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Guest Monday Night Jericho

Best matches for each wrestler

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Guest Monday Night Jericho

List the matches that you think are the best for each wrestler:


Jushin Liger

Kurt Angle

Mick Foley

Scott Steiner

El Hijo Del Santo

The Rock

Chris Benoit

Owen Hart

Dynamite Kid

Chris Jericho

Akria Taue


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Jushin Liger-He's had so many...wow. I'm gonna pick his match with Brian Pillman in Rutherford, NJ for his best match in the states. His best in Japan was either against Ultimo in 95 or against Sasuke in the J Cup 94.

Kurt Angle-Benoit at Royal Rumble 03. Hands down.

Mick Foley-Either against Vader at Halloween Havoc 93, against Sting at Beach Blast 94, or against HHH at Royal Rumble 2000. I'm picking Royal Rumble 2000

Scott Steiner-As a tag team with Rick vs. Sting and Lex Luger at SuperBrawl I

El Hijo Del Santo-Con OCTAGON~! against Eddy Guerrero and Art Barr at When Worlds Collide

The Rock-Steve Austin at WrestleMania 17

Chris Benoit-Sasuke at Super J 94

Owen Hart-Bret Hart WM 10

Dynamite Kid-Tiger Mask 11/29/82 (I think)

Chris Jericho-with Benoit vs. HHH/Austin in San Jose

Akria Taue-vs. Mitsuharu Misawa at Champions Carnival 95 Finals

Vader-His best match where his fully fledged monster status came out was his Strap Match with Sting. Absolutely unreal. I did like his match with Inoki at 1/4/96. Greatest. German. Ever.

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Guest Monday Night Jericho

Jushin Liger - vs. Sasuke J cup 94 although there is probably something a little better out there

Kurt Angle - vs. Austin SS 2001. I prefered it much more to the overrated Rumble match.

Mick Foley - vs. Austin OTE 98

Scott Steiner - w/Rick Steiner vs. Bret/Owen WF 94 or w/Rick vs. Hiroshi Hase/Kensuke Sasaki

El Hijo Del Santo - w/Octagon vs. Los Gringos WWC 1994

The Rock - vs. Austin WM17

Chris Benoit - vs Sasuke J cup 94. vs. Black Tiger BOTSJ 1995 is also up there.

Owen Hart - vs. Bret WM10 or vs. Benoit NJPW 1991

Dynamite Kid - vs. Tiger Mask April 1981

Chris Jericho - vs. Benoit J cup 95 or vs. Benoit RR 01 or w/Benoit vs. Austin/HHH

Akria Taue - w/Kawada vs. Misawa/Kobashi April 1995

Vader - vs. Kobashi (can't remember date)

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Guest Dynamite Kido

here are the best matches of the following:


Jushin Liger - I have seen some awesome matches with Liger from all over the world and many of them are ***** classics in my eyes. But I personally have to go with Liger vs. Pillman in their classic WCW Fued over the first installment of the Cruiserweight title. I picked this not because it's his best match, but because it was what introduced me to Jushin "Thunder" Liger.


Kurt Angle - Honestly I would have to go with Benoit vs. Angle (Royal Rumble 03)


Mick Foley - WOW, where do I begin with Foley. I would have to pick the Hell in the Cell where he went off of the top of the cage. I know this isn't his best match, but it is to me because I witnessed it live in person!!!!!


Scott Steiner - I couldn't justify picking one of his singles matches as the best of his career so I will pick one of his tag team matches that are what I feel is the best. I chose the Steiners vs. Sting/Luger from the 1991 Superbrawl.


El Hijo Del Santo - now this is a wrestler that I honestly can say that I haven't seen much of except for a few ECW matches and of course the AAA - When worlds collide PPV against Art Barr and Eddie Guerrero so that is the one I choose.


The Rock - Steve Austin from Wrestlemania 17, hands down.


Chris Benoit - definately against Sasuke at Super J 1994.


Owen Hart - vs. Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 10.


Dynamite Kid - 2/3 falls vs. Tiger Mask <---Greatest match of all time except for maybe Steamboat vs. Flair 2/3 falls


Chris Jericho - Chris Jericho's greatest match was very hard to call. But if I had to choose one, I would choose the four way dance for the ECW World TV title in 1996. So it was Jericho vs. 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Pitbull #2 vs. Shane Douglas.


Akria Taue - vs. Kenta Kobashi - 93


Vader - vs. Sting from Slamboree 1994

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Guest two_tuff_toddy

Jushin Liger

vs El Samurai - NJ Light Heavyweight Tourney Final - 4/30/92



Kurt Angle

Either against Benoit at 2003 Rumble or Austin at 2001 Summerslam. I'm partial to the Summerslam match.



Mick Foley

vs Shawn Michaels at IYH Mindgames.



Scott Steiner

I haven't seen most of his work in Japan so it's probably something over there but from what I have seen I would say Steiners vs Williams/Gordy - 6/12/92 - WCW



El Hijo Del Santo

I've seen practically none of his work but once again from the little I've seen I would say

16 Man Cibernetico Tag Match - 4/18/97 EMLL




The Rock

vs Steve Austin - Wrestlemania XVII




Chris Benoit

vs Bret Hart - Owen Tribute Match - 10/99 - Nitro followed very closely by:

Benoit vs Great Sasuke - J-Cup Finals - 1994 J-Cup



Owen Hart

vs Bret Hart - WWF Title Ironman Match - 7/9/94



Dynamite Kid

vs Tiger Mask I - WWF Jr. Title Match - 8/5/82



Chris Jericho

vs Chris Benoit - 2001 Royal Rumble


Akria Taue

I just want to say I DO NOT like Taue's singles work so I would say Taue/Kawada vs Misawa/Kobashi - AJ Tag Title Match - 6/9/95




vs Sting - Strap Match - Superbrawl III

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Guest wildpegasus

Jushin Liger- I'd say vs the Great Sasuke Jcup94. I loved the story of the young up and comer against the veteran and the "botched spot" at the end of the match.


Kurt Angle-vs Benoit at the Royal Rumble 2003. This played on some previous matches and had a fantastic ending sequence.


Mick Foley-vs Austin-match where the rules kept on changing


Scott Steiner-Steiners vs Benoit/Liger


El Hijo Del Santo- Unfortunately, I've only seen a few of his matches so I'll go with the AAA When World Collide PPV


The Rock-His series with Jericho and Benoit. I hated the Wrestlemania 17 match against Austin except for the Bret Hart sleeper spot


Benoit-vs the Great Sasuke JCup 94-This was a tribute to DK vs The Cobra as well as DK vs Tiger Mask.


Owen Hart-I can't remember Wrestlemania X so I'm going to go with the steel cage match against Bret at Summerslam


Dynamite Kid-vs Tiger Mask "2/3 falls" This may be my most watched match of all time. The spot at the beginning where DK lands on his feet just says "I've finally caught up to you. You've got your work cut out for you now." is just plain awesome. I've seen a lot of matches and I put this in "the top 5 most rewatchable bout ever" category.


Chris Jericho-I'm going with their JCup 95 match. If Benoit/Jericho ever got more time than the 15 min mark that they usually do I think they'd be turning some heads.


Taue-vs Kobashi where Kobashi wins the triple crown. Unfortunately, I haven't seen enough of Taue's acclaimed bouts. Looks like the rising dollar might change that though.


Vader-vs Sting King of Cable finals. I don't think I saw all of this bout but it impressed me enough to get the nod.

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Jushin Liger - vs Brian Pillman, New Jersey, Week before SB2(where he won the belt)

Kurt Angle - tie vs Benoit, RR03; vs Austin, SS01. I also prefer the Austin match.

Mick Foley - vs Austin, OTE

Scott Steiner - w/Rick Steiner vs Bret & Owen Hart, Wrestlefest 94

El Hijo Del Santo - At the AAA PPV. That's all I've seen form him

The Rock - vs Jericho, No Mercy 01

Chris Benoit - tie vs Sasuke, SJcup finals 94; vs Bret, Owen tribute. I prefer the Bret match because of the circumstances.

Owen Hart - vs Bret Hart, WM10

Dynamite Kid - vs Tiger Mask, MSG in 82

Chris Jericho - vs Benoit, RR01

Akria Taue - w/ Kawada vs Misawa & Kobashi

Vader - vs Sting, Superbrawl 3

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Guest alkeiper

Disclaimer- I have little Japanese knowledge, so if I pick a match where there is an obviously better one out there, I plead ignorance. This is just off what I've seen.


Jushin Liger vs Brian Pillman, Superbrawl II. This match made me a Liger mark before I even knew wrestling was fake.


Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit, Royal Rumble 2003


Mick Foley vs. Shawn Michaels, Mind Games.


Scott Steiner w/ Rick vs. Sting/Luger


El Hijo Del Santo (have never seen a Santo match)


The Rock vs. Austin, WM XVII


Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle, RR '03. Just because I have it on dvd.


Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart, WM X


Dynamite Kid vs. Dream Team, WM II. I choose this one for markout value.


Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit, Rumble '01.


Akria Taue (never seen)


Vader vs. Sting- Superbrawl III

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Guest DawnBTVS

Jushin Liger

- Super J Cup 1994 vs Great Sasuke

Kurt Angle

- Royal Rumble 2003 vs Chris Benoit

Mick Foley

- Mind Games 1996 vs Shawn Michaels

Scott Steiner

- Superbrawl 1991 w/Rick Steiner vs Sting/Lex Luger

El Hijo Del Santo

- When Worlds Collide vs Eddie Guerrero/Art Barr

The Rock

- Wrestlemania 17 vs Steve Austin

Chris Benoit

- Superbrawl 3(IIRC) vs 2 Cold Scorpio(This match had me marking out as a mark and I feel is one of the most underrated matches out there. Also Benoit's debut in WCW I believe)

Owen Hart

- Wrestlemania 10 vs Bret Hart

Dynamite Kid

- 2/3 Falls vs Tiger Mask

Chris Jericho

- Royal Rumble 2001 vs Chris Benoit

Akira Taue

- 6/9/1995 w/Kawada vs Misawa/Kobashi


-Halloween Havoc 1993(IIRC) vs Cactus Jack

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