should. BRAWL DAMN YOU FOUR! Mad shit to start off with, damn is this thing on fire early. Sparing commentary that kinda is lost if I don't actually take the time to notice. Ok, who the fuck is this Mad Matt guy, and promise me that Slacker never gets near him. *reads the Somersault Rocker Dropper thingy and loses it and goes Mark* HE F'N ROCKS~! ...NO~! NOT TRINITY~! FUCK NO~! DAMN YOU TRINITY BASTARDS~! YOU TAKE AWAY FROM THE MATTNESS THAT IS ROCKING THE FUCKING PLACE~! Ok. Whew, nicely tossed out baddie by Malibu. Way to go. Aw fuck no. Get away you Trinity bastards, kick Malibu's ass after the match. I said after the match. Ok, dammit. Don't listen to me, and get involved. I'll never watch another of your tag matches again. NO~! THE MATTNESS IS GONE OUT ONTO THE FLOOR~! Leaving Zack for the pickoff and he's out. DAMN THOSE TRINTY BASTARDS~!


^^^If you can't guess the above, I fucking loved the Main Event. And whoever fucking did it (Zack, of course, but hey, I can always be wrong) gets major f'n props.


Can heldDOWN do any wrong really? Really? Cause I mean, damn good show peoples. Maybe I'll actually do something for next week's show so I can be included in the category of people who rock.

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Guest SP-1

Yeah, Slack. I'm sucking at the match writing for weekly shows. I think I'll probably pull a WWE MAIN EVENT STYLE~! and just write PPV matches unless it's neccessary.

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Guest Kingpk
One thing though, is Slacker even apart of Totally Endorsed or no? As he's continually shifted out of any TE segment unless it needs a goof off, but then again, that's my own fault I guess, so no biggy. Just curious.

Hey, you want to get your ass kicked next, I'm all for it.


WTF? We go from you choosing between Candie and I to Colvid? Ok. Hm... Wow... Uh, short... Uh... Really short. I wasn't expecting an epic, but ... short. Ok. Good for what it was, but still. Short. I mean, I understand that grabing Colvid's leg WOULD help for the pin, but still. Short.


...did I mention the match of Colvid vs Parka was short?


Sooo, you're saying my match (I'm not Parka though) was too long?

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Guest Lightning Flik
WTF? We go from you choosing between Candie and I to Colvid? Ok. Hm... Wow... Uh, short... Uh... Really short. I wasn't expecting an epic, but ... short. Ok. Good for what it was, but still. Short. I mean, I understand that grabing Colvid's leg WOULD help for the pin, but still. Short.


...did I mention the match of Colvid vs Parka was short?


Sooo, you're saying my match (I'm not Parka though) was too long?

Sorry, Parka was the first person I thought of for some reason. God I read the thing totally, and I still fuck up. *sigh*


Considering Slacks has nothing better to do, why not?

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Guest Lightning Flik
Yeah, Slack. I'm sucking at the match writing for weekly shows. I think I'll probably pull a WWE MAIN EVENT STYLE~! and just write PPV matches unless it's neccessary.

Dude. I said it was alright. Geez, no worries about it. It was good. It had build, it had flair and it had filler. It was good. I wasn't saying it sucked. It was good.


That other short match of Colvid and KingPk's character (I can't remember the name for the life of me, dammit~!) kinda seemed like a squash.

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Guest The Amazing Rando



Me getting dropped on my head wasn't exactly the greastest visual ever... but I still f'n loved it...

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Guest Lightning Flik


Me getting dropped on my head wasn't exactly the greastest visual ever... but I still f'n loved it...

I was using sarcasm dude.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

I know... i'm just screwing around...


wait till you see the X title match i wrote up...you best like it (even though you are not involved in any way shape or form)

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Guest SP-1

yeah, Slack, it wasn't really your comments that are sending me into some kind of PPV only match-writing seclusion. It's a personal dissatisfaction with my weekly show match work.

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Guest Lightning Flik
yeah, Slack, it wasn't really your comments that are sending me into some kind of PPV only match-writing seclusion. It's a personal dissatisfaction with my weekly show match work.

oh. ok then

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Guest SP-1

But trust me . . . I want to make Great Angle Bash one of the damndest things ever seen.

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